# OpenVPN Puppet module Puppet module to manage OpenVPN servers ## Features: * Client-specific rules and access policies * Generated client configurations and SSL-Certificates * Downloadable client configurations and SSL-Certificates for easy client configuration * Support for multiple server instances Tested on Ubuntu Precise Pangolin, CentOS 6, RedHat 6. ## Dependencies - [puppet-concat](https://github.com/ripienaar/puppet-concat) ## Example ```puppet # add a server instance openvpn::server { 'winterthur': country => 'CH', province => 'ZH', city => 'Winterthur', organization => 'example.org', email => 'root@example.org', server => '' } # define clients openvpn::client { 'client1': server => 'winterthur' } openvpn::client { 'client2': server => 'winterthur' } openvpn::client_specific_config { 'client1': server => 'winterthur', ifconfig => '' } ``` Don't forget the [sysctl](https://github.com/luxflux/puppet-sysctl) directive ```net.ipv4.ip_forward```! # Contributors These fine folks helped to get this far with this module: * [@jlambert121](https://github.com/jlambert121) * [@jlk](https://github.com/jlk) * [@elisiano](https://github.com/elisiano)