Vagrant and the LEAP Platform

Running a local provider with Vagrant

What is Vagrant?

Vagrant is a tool to make it easier to manage virtual machines running on your desktop computer (typically for testing or development purposes). You can use Vagrant to create virtual machines and deploy the LEAP platform locally.

Vagrant can be a pain to get working initially, but this page should help you get through the process. Please make sure you have at least Vagrant v1.5 installed.

There are two ways you can setup LEAP platform using Vagrant.

  1. use the leap command: this will allow you to create multiple virtual machines.
  2. use static Vagrantfile: there is a static Vagrantfile that is distributed with the leap_platform.git. This only supports a single, pre-configured virtual machine, but can get you started more quickly.

Install Vagrant


Debian & Ubuntu

Install core prerequisites:

sudo apt-get install git ruby ruby-dev rsync openssh-client openssl rake make

Install Vagrant:

sudo apt-get install vagrant virtualbox

If you want to use libvirt instead of virtualbox, you don’t need to install virtualbox. See support for libvirt.

Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks)

Install Homebrew package manager from and enable the System Duplicates Repository (needed to update old software versions delivered by Apple) with

brew tap homebrew/dupes

Update OpenSSH to support ECDSA keys. Follow this guide to let your system use the Homebrew binary.

brew install openssh --with-brewed-openssl --with-keychain-support

The certtool provided by Apple it’s really old, install the one provided by GnuTLS and shadow the system’s default.

sudo brew install gnutls
ln -sf /usr/local/bin/gnutls-certtool /usr/local/bin/certool

Install the Vagrant and VirtualBox packages for OS X from their respective Download pages.

Vagrant with leap command

If you have not done so, install leap command line tool:

gem install leap_cli

Creating local nodes

When you create a service provider, your servers are called “nodes”. When a node is virtual and exists only locally using vagrant, this type of node is called a “local node”.

If you do not have a provider already, you will need to create one and configure it before continuing (see the Quick Start guide).

These commands, for example, will create an initial provider directory “myprovider”:

$ leap new --domain --name Example myprovider
$ cd myprovider
$ leap add-user --self
$ leap cert ca
$ leap cert csr

To create local nodes, add the flag --local to the leap node add command. For example:

$ leap node add --local web1 services:webapp
 = created nodes/web1.json
 = created files/nodes/web1/
 = created files/nodes/web1/web1.key
 = created files/nodes/web1/web1.crt

This command creates a node configuration file in nodes/web1.json with the webapp service.

Starting local nodes

In order to test the node “web1” we need to start it. Starting a node for the first time will spin up a virtual machine. The first time you do this will take some time because it will need to download a VM image (about 700mb). After you’ve downloaded the base image, you will not need to download it again, and instead you will re-use the downloaded image (until you need to update the image).

NOTE: Many people have difficulties getting Vagrant working. If the following commands do not work, please see the troubleshooting section below.

$ leap local start web1
 = created test/
 = created test/Vagrantfile
 = installing vagrant plugin 'sahara'
Bringing machine 'web1' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
[web1] Box 'leap-jessie' was not found. Fetching box from specified URL for
the provider 'virtualbox'. Note that if the URL does not have
a box for this provider, you should interrupt Vagrant now and add
the box yourself. Otherwise Vagrant will attempt to download the
full box prior to discovering this error.
Downloading or copying the box...
Progress: 3% (Rate: 560k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:13:36)
Bringing machine 'web1' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
[web1] Importing base box 'leap-jessie'...

Now the virtual machine ‘web1’ is running. You can add another local node using the same process. For example, the webapp node needs a databasse to run, so let’s add a “couchdb” node:

$ leap node add --local db1 services:couchdb
$ leap local start
 = updated test/Vagrantfile
Bringing machine 'db1' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
[db1] Importing base box 'leap-jessie'...
[db1] Matching MAC address for NAT networking...
[db1] Setting the name of the VM...
[db1] Clearing any previously set forwarded ports...
[db1] Fixed port collision for 22 => 2222. Now on port 2202.
[db1] Creating shared folders metadata...
[db1] Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
[db1] Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
[db1] Forwarding ports...
[db1] -- 22 => 2202 (adapter 1)
[db1] Running any VM customizations...
[db1] Booting VM...
[db1] Waiting for VM to boot. This can take a few minutes.
[db1] VM booted and ready for use!
[db1] Configuring and enabling network interfaces...
[db1] Mounting shared folders...
[db1] -- /vagrant

You now can follow the normal LEAP process and initialize it and then deploy your recipes to it:

$ leap node init web1
$ leap deploy web1
$ leap node init db1
$ leap deploy db1

Useful local commands

There are many useful things you can do with a virtualized development environment.

