<%= def underscore(words) words = words.to_s.dup words.downcase! words.gsub! /[^a-z]/, '_' words end def add_gateway(node, locations, options={}) return nil if options[:ip] == 'REQUIRED' gateway = {} gateway["capabilities"] = node.openvpn.pick(:ports, :protocols, :user_ips, :adblock, :filter_dns) gateway["capabilities"]["transport"] = ["openvpn"] gateway["host"] = node.domain.full gateway["ip_address"] = options[:ip] gateway["capabilities"]["limited"] = options[:limited] if node['location'] location_name = underscore(node.location.name) gateway["location"] = location_name locations[location_name] ||= node.location end gateway end hsh = {} hsh["serial"] = 1 hsh["version"] = 1 locations = {} gateways = [] configuration = nil nodes_like_me[:services => 'openvpn'].each_node do |node| if node.openvpn.allow_limited && node.openvpn.allow_unlimited gateways << add_gateway(node, locations, :ip => node.openvpn.gateway_address, :limited => false) gateways << add_gateway(node, locations, :ip => node.openvpn.second_gateway_address, :limited => true) elsif node.openvpn.allow_unlimited gateways << add_gateway(node, locations, :ip => node.openvpn.gateway_address, :limited => false) elsif node.openvpn.allow_limited gateways << add_gateway(node, locations, :ip => node.openvpn.gateway_address, :limited => true) end if configuration && node.openvpn.configuration != configuration log :error, "OpenVPN nodes in the environment `#{node.environment}` have conflicting `openvpn.configuration` values. This will result in bad errors." end configuration = node.openvpn.configuration end if gateways.any? configuration = configuration.dup if configuration['fragment'] && configuration['fragment'] == 1500 configuration.delete('fragment') end hsh["gateways"] = gateways.compact hsh["locations"] = locations hsh["openvpn_configuration"] = configuration end JSON.sorted_generate hsh %>