# Define bundler::config
# All config settings for candiapp class
# == Parameters
#   [*user*]
#     App directory owner
#   [*config_flag*]
#     config flag for specific gem compile settings
#   [*app_dir*]
#     App directory where Gemfile is located
#   [*home_dir_base_path*]
#     Home directory of the specified user
#   [*use_rvm*]
#      Sets whether rvm is used. Defaults to true
#   [*rvm_bin*]
#     RVM install location. Defaults to /usr/local/rvm/bin/rvm
#   [*rvm_gem_path*]
#     RVM gem directory. Defaults to /usr/local/rvm/gems
#   [*rvm_gemset*]
#     RVM gemset to use. Defaults to global.
#   [*ruby_version*]
#     Ruby version for RVM purposes.
#   [*bundler_path*]
#     Bundler install directory
# == Examples
# == Requires:
#   class { bundler::install: }
define bundler::config (
  $home_dir_base_path = $bundler::params::home_dir_base_path,
  $use_rvm            = $bundler::params::use_rvm,
  $rvm_bin            = $bundler::params::rvm_bin,
  $rvm_gem_path       = $bundler::params::rvm_gem_path,
  $rvm_gemset         = $bundler::params::rvm_gemset,
  $ruby_version       = $bundler::ruby_version,
  $bundler_path       = $bundler::params::bundler_path
) {

  Class['bundler::install'] -> Bundler::Config[$name]

  if $user == 'root' {
    $home_dir = '/root'
  else {
    $home_dir = "${home_dir_base_path}/${user}"

  # Must use $bundler_path_real, otherwise cannot reassign variable error is thrown
  if $use_rvm == 'true' {
    $bundler_path_rvm = "${rvm_gem_path}/${ruby_version}@${rvm_gemset}/bin"
    $bundler_bin = "${rvm_bin} ${ruby_version} exec ${bundler_path_rvm}/bundle"
  else {
    $bundler_bin = "${bundler_path}/bundle"

  # Bundler doesn't respect uid. Use /bin/su to override this behavior for users
  # other than root.
  exec { "bundler_config_${name}":
    cwd       => $app_dir,
    command   => "/bin/su -c '${bundler_bin} config build.${name} ${config_flag} --gemfile=${app_dir}/Gemfile' ${user}",
    unless    => "/bin/grep -i \"BUNDLE_BUILD__${name}: ${config_flag}\" ${home_dir}/.bundle/config",
