Upgrade to 0.9
Upgrading to Platform 0.9
You will need the new version of leap_cli:
workstation$ sudo gem install leap_cli --version=1.9
If you don’t want to install using ‘sudo’:
workstation$ gem install --user-install leap_cli --version=1.9
workstation$ PATH="$PATH:$(ruby -e 'puts Gem.user_dir')/bin"
Because 0.9 does not use submodules anymore, you must remove them before pulling the latest leap_platform from git:
workstation$ cd leap_platform
workstation$ for dir in $(git submodule | awk '{print $2}'); do
workstation$ git submodule deinit $dir
workstation$ done
workstation$ git pull
workstation$ git checkout 0.9.0
Alternately, just clone a fresh leap_platform:
workstation$ git clone https://leap.se/git/leap_platform
workstation$ cd leap_platform
workstation$ git checkout 0.9.0
Then, just deploy
workstation$ cd PROVIDER_DIR
workstation$ leap deploy
Known issues
When upgrading, sometimes systemd does not report the correct state of a daemon.
The daemon will be not running, but systemd thinks it is. The symptom of this is
that a deploy will succeed but leap test
will fail. To fix, you can run
systemctl stop DAEMON
and then systemctl start DAEMON
on the affected host
(systemctl restart seems to work less reliably).