# # Provides SSH.remote_command for running commands in parallel or in sequence # on remote servers. # # The gem sshkit is used for this. # require 'sshkit' require 'leap_cli/ssh/options' require 'leap_cli/ssh/backend' SSHKit.config.backend = LeapCli::SSH::Backend LeapCli::SSH::Backend.config.ssh_options = LeapCli::SSH::Options.global_options # # define remote_command # module LeapCli module SSH class ExecuteError < StandardError end class TimeoutError < ExecuteError end # override default runner mode class CustomCoordinator < SSHKit::Coordinator private def default_options { in: :groups, limit: 10, wait: 0 } end end # # Available options: # # :port -- ssh port # :ip -- ssh ip # :auth_methods -- e.g. ["pubkey", "password"] # def self.remote_command(nodes, options={}, &block) CustomCoordinator.new( host_list( nodes, SSH::Options.options_from_args(options) ) ).each do |ssh, host| LeapCli.log 2, "ssh options for #{host.hostname}: #{host.ssh_options.inspect}" yield ssh, host end end # # For example: # # SSH.remote_sync(nodes) do |sync, host| # sync.source = '/from' # sync.dest = '/to' # sync.flags = '' # sync.includes = [] # sync.excludes = [] # sync.exec # end # def self.remote_sync(nodes, options={}, &block) require 'rsync_command' hosts = host_list( nodes, SSH::Options.options_from_args(options) ) rsync = RsyncCommand.new(:logger => LeapCli::logger) rsync.asynchronously(hosts) do |sync, host| sync.logger = LeapCli.new_logger sync.user = host.user || fetch(:user, ENV['USER']) sync.host = host.hostname sync.ssh = SSH::Options.global_options.merge(host.ssh_options) sync.chdir = Path.provider yield(sync, host) end if rsync.failed? LeapCli::Util.bail! do LeapCli.log :failed, "to rsync to #{rsync.failures.map{|f|f[:dest][:host]}.join(' ')}" end end end private def self.host_list(nodes, ssh_options_override={}) if nodes.is_a?(Config::ObjectList) list = nodes.values elsif nodes.is_a?(Config::Node) list = [nodes] else raise ArgumentError, "I don't understand the type of argument `nodes`" end list.collect do |node| options = SSH::Options.node_options(node, ssh_options_override) user = options.delete(:user) || 'root' # # note: whatever hostname is specified here will be what is used # when loading options from .ssh/config. However, this value # has no impact on the actual ip address that is connected to, # which is determined by the :host_name value in ssh_options. # SSHKit::Host.new( :hostname => node.domain.full, :user => user, :ssh_options => options ) end end end end