{ "ip_address": null, "environment": null, "services": [], "tags": [], "contacts": "= provider.contacts.default", "domain": { "full_suffix": "= provider.domain", "internal_suffix": "= provider.domain_internal", "full": "= node.name + '.' + domain.full_suffix", "internal": "= node.name + '.' + domain.internal_suffix", "name": "= node.name + '.' + (dns.public ? domain.full_suffix : domain.internal_suffix)" }, "dns": { "public": "= service_type != 'internal_service'" }, "ssh": { "authorized_keys": "= authorized_keys", "port": 22, "mosh": { "ports": "60000:61000", "enabled": false } }, "hosts": "=> hosts_file", "x509": { "use": true, "use_commercial": false, "cert": "= x509.use ? file(:node_x509_cert, :missing => 'x509 certificate for node $node. Run `leap cert update`') : nil", "key": "= x509.use ? file(:node_x509_key, :missing => 'x509 key for node $node. Run `leap cert update`') : nil", "ca_cert": "= try_file :ca_cert", "commercial_cert": "= x509.use_commercial ? file([:commercial_cert, try{webapp.domain}||domain.full_suffix], :missing => 'commercial x509 certificate for node $node. Add file $file, or run `leap cert csr` to generate a temporary self-signed cert and CSR you can use to purchase a real cert.') : nil", "commercial_key": "= x509.use_commercial ? file([:commercial_key, try{webapp.domain}||domain.full_suffix], :missing => 'commercial x509 certificate for node $node. Add file $file, or run `leap cert csr` to generate a temporary self-signed cert and CSR you can use to purchase a real cert.') : nil", "commercial_ca_cert": "= x509.use_commercial ? try_file(:commercial_ca_cert) : nil" }, "service_type": "internal_service", "development": { "site_config": true }, "name": "common", "location": null, "enabled": true, "mail": { "smarthost": "= nodes_like_me[:services => :mx].exclude(self).field('domain.full')" }, "stunnel": { "clients": {}, "servers": {} }, "platform": { "version": "= Leap::Platform.version.to_s", "major_version": "= Leap::Platform.major_version" }, "apt": { "url": { "basic": "= provider.apt.url.basic", "security": "= provider.apt.url.security", "backports": "= provider.apt.url.backports" } } }