module LeapCli; module Commands desc "Ping nodes to see if they are alive." long_desc "Attempts to ping each node in the FILTER set." arg_name "FILTER" command :ping do |c| c.flag 'timeout', :arg_name => "TIMEOUT", :default_value => 2, :desc => 'Wait at most TIMEOUT seconds.' c.flag 'count', :arg_name => "COUNT", :default_value => 2, :desc => 'Ping COUNT times.' c.action do |global, options, args| do_ping(global, options, args) end end private def do_ping(global, options, args) assert_bin!('ping') timeout = [options[:timeout].to_i, 1].max count = [options[:count].to_i, 1].max nodes = nil if args && args.any? node = manager.disabled_node(args.first) if node nodes = nodes.add(, node) end end nodes ||= manager.filter! args threads = [] nodes.each_node do |node| threads << do cmd = "ping -i 0.2 -n -q -W #{timeout} -c #{count} #{node.ip_address} 2>&1" log(2, cmd) output = `#{cmd}` if $?.success? last = output.split("\n").last times = last.split('=').last.strip min, avg, max, mdev = times.split('/') log("ping #{min} ms", host:, color: :green) else log(:failed, "to ping #{node.ip_address}", host: end end end log("done") end end; end