Listing what machines are running

Now you have the two virtual machines “web1” and “db1” running, you can see the running machines as follows:

$ leap local status
Current machine states:

db1                      running (virtualbox)
web1                     running (virtualbox)

This environment represents multiple VMs. The VMs are all listed
above with their current state. For more information about a specific
VM, run `vagrant status NAME`.

Stopping machines

It is not recommended that you leave your virtual machines running when you are not using them. They consume memory and other resources! To stop your machines, simply do the following:

$ leap local stop web1 db1

Connecting to machines

You can connect to your local nodes just like you do with normal LEAP nodes, by running ‘leap ssh node’.

However, if you cannot connect to your local node, because the networking is not setup properly, or you have deployed a firewall that locks you out, you may need to access the graphical console.

In order to do that, you will need to configure Vagrant to launch a graphical console and then you can login as root there to diagnose the networking problem. To do this, add the following to your $HOME/.leaprc:

@custom_vagrant_vm_line = 'config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v|
  v.gui = true

and then start, or restart, your local Vagrant node. You should get a VirtualBox graphical interface presented to you showing you the bootup and eventually the login.

Snapshotting machines

A very useful feature of local Vagrant development nodes is the ability to snapshot the current state and then revert to that when you need.

For example, perhaps the base image is a little bit out of date and you want to get the packages updated to the latest before continuing. You can do that simply by starting the node, connecting to it and updating the packages and then snapshotting the node:

$ leap local start web1
$ leap ssh web1
web1# apt-get -u dist-upgrade
web1# exit
$ leap local save web1

Now you can deploy to web1 and if you decide you want to revert to the state before deployment, you simply have to reset the node to your previous save:

$ leap local reset web1

More information

See leap help local for a complete list of local-only commands and how they can be used.

2. Vagrant with static Vagrantfile

You can use the static Vagrantfile if you want to get up a running with a pre-canned test provider.

It will install a single node mail server in the default configuration with one single command.

Clone the platform with

git clone --recursive -b develop

Start the vagrant box with

cd leap_platform
vagrant up

Follow the instructions how to configure your /etc/hosts in order to use the provider!

You can login via ssh with the systemuser vagrant and the same password.

vagrant ssh

On the host, run the tests to check if everything is working as expected:

cd /home/vagrant/leap/configuration/
leap test

Use the bitmask client to do an initial soledad sync

Copy the self-signed CA certificate from the host. The easiest way is to use the vagrant-scp plugin:

vagrant scp :/home/vagrant/leap/configuration/files/ca/ca.crt /tmp/

vagrant@node1:~/leap/configuration$ cat files/ca/ca.crt

and write it into a file, needed by the bitmask client:

bitmask --ca-cert-file /tmp/

On the first run, bitmask is creating a gpg keypair. This is needed for delivering and encrypting incoming mails.

Testing email

sudo apt install swaks
swaks -f -t -s

check the logs:

sudo less /var/log/mail.log
sudo less /var/log/leap/mx.log

if an error occurs, see if the mail is still laying in the mailspool dir:

sudo ls /var/mail/leap-mx/Maildir/new

Re-run bitmask client to sync your mail

bitmask --ca-cert-file /tmp/

Now, connect your favorite mail client to the imap and smtp proxy started by the bitmask client:

Happy testing !

Using the Webapp

There are 2 users preconfigured:

. testuser with pw hallo123 . testadmin with pw hallo123

login as testadmin to access the webapp with admin priviledges.

Support for libvirt

Install libvirt plugin

By default, Vagrant will use VirtualBox to create the virtual machines, but this is how you can use libvirt. Using libvirt is more efficient, but VirtualBox is more stable and easier to set up.

For debian/ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install libvirt-bin libvirt-dev

# to build the vagrant-libvirt plugin you need the following packages:
sudo apt-get install ruby-dev libxslt-dev libxml2-dev libvirt-dev

# install the required plugins
vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt fog fog-libvirt sahara

Log out and then log back in.

