# # An abstractions in front of Fog, which is an abstraction in front of # the AWS api. Oh my! # # A Cloud object binds a particular node with particular Fog # authentication credentials. # # NOTE: Possible AWS options for creating instances: # # options = { # 'BlockDeviceMapping' => block_device_mapping, # 'NetworkInterfaces' => network_interfaces, # 'ClientToken' => client_token, # 'DisableApiTermination' => disable_api_termination, # 'EbsOptimized' => ebs_optimized, # 'IamInstanceProfile.Arn' => @iam_instance_profile_arn, # 'IamInstanceProfile.Name' => @iam_instance_profile_name, # 'InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior' => instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior, # 'InstanceType' => flavor_id, # 'KernelId' => kernel_id, # 'KeyName' => key_name, # 'Monitoring.Enabled' => monitoring, # 'Placement.AvailabilityZone' => availability_zone, # 'Placement.GroupName' => placement_group, # 'Placement.Tenancy' => tenancy, # 'PrivateIpAddress' => private_ip_address, # 'RamdiskId' => ramdisk_id, # 'SecurityGroup' => groups, # 'SecurityGroupId' => security_group_ids, # 'SubnetId' => subnet_id, # 'UserData' => user_data, # } # module LeapCli class Cloud LEAP_SG_NAME = 'leap_default' LEAP_SG_DESC = 'Default security group for LEAP nodes' include LeapCli::LogCommand attr_reader :compute # Fog::Compute object attr_reader :node # Config::Node, if any attr_reader :options # options for the VMs, if any attr_reader :image # which vm image to use, if any attr_reader :name # name of which entry in cloud.json to use def initialize(name, conf, node=nil) @node = node @name = name @conf = conf @compute = nil @options = nil @image = nil raise ArgumentError, 'name missing' unless @name raise ArgumentError, 'config missing' unless @conf raise ArgumentError, 'config auth missing' unless @conf["auth"] raise ArgumentError, 'config auth missing' unless @conf["vendor"] credentials = @conf["auth"].symbolize_keys credentials[:provider] = @conf["vendor"] @compute = Fog::Compute.new(credentials) @options = @conf['default_options'] || {} @image = @conf['default_image'] || aws_image(credentials[:region]) if @node @options = node.vm.options if node['vm.options'] @image = node.vm.image if node['vm.image'] end end # # fetches or creates a server for this cloud object. # def fetch_or_create_server(options) fetch_server_for_node || create_new_vm_instance(choose_ssh_key: options[:choose_ssh_key]) end # # fetches the server for a particular node. # # return nil if this cloud object has no node, or there is no corresponding # server. # def fetch_server_for_node(bail_on_failure=false) server = nil return nil unless @node # does an instance exist that matches the node's vm.id? if @node.vm_id? instance_id = @node.vm.id server = @compute.servers.get(instance_id) end # does an instance exist that is tagged with this node name? if server.nil? response = @compute.describe_instances({"tag:node_name" => @node.name}) # puts JSON.pretty_generate(response.body) if !response.body["reservationSet"].empty? instances = response.body["reservationSet"].first["instancesSet"] if instances.size > 1 bail! "There are multiple VMs with the same node name tag! Manually remove one before continuing." elsif instances.size == 1 instance_id = instances.first["instanceId"] server = @compute.servers.get(instance_id) end end end if server.nil? && bail_on_failure bail! :error, "A virtual machine could not be found for node `#{@node.name}`. Things to try:" do log "check the output of `leap vm status`" log "check the value of `vm.id` in #{@node.name}.json" log "run `leap vm add #{@node.name}` to create a corresponding virtual machine" end end return server end # # associates a node with a vm # def bind_server_to_node(server) unless @node raise ArgumentError, 'no node' end if server.public_ip_address.nil? bail! do log 'The virtual machine `%s` must have an IP address in order to bind it to the configuration `%s`.' % [ server.id, Path.relative_path(Path.named_path([:node_config, @node.name]))] log 'To fix, run `leap vm start %s`' % server.id end end # assign tag @compute.create_tags(server.id, {'node_name' => @node.name}) log :created, "association between node '%s' and vm '%s'" % [@node.name, server.id] # update node json @node.update_json({ "ip_address" => server.public_ip_address, "vm"=> {"id"=>server.id} }) log "done", :color => :green, :style => :bold end # # disassociates a node from a vm # def unbind_server_from_node(server) raise ArgumentError, 'no node' unless @node # assign tag @compute.delete_tags(server.id, {'node_name' => @node.name}) log :removed, "association between node '%s' and vm '%s'" % [@node.name, server.id] # update node json @node.update_json({ "ip_address" => '', "vm"=> {"id" => ""} }) end # # return an AWS KeyPair object, potentially uploading it to the server # if necessary. # # this is used when initially creating the vm. After the first `node init`, then # all sysadmins should have access to the server. # # NOTE: ssh and aws use different types of fingerprint # def find_or_create_key_pair(pick_ssh_key_method) require 'leap_cli/ssh' key_pair, local_key = match_ssh_key(:user_only => true) if key_pair log :using, "SSH key #{local_key.filename}" do log 'AWS MD5 fingerprint: ' + local_key.fingerprint(:digest => :md5, :type => :der, :encoding => :hex) log 'SSH MD5 fingerprint: ' + local_key.fingerprint(:digest => :md5, :type => :ssh, :encoding => :hex) log 'SSH SHA256 fingerprint: ' + local_key.fingerprint(:digest => :sha256, :type => :ssh, :encoding => :base64) end elsif key_pair.nil? username, key = pick_ssh_key_method.call(self) key_pair = upload_ssh_key(username, key) end return key_pair end # # checks if there is a match between a local key and a registered key_pair # # options: # :key_pair -- limit comparisons to this key_pair object. # :user_only -- limit comparisons to the user's ~/.ssh directory only # # returns: # # key_pair -- an AWS KeyPair # local_key -- a LeapCLi::SSH::Key # def match_ssh_key(options={}) key_pair = options[:key_pair] local_keys_to_check = LeapCli::SSH::Key.my_public_keys unless options[:user_only] local_keys_to_check += LeapCli::SSH::Key.provider_public_keys end fingerprints = Hash[local_keys_to_check.map {|k| [k.fingerprint(:digest => :md5, :type => :der, :encoding => :hex), k] }] key_pair ||= @compute.key_pairs.select {|key_pair| fingerprints.include?(key_pair.fingerprint) }.first if key_pair local_key = fingerprints[key_pair.fingerprint] return key_pair, local_key else return nil, nil end end private # # Every AWS instance requires a security group, which is just a simple firewall. # In the future, we could create a separate security group for each node, # and set the rules to match what the rules should be for that node. # # However, for now, we just use a security group 'leap_default' that opens # all the ports. # # The default behavior for AWS security groups is: # all ingress traffic is blocked and all egress traffic is allowed. # def find_or_create_security_group group = @compute.security_groups.get(LEAP_SG_NAME) if group.nil? group = @compute.security_groups.create( :name => LEAP_SG_NAME, :description => LEAP_SG_DESC ) group.authorize_port_range(0..65535, :ip_protocol => 'tcp', :cidr_ip => '', ) group.authorize_port_range(0..65535, :ip_protocol => 'udp', :cidr_ip => '', ) end return group end # # key - a LeapCli::SSH::Key object # returns -- AWS KeyPair # def upload_ssh_key(username, key) key_name = 'leap_' + username key_pair = @compute.key_pairs.create( :name => key_name, :public_key => key.public_key.to_s ) log :registered, "public key" do log 'cloud provider: ' + @name log 'name: ' + key_name log 'AWS MD5 fingerprint: ' + key.fingerprint(:digest => :md5, :type => :der, :encoding => :hex) log 'SSH MD5 fingerprint: ' + key.fingerprint(:digest => :md5, :type => :ssh, :encoding => :hex) log 'SSH SHA256 fingerprint: ' + key.fingerprint(:digest => :sha256, :type => :ssh, :encoding => :base64) end return key_pair end def create_new_vm_instance(choose_ssh_key: nil) log :creating, "new vm instance..." assert! @image, "No image found. Specify `default_image` in cloud.json or `vm.image` in node's config." if Fog.mock? options = @options else key_pair = find_or_create_key_pair(choose_ssh_key) security_group = find_or_create_security_group options = @options.merge({ 'KeyName' => key_pair.name, 'SecurityGroup' => security_group.name }) end response = @compute.run_instances( @image, 1, # min count 1, # max count options ) instance_id = response.body["instancesSet"].first["instanceId"] log :created, "vm with instance id #{instance_id}." server = @compute.servers.get(instance_id) if server.nil? bail! :error, "could not query instance '#{instance_id}'." end unless Fog.mock? tries = 0 server.wait_for { if tries > 0 LeapCli.log :waiting, "for IP address to be assigned..." end tries += 1 !public_ip_address.nil? } if options[:wait] log :waiting, "for vm #{instance_id} to start..." server.wait_for { ready? } log :started, "#{instance_id} with #{server.public_ip_address}" end end return server end end end