module LeapCli; module Commands desc 'List nodes and their classifications' long_desc 'Prints out a listing of nodes, services, or tags. ' + 'If present, the FILTER can be a list of names of nodes, services, or tags. ' + 'If the name is prefixed with +, this acts like an AND condition. ' + "For example:\n\n" + "`leap list node1 node2` matches all nodes named \"node1\" OR \"node2\"\n\n" + "`leap list openvpn +local` matches all nodes with service \"openvpn\" AND tag \"local\"" arg_name 'FILTER', :optional => true command [:list,:ls] do |c| c.flag 'print', :desc => 'What attributes to print (optional)' c.switch 'disabled', :desc => 'Include disabled nodes in the list.', :negatable => false c.action do |global_options,options,args| do_list(global_options, options, args) end end private def do_list(global, options, args) require 'leap_cli/util/console_table' # don't rely on default manager(), because we want to pass custom options to load() manager = if global[:color] colors = [:cyan, nil] else colors = [nil, nil] end puts manager.load(:include_disabled => options['disabled'], :continue_on_error => true) if options['print'] print_node_properties(manager.filter(args), options['print']) else if args.any?, colors).run else environment = LeapCli.leapfile.environment || '_all_''SERVICES', manager.env(environment).services, colors).run'TAGS', manager.env(environment).tags, colors).run, colors).run end end end def print_node_properties(nodes, properties) properties = properties.split(',') max_width = nodes.keys.inject(0) {|max,i| [i.size,max].max} nodes.each_node do |node| value = properties.collect{|prop| prop_value = node[prop] if prop_value.nil? "null" elsif prop_value == "" "empty" elsif prop_value.is_a? LeapCli::Config::Object node[prop].dump_json(:format => :compact) # TODO: add option of getting pre-evaluation values. else prop_value.to_s end }.join(', ') printf("%#{max_width}s %s\n",, value) end puts end class TagTable < LeapCli::Util::ConsoleTable def initialize(heading, tag_list, colors) @heading = heading @tag_list = tag_list @colors = colors end def run tags ={|tag| tag !~ /^_/}.sort # sorted list of tags, excluding _partials table do row(color: @colors[0]) do column @heading, align: 'right', min_width: 20 column "NODES" end tags.each do |tag| next if @tag_list[tag].node_list.empty? row(color: @colors[1]) do column tag column @tag_list[tag].node_list.keys.sort.join(', ') end end end draw_table end end class NodeTable < LeapCli::Util::ConsoleTable def initialize(node_list, colors) @node_list = node_list @colors = colors end def run rows = @node_list.keys.sort.collect do |node_name| [node_name, @node_list[node_name].services.sort.join(', '), @node_list[node_name].tags.sort.join(', ')] end unless rows.any? puts " = " + LeapCli.logger.colorize("no results", :red) puts return end table do row(color: @colors[0]) do column "NODES", align: 'right', min_width: 20 column "SERVICES" column "TAGS" end rows.each do |r| row(color: @colors[1]) do column r[0] column r[1] column r[2] end end end draw_table end end end; end