# a wrapper around nagios_service to make it more convenient and
# also automatically an exported resource.
define nagios::service (
  $ensure                = present,
  $host_name             = $::fqdn,
  $check_command         = 'absent',
  $check_period          = undef,
  $check_interval        = undef,
  $retry_check_interval  = undef,
  $max_check_attempts    = undef,
  $notification_interval = undef,
  $notification_period   = undef,
  $notification_options  = undef,
  $contact_groups        = undef,
  $use                   = 'generic-service',
  $service_description   = 'absent',
  $use_nrpe              = undef,
  $nrpe_args             = undef,
  $nrpe_timeout          = 10,
) {

  # TODO: this resource should normally accept all nagios_host parameters

  $real_name = "${::hostname}_${name}"

  @@nagios_service {$real_name:
    ensure => $ensure,
    notify => Service['nagios'];

  if $ensure != 'absent' {
    if $check_command == 'absent' {
      fail("Must pass a check_command to ${name} if it should be present")
    if str2bool($use_nrpe) {
      include ::nagios::command::nrpe_timeout

      if $nrpe_args {
        $real_check_command = "check_nrpe_timeout!${nrpe_timeout}!${check_command}!\"${nrpe_args}\""
      } else {
        $real_check_command = "check_nrpe_1arg_timeout!${nrpe_timeout}!${check_command}"
    } else {
      $real_check_command = $check_command

    $real_service_description = $service_description ? {
      'absent' => $name,
      default => $service_description
    Nagios_service[$real_name] {
      check_command       => $check_command,
      host_name           => $host_name,
      use                 => $use,
      service_description => $real_service_description,

    if $check_period {
      Nagios_service[$real_name] { check_period => $check_period }

    if $check_interval {
      Nagios_service[$real_name] { check_interval => $check_interval }

    if $retry_check_interval {
      Nagios_service[$real_name] { retry_check_interval => $retry_check_interval }

    if $max_check_attempts {
      Nagios_service[$real_name] { max_check_attempts => $max_check_attempts }

    if $notification_interval {
      Nagios_service[$real_name] { notification_interval => $notification_interval }

    if $notification_period {
      Nagios_service[$real_name] { notification_period => $notification_period }

    if $notification_options {
      Nagios_service[$real_name] { notification_options => $notification_options }

    if $contact_groups {
      Nagios_service[$real_name] { contact_groups => $contact_groups }