# # Options for passing to the ruby gem ssh-net # module LeapCli module SSH module Options def self.global_options { #:keys_only => true, :global_known_hosts_file => Path.named_path(:known_hosts), :user_known_hosts_file => '/dev/null', :paranoid => true, :verbose => net_ssh_log_level, :auth_methods => ["publickey"], :timeout => 5 } end def self.node_options(node, ssh_options_override=nil) { # :host_key_alias => node.name, << incompatible with ports in known_hosts :host_name => node.ip_address, :port => node.ssh.port }.merge( contingent_ssh_options_for_node(node) ).merge( ssh_options_override||{} ) end def self.options_from_args(args) ssh_options = {} if args[:port] ssh_options[:port] = args[:port] end if args[:ip] ssh_options[:host_name] = args[:ip] end if args[:auth_methods] ssh_options[:auth_methods] = args[:auth_methods] end return ssh_options end def self.sanitize_command(cmd) if cmd =~ /(^|\/| )rm / || cmd =~ /(^|\/| )unlink / LeapCli.log :warning, "You probably don't want to do that. Run with --force if you are really sure." exit(1) else cmd end end private def self.contingent_ssh_options_for_node(node) opts = {} if node.vagrant? opts[:keys] = [vagrant_ssh_key_file] opts[:keys_only] = true # only use the keys specified above, and # ignore whatever keys the ssh-agent is aware of. opts[:paranoid] = false # we skip host checking for vagrant nodes, # because fingerprint is different for everyone. if LeapCli.logger.log_level <= 1 opts[:verbose] = :error # suppress all the warnings about adding # host keys to known_hosts, since it is # not actually doing that. end end if !node.supported_ssh_host_key_algorithms.empty? opts[:host_key] = node.supported_ssh_host_key_algorithms end return opts end def self.net_ssh_log_level if DEBUG case LeapCli.logger.log_level when 1 then 3 when 2 then 2 when 3 then 1 else 0 end else nil end end end end end