# # A wrapper around OpenSSL::PKey::RSA instances to provide a better api for # dealing with SSH keys. # # NOTES: # # cipher 'ssh-ed25519' not supported yet because we are waiting # for support in Net::SSH # # there are many ways to represent an SSH key, since SSH keys can be of # a variety of types. # # To confuse matters more, there are multiple binary representations. # So, for example, an RSA key has a native SSH representation # (two bignums, e followed by n), and a DER representation. # # AWS uses fingerprints of the DER representation, but SSH typically reports # fingerprints of the SSH representation. # # Also, SSH public key files are base64 encoded, but with whitespace removed # so it all goes on one line. # # Some useful links: # # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3162155/convert-rsa-public-key-to-rsa-der # https://net-ssh.github.io/ssh/v2/api/classes/Net/SSH/Buffer.html # https://serverfault.com/questions/603982/why-does-my-openssh-key-fingerprint-not-match-the-aws-ec2-console-keypair-finger # require 'net/ssh' require 'forwardable' require 'base64' module LeapCli module SSH class Key extend Forwardable attr_accessor :filename attr_accessor :comment # supported ssh key types, in order of preference SUPPORTED_TYPES = ['ssh-rsa', 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256'] SUPPORTED_TYPES_RE = /(#{SUPPORTED_TYPES.join('|')})/ ## ## CLASS METHODS ## def self.load(arg1, arg2=nil) key = nil if arg1.is_a? OpenSSL::PKey::RSA key = Key.new arg1 elsif arg1.is_a? String if arg1 =~ /^ssh-/ type, data = arg1.split(' ') key = Key.new load_from_data(data, type) elsif File.exist? arg1 key = Key.new load_from_file(arg1) key.filename = arg1 else key = Key.new load_from_data(arg1, arg2) end end return key rescue StandardError end def self.load_from_file(filename) public_key = nil private_key = nil begin public_key = Net::SSH::KeyFactory.load_public_key(filename) rescue NotImplementedError, Net::SSH::Exception, OpenSSL::PKey::PKeyError begin private_key = Net::SSH::KeyFactory.load_private_key(filename) rescue NotImplementedError, Net::SSH::Exception, OpenSSL::PKey::PKeyError end end public_key || private_key end def self.load_from_data(data, type='ssh-rsa') public_key = nil private_key = nil begin public_key = Net::SSH::KeyFactory.load_data_public_key("#{type} #{data}") rescue NotImplementedError, Net::SSH::Exception, OpenSSL::PKey::PKeyError begin private_key = Net::SSH::KeyFactory.load_data_private_key("#{type} #{data}") rescue NotImplementedError, Net::SSH::Exception, OpenSSL::PKey::PKeyError end end public_key || private_key end def self.my_public_keys load_keys_from_paths File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.ssh', '*.pub') end def self.provider_public_keys load_keys_from_paths Path.named_path([:user_ssh, '*']) end # # Picks one key out of an array of keys that we think is the "best", # based on the order of preference in SUPPORTED_TYPES # # Currently, this does not take bitsize into account. # def self.pick_best_key(keys) keys.select {|k| SUPPORTED_TYPES.include?(k.type) }.sort {|a,b| SUPPORTED_TYPES.index(a.type) <=> SUPPORTED_TYPES.index(b.type) }.first end # # takes a string with one or more ssh keys, one key per line, # and returns an array of Key objects. # # the lines should be in one of these formats: # # 1. # 2. # def self.parse_keys(string) keys = [] lines = string.split("\n").grep(/^[^#]/) lines.each do |line| if line =~ / #{Key::SUPPORTED_TYPES_RE} / # keys << line.split(' ')[1..2] elsif line =~ /^#{Key::SUPPORTED_TYPES_RE} / # keys << line.split(' ') end end return keys.map{|k| Key.load(k[1], k[0])} end # # takes a string with one or more ssh keys, one key per line, # and returns a string that specified the ssh key algorithms # that are supported by the keys, in order of preference. # # eg: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256,ssh-rsa,ssh-ed25519 # def self.supported_host_key_algorithms(string) if string self.parse_keys(string).map {|key| key.type }.join(',') else "" end end private def self.load_keys_from_paths(key_glob) keys = [] Dir.glob(key_glob).each do |file| key = Key.load(file) if key && key.public? keys << key end end return keys end ## ## INSTANCE METHODS ## public def initialize(p_key) @key = p_key end def_delegator :@key, :ssh_type, :type def_delegator :@key, :public_encrypt, :public_encrypt def_delegator :@key, :public_decrypt, :public_decrypt def_delegator :@key, :private_encrypt, :private_encrypt def_delegator :@key, :private_decrypt, :private_decrypt def_delegator :@key, :params, :params def_delegator :@key, :to_text, :to_text def public_key Key.new(@key.public_key) end def private_key Key.new(@key.private_key) end def private? @key.respond_to?(:private?) ? @key.private? : @key.private_key? end def public? @key.respond_to?(:public?) ? @key.public? : @key.public_key? end # # three arguments: # # - digest: one of md5, sha1, sha256, etc. (default sha256) # - encoding: either :hex (default) or :base64 # - type: fingerprint type, either :ssh (default) or :der # # NOTE: # # * I am not sure how to make a fingerprint for OpenSSL::PKey::EC::Point # # * AWS reports fingerprints using MD5 digest for uploaded ssh keys, # but SHA1 for keys it created itself. # # * Also, AWS fingerprints are digests on the DER encoding of the key. # But standard SSH fingerprints are digests of SSH encoding of the key. # # * Other tools will sometimes display fingerprints in hex and sometimes # in base64. Arrrgh. # def fingerprint(type: :ssh, digest: :sha256, encoding: :hex) require 'digest' digest = digest.to_s.upcase digester = case digest when "MD5" then Digest::MD5.new when "SHA1" then Digest::SHA1.new when "SHA256" then Digest::SHA256.new when "SHA384" then Digest::SHA384.new when "SHA512" then Digest::SHA512.new else raise ArgumentError, "digest #{digest} is unknown" end keymatter = nil if type == :der && @key.respond_to?(:to_der) keymatter = @key.to_der else keymatter = self.raw_key.to_s end fp = nil if encoding == :hex fp = digester.hexdigest(keymatter) elsif encoding == :base64 fp = Base64.encode64(digester.digest(keymatter)).sub(/=$/, '') else raise ArgumentError, "encoding #{encoding} not understood" end if digest == "MD5" && encoding == :hex return fp.scan(/../).join(':') else return fp end end # # not sure if this will always work, but is seems to for now. # def bits Net::SSH::Buffer.from(:key, @key).to_s.split("\001\000").last.size * 8 end def summary if self.filename "%s %s %s (%s)" % [self.type, self.bits, self.fingerprint, File.basename(self.filename)] else "%s %s %s" % [self.type, self.bits, self.fingerprint] end end def to_s self.type + " " + self.key end # # base64 encoding of the key, with spaces removed. # def key [Net::SSH::Buffer.from(:key, @key).to_s].pack("m*").gsub(/\s/, "") end def raw_key Net::SSH::Buffer.from(:key, @key) end def ==(other_key) return false if other_key.nil? return false if self.class != other_key.class return self.to_text == other_key.to_text end def in_known_hosts?(*identifiers) identifiers.each do |identifier| Net::SSH::KnownHosts.search_for(identifier).each do |key| return true if self == key end end return false end end end end