Under the hood

Various implementation details.

This page contains various details on the how the platform is implemented. You can safely ignore this page, although it may be useful if you plan to make modifications to the platform.

Puppet Details


Tags are beeing used to deploy different classes.

You can pass any combination of tags, i.e. use

Doing faster partial deploys

If you only change a tiny bit on the platform puppet recipes, you could achieve a much faster deploy specifying the resource tag you changed. i.e. you changed the way rsyslog config snippets for LEAP logfiles are created in puppet/modules/leap/manifests/logfile.pp. This define resource will get tagged automatically with leap::logfile and you can deploy the change with:

leap deploy *NODE* --fast --tags=leap::logfile

or, if you just want

leap deploy --tags=dist_upgrade

See http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/2.7/reference/lang_tags.html for puppet tag usage.