
Getting started with making changes to the LEAP platform

Installing leap_cli

From gem, for a single user

Install the latest:

gem install --user-install leap_cli

Or install a particular version:

gem install --version 1.8 --user-install leap_cli

Add the –user-install directory to your path:

[ $(which ruby) ] && PATH="$PATH:$(ruby -e 'puts Gem.user_dir')/bin"

From gem, system wide

Install the latest:

sudo gem install leap_cli

Install a particular version:

sudo gem install leap_cli --version 1.8

As a gem, built from source

sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev rake
git clone
cd leap_cli
git checkout develop
rake build
sudo rake install

The “develop” branch from source, for a single user

sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev rake
git clone
cd leap_cli
git checkout develop

Then do one of the following to be able to run leap command:

cd leap_cli
alias leap="`pwd`/bin/leap"
ln -s `pwd`/bin/leap ~/bin/leap

In practice, of course, you would put aliases or PATH modifications in a shell startup file.

You can also clone from

Running different leap_cli versions

If installed as a gem

With rubygems, you can always specify the gem version as the first argument to any executable installed by rubygems. For example:

sudo gem install leap_cli --version 1.7.2
sudo gem install leap_cli --version 1.8
leap _1.7.2_ --version
=> leap 1.7.2, ruby 2.1.2
leap _1.8_ --version
=> leap 1.8, ruby 2.1.2

If running from source

Alternately, if you are running from source, you can alias different commands:

git clone
cd leap_cli
git checkout develop
alias leap_develop="`pwd`/bin/leap`