module LeapCli; module Commands desc "Manage X.509 certificates" command :cert do |cert| cert.desc 'Creates two Certificate Authorities (one for validating servers and one for validating clients).' cert.long_desc 'See see what values are used in the generation of the certificates (like name and key size), run `leap inspect provider` and look for the "ca" property. To see the details of the created certs, run `leap inspect `.' cert.command :ca do |ca| ca.action do |global_options,options,args| assert_config! '' generate_new_certificate_authority(:ca_key, :ca_cert, generate_new_certificate_authority(:client_ca_key, :client_ca_cert, + ' (client certificates only!)') end end cert.desc 'Creates or renews a X.509 certificate/key pair for a single node or all nodes, but only if needed.' cert.long_desc 'This command will a generate new certificate for a node if some value in the node has changed ' + 'that is included in the certificate (like hostname or IP address), or if the old certificate will be expiring soon. ' + 'Sometimes, you might want to force the generation of a new certificate, ' + 'such as in the cases where you have changed a CA parameter for server certificates, like bit size or digest hash. ' + 'In this case, use --force. If is empty, this command will apply to all nodes.' cert.arg_name 'FILTER' cert.command :update do |update| update.switch 'force', :desc => 'Always generate new certificates', :negatable => false update.action do |global_options,options,args| update_certificates(manager.filter!(args), options) end end cert.desc 'Creates a Diffie-Hellman parameter file, needed for forward secret OpenVPN ciphers.' # (needed for server-side of some TLS connections) cert.command :dh do |dh| dh.action do |global_options,options,args| generate_dh end end cert.desc "Creates a CSR for use in buying a commercial X.509 certificate." cert.long_desc "Unless specified, the CSR is created for the provider's primary domain. "+ "The properties used for this CSR come from ``, "+ "but may be overridden here." cert.arg_name "DOMAIN" cert.command :csr do |csr| csr.flag 'domain', :arg_name => 'DOMAIN', :desc => 'Specify what domain to create the CSR for.' csr.flag ['organization', 'O'], :arg_name => 'ORGANIZATION', :desc => "Override default O in distinguished name." csr.flag ['unit', 'OU'], :arg_name => 'UNIT', :desc => "Set OU in distinguished name." csr.flag 'email', :arg_name => 'EMAIL', :desc => "Set emailAddress in distinguished name." csr.flag ['locality', 'L'], :arg_name => 'LOCALITY', :desc => "Set L in distinguished name." csr.flag ['state', 'ST'], :arg_name => 'STATE', :desc => "Set ST in distinguished name." csr.flag ['country', 'C'], :arg_name => 'COUNTRY', :desc => "Set C in distinguished name." csr.flag :bits, :arg_name => 'BITS', :desc => "Override default certificate bit length" csr.flag :digest, :arg_name => 'DIGEST', :desc => "Override default signature digest" csr.action do |global_options,options,args| generate_csr(global_options, options, args) end end cert.desc "Register an authorization key with the CA" cert.long_desc "This only needs to be done once." cert.command :register do |register| register.action do |global, options, args| do_register_key(global, options, args) end end cert.desc "Renews a certificate using the CA" cert.arg_name "DOMAIN" cert.command :renew do |renew| renew.action do |global, options, args| do_renew_cert(global, options, args) end end end protected # # will generate new certificates for the specified nodes, if needed. # def update_certificates(nodes, options={}) require 'leap_cli/x509' assert_files_exist! :ca_cert, :ca_key, :msg => 'Run `leap cert ca` to create them' assert_config! '' assert_config! '' assert_config! '' assert_config! 'common.x509.use' nodes.each_node do |node| node.warn_if_commercial_cert_will_soon_expire if !node.x509.use remove_file!([:node_x509_key,]) remove_file!([:node_x509_cert,]) elsif options[:force] || node.cert_needs_updating? node.generate_cert end end end # # yields client key and cert suitable for testing # def generate_test_client_cert(prefix=nil) require 'leap_cli/x509' cert = cert.serial_number.number = X509.cert_serial_number(provider.domain) cert.subject.common_name = [prefix, X509.random_common_name(provider.domain)].join cert.not_before = X509.yesterday cert.not_after = X509.yesterday.advance(:years => 1) cert.key_material.generate_key(1024) # just for testing, remember! cert.parent = X509.client_ca_root cert.sign! X509.client_test_signing_profile yield cert.key_material.private_key.to_pem, cert.to_pem end private def generate_new_certificate_authority(key_file, cert_file, common_name) require 'leap_cli/x509' assert_files_missing! key_file, cert_file assert_config! '' assert_config! '' assert_config! '' root = X509.new_ca(, common_name) write_file!(key_file, root.key_material.private_key.to_pem) write_file!(cert_file, root.to_pem) end def generate_dh require 'leap_cli/x509' long_running do if cmd_exists?('certtool') log 0, 'Generating DH parameters (takes a long time)...' if (/darwin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM) != nil output = assert_run!('gnutls-certtool --generate-dh-params --sec-param high') else output = assert_run!('certtool --generate-dh-params --sec-param high') end output.sub!(/.*(-----BEGIN DH PARAMETERS-----.*-----END DH PARAMETERS-----).*/m, '\1') output << "\n" write_file!(:dh_params, output) else log 0, 'Generating DH parameters (takes a REALLY long time)...' output = OpenSSL::PKey::DH.generate(3248).to_pem write_file!(:dh_params, output) end end end # # hints: # # inspect CSR: # openssl req -noout -text -in files/cert/x.csr # # generate CSR with openssl to see how it compares: # openssl req -sha256 -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout example.key -out example.csr # # validate a CSR: # # # nice details about CSRs: # # def generate_csr(global_options, options, args) require 'leap_cli/x509' assert_config! 