# Monitoring Server check_mk::filestore: 'puppet:///files/check_mk' check_mk::package: 'omd-0.56-rh60-29.x86_64.rpm' #check_parameters = [ # ( (95, 99), ALL_HOSTS, [ "fs_/boot" ]), # ( (3192, 3584), ALL_HOSTS, [ "JVM PODDSv3 Memory" ]), # ( (150, 200), ALL_HOSTS, [ "JVM PODDSv3 Threads" ]), # ( (4000, 6000), [ 'coherence' ], ALL_HOSTS, [ "Number of threads" ]), #] # Defaults: # hosts: ALL_HOSTS # tags: undef check_mk::check_parameters: 'fs_/boot': warning: '95' critical: '99' 'JVM MyApp Memory': warning: '3192' critical: '3584' 'JVM MyApp Threads': warning: '150' critical: '200' 'Number of threads': tags: [ 'coherence' ] warning: '4000' critical: '6000' 'fs_/': hosts: [ 'myhost1.domain.com', 'myhost2.domain.com' ] warning: '60' critical: '70' check_mk::host_groups: 'Puppet_Masters': host_tags: - 'puppet-master' 'My_App': description: 'My Application' host_tags: - 'my-app' 'My_DB': description: 'My Database' host_tags: - 'my-db' #ignored_services = [ # ( [ "windows" ], ALL_HOSTS, [ "LOG Security" ] ), # ( ALL_HOSTS, [ "NFS mount /home/" ] ) #] check_mk::ignored_services: 'LOG security': tags: 'windows' 'NFS mount /home/': hosts: - 'lnxuser1.domain.com' - 'lnxuser2.domain.com' # Monitoring Agent check_mk::agent::filestore: 'puppet:///files/check_mk' check_mk::agent::version: '1.2.0p3-1' # Set host tags based on built-in and custom facts check_mk::agent::host_tags: - '%{envtype}' - '%{kernel}' - '%{role}' - '%{location}' check_mk::agent::jolokia::server: '' check_mk::agent::jolokia::port: '8080' check_mk::agent::jolokia::user: 'monitoring' check_mk::agent::jolokia::password: 'tinstaafl' check_mk::agent::jolokia::suburi: 'jolokia' check_mk::agent::jolokia::instances: 'My-App': server: '' port: '8190' check_mk::agent::logwatch::keep_defaults: 'true' check_mk::agent::logwatch::logfiles: '/apps/tomcat1/logs/tomcat/catalina.*.log': critical: - '^SERVERE:' - '^ERROR:' warning: - '^WARNING:' ignore: - '^INFO'