Note: if running ubuntu 15.10 as the host OS, you will probably need to run the following commands before “vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt” will work:

ln -sf /usr/lib/ /opt/vagrant/embedded/lib
ln -sf /usr/lib/ /opt/vagrant/embedded/lib

Create libvirt pool

Next, you must create the libvirt image pool. The “default” pool uses /var/lib/libvirt/images, but Vagrant will not download base boxes there. Instead, create a libvirt pool called “vagrant”, like so:

virsh pool-define-as vagrant dir - - - - /home/$USER/.vagrant.d/boxes
virsh pool-start vagrant
virsh pool-autostart vagrant

If you want to use a name different than “vagrant” for the pool, you can change the name in Leapfile by setting the @vagrant_libvirt_pool variable:

@vagrant_libvirt_pool = "vagrant"

Force use of libvirt

Finally, you need to tell Vagrant to use libvirt instead of VirtualBox. If using vagrant with leap_cli, modify your Leapfile or .leaprc file and add this line:

@vagrant_provider = "libvirt"

Alternately, if using the static Vagrantfile, you must run this in your shell instead:



If you get an error in any of the above commands, try to get some debugging information, it will often tell you what is wrong. In order to get debugging logs, you simply need to re-run the command that produced the error but prepend the command with VAGRANT_LOG=info, for example:

VAGRANT_LOG=info vagrant box add LEAP/jessie

You can also run vagrant with –debug for full logging.

Known issues

Useful commands

Force re-download of image, in case something goes wrong:

vagrant box add leap/jessie --force --provider libvirt

Shared folder support

For shared folder support, you need nfs-kernel-server installed on the host machine and set up sudo to allow unpriviledged users to modify /etc/exports. See vagrant-libvirt#synced-folders

sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-serve

or you can disable shared folder support (if you do not need it), by setting the following in your Vagrantfile:

config.vm.synced_folder "src/", "/srv/website", disabled: trueconfig.vm.synced_folder "src/", "/srv/website", disabled: true

if you are wanting this disabled for all the leap vagrant integration, you can add this to ~/.leaprc:

@custom_vagrant_vm_line = 'config.vm.synced_folder "src/", "/srv/website", disabled: true'

Verify vagrantboxes

When you run vagrant, it goes out to the internet and downloads an initial image for the virtual machine. If you want to verify that authenticity of these images, follow these steps.

Import LEAP archive signing key:

gpg --search-keys 0x1E34A1828E207901

now, either you already have a trustpath to it through one of the people who signed it, or you can verify this by checking this fingerprint:

gpg --fingerprint  --list-keys 1E34A1828E207901

  pub   4096R/1E34A1828E207901 2013-02-06 [expires: 2015-02-07]
        Key fingerprint = 1E45 3B2C E87B EE2F 7DFE  9966 1E34 A182 8E20 7901
  uid                          LEAP archive signing key <>

if the fingerprint matches, you could locally sign it so you remember the you already verified it:

gpg --lsign-key 1E34A1828E207901

Then download the SHA215SUMS file and it’s signature file


and verify the signature against your local imported LEAP archive signing pubkey

gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.sign

  gpg: Signature made Sat 01 Nov 2014 12:25:05 AM CET
  gpg:                using RSA key 1E34A1828E207901
  gpg: Good signature from "LEAP archive signing key <>"

Make sure that the last line says “Good signature from…”, which tells you that your downloaded SHA256SUMS file has the right contents!

Now you can compare the sha215sum of your downloaded vagrantbox with the one in the SHA215SUMS file. You could have downloaded it manually from$version/$ otherwise it’s probably located within ~/.vagrant.d/.

cat SHA215SUMS


To troubleshoot vagrant issues, try going through these steps:

Additional notes

Some useful plugins


Please consult the known issues for vagrant, see the Known Issues, section Special Environments

Known working combinations

Please consider that using other combinations might work for you as well, these are just the combinations we tried and worked for us:

Debian Wheezy

Ubuntu Wily 15.10

Mac OS X 10.9

Issue reporting

When you encounter any bugs, please check first on our bugtracker if it’s something already known. Reporting bugs is the first step in fixing them. Please include all the relevant details: platform branch, version of leap_cli, past upgrades.