'provider.domain' assert_config! '' assert_config! 'provider.default_language' assert_config! '' assert_config! '' server_certificates = options[:domain] ||= args.first || provider.domain options[:organization] ||=[provider.default_language] options[:country] ||= server_certificates['country'] options[:state] ||= server_certificates['state'] options[:locality] ||= server_certificates['locality'] options[:bits] ||= server_certificates.bit_size options[:digest] ||= server_certificates.digest unless global_options[:force] assert_files_missing! [:commercial_key, options[:domain]], [:commercial_csr, options[:domain]], :msg => 'If you really want to create a new key and CSR, remove these files first or run with --force.' end X509.create_csr_and_cert(options) end # # # def do_register_key(global, options, args) require 'leap_cli/acme' assert_config! 'provider.contacts.default' contact = manager.provider.contacts.default.first if file_exists?(:acme_key) && !global[:force] bail! do log "the authorization key for already exists" log "run with --force if you really want to register a new key." end else private_key = Acme.new_private_key registration = nil log(:registering, " authorization key using contact `%s`" % contact) do acme = private_key) registration = acme.register(contact) if registration log 'success!', :color => :green, :style => :bold else bail! "could not register authorization key." end end log :saving, "authorization key for" do write_file!(:acme_key, private_key.to_pem) write_file!(:acme_info, JSON.sorted_generate({ id:, contact:, key: registration.key, uri: registration.uri })) log :warning, "keep key file private!" end end end def assert_no_errors!(msg) yield rescue StandardError => exc bail! :error, msg do log exc.to_s end end def do_renew_cert(global, options, args) require 'leap_cli/acme' require 'leap_cli/ssh' require 'socket' require 'net/http' csr = nil account_key = nil cert = nil acme = nil # # sanity check the domain # domain = args.first nodes = nodes_for_domain(domain) domain_ready_for_acme!(domain) # # load key material # assert_files_exist!([:commercial_key, domain], [:commercial_csr, domain], :msg => 'Please create the CSR first with `leap cert csr %s`' % domain) assert_no_errors!("Could not load #{path([:commercial_csr, domain])}") do csr = Acme.load_csr(read_file!([:commercial_csr, domain])) end assert_files_exist!(:acme_key, :msg => "Please run `leap cert register` first. This only needs to be done once.") assert_no_errors!("Could not load #{path(:acme_key)}") do account_key = Acme.load_private_key(read_file!(:acme_key)) end # # check authorization for this domain # log :checking, "authorization" acme = domain, key: account_key) status, message = acme.authorize do |challenge| log(:uploading, 'challenge to server %s' % domain) do SSH.remote_command(nodes) do |ssh, host| ssh.scripts.upload_acme_challenge(challenge.token, challenge.file_content) end end log :waiting, "for to verify challenge" end if status == 'valid' log 'authorized!', color: :green, style: :bold elsif status == 'error' bail! :error, message.inspect elsif status == 'unauthorized' bail!(:unauthorized, message.inspect, color: :yellow, style: :bold) do log 'You must first run `leap cert register` to register the account key with' end else bail!(:error, "unrecognized status: #{status.inspect}, #{message.inspect}") end log :fetching, "new certificate from" assert_no_errors!("could not renew certificate") do cert = acme.get_certificate(csr) end log 'success', color: :green, style: :bold write_file!([:commercial_cert, domain], cert.fullchain_to_pem) log 'You should now run `leap deploy` to deploy the new certificate.' end # # Returns a hash of nodes that match this domain. It also checks: # # * a node configuration has this domain # * the dns for the domain exists # # This method will bail if any checks fail. # def nodes_for_domain(domain) bail! { log 'Argument DOMAIN is required' } if domain.nil? || domain.empty? nodes = manager.nodes['dns.aliases' => domain] if nodes.empty? bail! :error, "There are no nodes configured for domain `%s`" % domain end begin ips = Socket.getaddrinfo(domain, 'http').map {|record| record[2]}.uniq nodes = nodes['ip_address' => ips] if nodes.empty? bail! do log :error, "The domain `%s` resolves to [%s]" % [domain, ips.join(', ')] log :error, "But there no nodes configured for this domain with these adddresses." end end rescue SocketError bail! :error, "Could not resolve the DNS for `#{domain}`. Without a DNS " + "entry for this domain, authorization will not work." end return nodes end # # runs the following checks on the domain: # # * we are able to get /.well-known/acme-challenge/ok # # This method will bail if any checks fail. # def domain_ready_for_acme!(domain) uri = URI("https://#{domain}/.well-known/acme-challenge/ok") options = { use_ssl: true, open_timeout: 5, verify_mode: OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE } http_get(uri, options) end private def http_get(uri, options, limit = 10) raise ArgumentError, "HTTP redirect too deep (#{uri})" if limit == 0 Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port, options) do |http| http.request( do |response| case response when Net::HTTPSuccess then return response when Net::HTTPRedirection then return http_get(URI(response['location']), options, limit - 1) else bail!(:error, "Could not GET %s" % uri) do log "%s %s" % [response.code, response.message] log "You may need to run `leap deploy`" end end end end rescue Errno::ETIMEDOUT, Net::OpenTimeout bail! :error, "Connection attempt timed out: %s" % uri rescue Interrupt bail! rescue StandardError => exc bail!(:error, "Could not GET %s" % uri) do log exc.to_s end end end; end