class leap_mx { $leap_mx = hiera('couchdb_leap_mx_user') $couchdb_user = $leap_mx['username'] $couchdb_password = $leap_mx['password'] $couchdb_host = 'localhost' $couchdb_port = '4096' $sources = hiera('sources') include soledad::common include site_apt::preferences::twisted # # USER AND GROUP # # Make the user for leap-mx. This user is where all legitimate, non-system # mail is delivered so leap-mx can process it. Previously, we let the system # pick a uid/gid, but we need to know what they are set to in order to set the # virtual_uid_maps and virtual_gid_maps. Its a bit overkill write a fact just # for this, so instead we pick arbitrary numbers that seem unlikely to be used # and then use them in the postfix configuration group { 'leap-mx': ensure => present, gid => 42424, allowdupe => false; } user { 'leap-mx': ensure => present, comment => 'Leap Mail', allowdupe => false, uid => 42424, gid => 'leap-mx', home => '/var/mail/leap-mx', shell => '/bin/false', managehome => true, require => Group['leap-mx']; } # # LEAP-MX CONFIG # file { '/etc/leap/mx.conf': content => template('leap_mx/mx.conf.erb'), owner => 'leap-mx', group => 'leap-mx', mode => '0600', notify => Service['leap-mx']; } leap::logfile { 'mx': } # # LEAP-MX CODE AND DEPENDENCIES # package { $sources['leap-mx']['package']: ensure => $sources['leap-mx']['revision'], require => [ Class['site_apt::preferences::twisted'], Class['site_apt::leap_repo'], User['leap-mx'] ]; 'leap-keymanager': ensure => latest; } # # LEAP-MX DAEMON # service { 'leap-mx': ensure => running, enable => true, hasstatus => true, hasrestart => true, require => [ Package['leap-mx'] ]; } }