module LeapCli; module Commands desc 'Database commands.' command :db do |db| db.desc 'Destroy one or more databases. If present, limit to FILTER nodes. For example `leap db destroy --db sessions,tokens testing`.' db.arg_name 'FILTER', :optional => true db.command :destroy do |destroy| destroy.flag :db, :arg_name => "DATABASES", :desc => 'Comma separated list of databases to destroy (no space). Use "--db all" to destroy all databases.', :optional => false destroy.action do |global_options,options,args| dbs = (options[:db]||"").split(',') bail!('No databases specified') if dbs.empty? nodes = manager.filter(args) if nodes.any? nodes = nodes[:services => 'couchdb'] end if nodes.any? unless global_options[:yes] if dbs.include?('all') say 'You are about to permanently destroy all database data for nodes [%s].' % nodes.keys.join(', ') else say 'You are about to permanently destroy databases [%s] for nodes [%s].' % [dbs.join(', '), nodes.keys.join(', ')] end bail! unless agree("Continue? ") end if dbs.include?('all') destroy_all_dbs(nodes) else destroy_dbs(nodes, dbs) end say 'You must run `leap deploy` in order to create the databases again.' else say 'No nodes' end end end end private def destroy_all_dbs(nodes) ssh_connect(nodes) do |ssh|'/etc/init.d/bigcouch stop && test ! -z "$(ls /opt/bigcouch/var/lib/ 2> /dev/null)" && rm -r /opt/bigcouch/var/lib/* && echo "db destroyed" || echo "db already destroyed"') end end def destroy_dbs(nodes, dbs) nodes.each_node do |node| ssh_connect(node) do |ssh| dbs.each do |db| % {:db => db}) end end end end DESTROY_DB_COMMAND = %{ if [ 200 = `curl -ns -w "%%{http_code}" -X GET "{db}" -o /dev/null` ]; then echo "Result from DELETE /%{db}:" `curl -ns -X DELETE "{db}"`; else echo "Skipping db '%{db}': it does not exist or has already been deleted."; fi } end; end