2013-07-31 - Version 2.0.0


The 2.0 release focuses on merging all the distro specific
templates into a single reusable template across all platforms.

To aid in that goal we now allow you to change the driftfile,
ntp keys, and perferred_servers.

Backwards-incompatible changes:

As all the distro specific templates have been removed and a
unified one created you may be missing functionality you
previously relied on.  Please test carefully before rolling
out globally.

Configuration directives that might possibly be affected:
- `filegen`
- `fudge` (for virtual machines)
- `keys`
- `logfile`
- `restrict`
- `restrictkey`
- `statistics`
- `trustedkey`

- All templates merged into a single template.
- NTP Keys support added.
- Add preferred servers support.
- Parameters in `ntp` class:
 - `driftfile`: path for the ntp driftfile.
 - `keys_enable`: Enable NTP keys feature.
 - `keys_file`: Path for the NTP keys file.
 - `keys_trusted`: Which keys to trust.
 - `keys_controlkey`: Which key to use for the control key.
 - `keys_requestkey`: Which key to use for the request key.
 - `preferred_servers`: Array of servers to prefer.
 - `restrict`: Array of restriction options to apply.

2013-07-15 - Version 1.0.1
- Fix deprecated warning in `autoupdate` parameter.
- Correctly quote is_virtual fact.

2013-07-08 - Version 1.0.0
- Completely refactored to split across several classes.
- rspec-puppet tests rewritten to cover more options.
- rspec-system tests added.
- ArchLinux handled via osfamily instead of special casing.
- parameters in `ntp` class:
 - `autoupdate`: deprecated in favor of directly setting package_ensure.
 - `panic`: set to false if you wish to allow large clock skews. 

2011-11-10 Dan Bode <dan@puppetlabs.com> - 0.0.4
Add Amazon Linux as a supported platform
Add unit tests
2011-06-16 Jeff McCune <jeff@puppetlabs.com> - 0.0.3
Initial release under puppetlabs