# # Configuration for a 'node' (a server in the provider's infrastructure) # require 'ipaddr' module LeapCli; module Config class Node < Object attr_accessor :file_paths def initialize(environment=nil) #, name=nil) super(environment) #if name # self['name'] = name #end @node = self @file_paths = [] end # # returns true if this node has an ip address in the range of the vagrant network # def vagrant? ip = self['ip_address'] return false unless ip begin vagrant_range = IPAddr.new LeapCli.leapfile.vagrant_network rescue ArgumentError Util::bail! { Util::log :invalid, "vagrant_network in Leapfile or .leaprc" } end begin ip_addr = IPAddr.new(ip) rescue ArgumentError Util::log :warning, "invalid ip address '#{ip}' for node '#{@node.name}'" end return vagrant_range.include?(ip_addr) end # # Return a hash table representation of ourselves, with the key equal to the @node.name, # and the value equal to the fields specified in *keys. # # Also, the result is flattened to a single hash, so a key of 'a.b' becomes 'a_b' # # compare to Object#pick(*keys). This method is the sames as Config::ObjectList#pick_fields, # but works on a single node. # # Example: # # node.pick('domain.internal') => # # { # 'node1': { # 'domain_internal': 'node1.example.i' # } # } # def pick_fields(*keys) {@node.name => self.pick(*keys)} end # # can be overridden by the platform. # returns a list of node names that should be tested before this node # def test_dependencies [] end # returns a string list of supported ssh host key algorithms for this node. # or an empty string if it could not be determined def supported_ssh_host_key_algorithms require 'leap_cli/ssh' @host_key_algo ||= LeapCli::SSH::Key.supported_host_key_algorithms( Util.read_file([:node_ssh_pub_key, @node.name]) ) end # # Takes strings such as "openvpn.gateway_address:" # and converts this to data stored in this node. # def seed_from_args(args) args.each do |seed| key, value = seed.split(':', 2) value = format_seed_value(value) Util.assert! key =~ /^[0-9a-z\._]+$/, "illegal characters used in property '#{key}'" if key =~ /\./ key_parts = key.split('.') final_key = key_parts.pop current_object = self key_parts.each do |key_part| current_object[key_part] ||= Config::Object.new current_object = current_object[key_part] end current_object[final_key] = value else self[key] = value end end end # # Seeds values for this node from a template, based on the services. # Values in the template will not override existing node values. # def seed_from_template inherit_from!(manager.template('common')) [self['services']].flatten.each do |service| if service template = manager.template(service) if template inherit_from!(template) end end end end # # bails if the node is not valid. # def validate! # # validate ip_address # if self['ip_address'] == "REQUIRED" Util.bail! do Util.log :error, "ip_address is not set. " + "Specify with `leap node add NAME ip_address:ADDRESS`." end elsif self['ip_address'] begin IPAddr.new(self['ip_address']) rescue ArgumentError Util.bail! do Util.log :invalid, "ip_address #{self['ip_address'].inspect}" end end end # # validate name # self.class.validate_name!(self.name, self.vagrant?) end # # create or update all the configs needed for this node, # including x.509 certs as needed. # # note: this method will write to disk EVERYTHING # in the node, which is not what you want # if the node has inheritance applied. # def write_configs json = self.dump_json(:exclude => ['name']) Util.write_file!([:node_config, name], json + "\n") rescue LeapCli::ConfigError Config::Node.remove_node_files(self.name) end # # modifies the config file nodes/NAME.json for this node. # def update_json(new_values) self.env.update_node_json(node, new_values) end # # returns an array of all possible dns names for this node # def all_dns_names names = [@node.domain.internal, @node.domain.full] if @node['dns'] && @node.dns['aliases'] && @node.dns.aliases.any? names += @node.dns.aliases end names.compact! names.sort! names.uniq! return names end def remove_files self.class.remove_node_files(self.name) end ## ## Class Methods ## def self.remove_node_files(node_name) (Leap::Platform.node_files + [:node_files_dir]).each do |path| Util.remove_file! [path, node_name] end end def self.validate_name!(name, local=false) Util.assert! name, 'Node is missing a name.' if local Util.assert! name =~ /^[0-9a-z]+$/, "illegal characters used in node name '#{name}' " + "(note: Vagrant does not allow hyphens or underscores)" else Util.assert! name =~ /^[0-9a-z-]+$/, "illegal characters used in node name '#{name}' " + "(note: Linux does not allow underscores)" end end private # # conversions: # # "x,y,z" => ["x","y","z"] # # "22" => 22 # # "5.1" => 5.1 # def format_seed_value(v) if v =~ /,/ v = v.split(',') v.map! do |i| i = i.to_i if i.to_i.to_s == i i = i.to_f if i.to_f.to_s == i i end else v = v.to_i if v.to_i.to_s == v v = v.to_f if v.to_f.to_s == v end return v end end end; end