  "mx": {
    // provider should define their own custom aliases.
    // these are in *addition* to the standard reserved aliases for root and postmaster, etc.
    "aliases": {},
    // this is the domain that is used for the OpenPGP header
    "key_lookup_domain": "= global.services[:webapp].webapp.domain"
  "stunnel": {
    "clients": {
      "couch_client": "= stunnel_client(nodes_like_me[:services => :couchdb], global.services[:couchdb].couch.port)"
  "haproxy": {
    "couch": {
      "listen_port": 4096,
      "servers": "= haproxy_servers(nodes_like_me[:services => :couchdb], stunnel.clients.couch_client, global.services[:couchdb].couch.port)"
  "couchdb_leap_mx_user": {
    "username": "= global.services[:couchdb].couch.users[:leap_mx].username",
    "password": "= secret :couch_leap_mx_password",
    "salt": "= hex_secret :couch_leap_mx_password_salt, 128"
  "mynetworks": "= nodes['environment' => '!local'].map{|name, n| [n.ip_address, (global.facts[name]||{})['ec2_public_ipv4']]}.flatten.compact.uniq",
  "rbls": ["zen.spamhaus.org"],
  "clamav": {
    "whitelisted_addresses": []
  "x509": {
    "use": true,
    "use_commercial": true,
    "ca_cert": "= file :ca_cert, :missing => 'provider CA. Run `leap cert ca`'",
    "client_ca_cert": "= file :client_ca_cert, :missing => 'Certificate Authority. Run `leap cert ca`'",
    "client_ca_key": "= file :client_ca_key, :missing => 'Certificate Authority. Run `leap cert ca`'"
  "service_type": "user_service",
  "firewall": {
    "mx": {
      "from": "*",
      "to": "= ip_address",
      "port": [25, 465]