@title = 'Where to look for errors' @nav_title = 'Where to look' @toc = true General ======= * Please increase verbosity when debugging / filing issues in our issue tracker. You can do this with adding i.e. `-v 5` after the `leap` cmd, i.e. `leap -v 2 deploy`. * We use the `example.org` domain for documentation purposes here, please replace it with the you domain. Firewall ======================= Every node in your provider has its own restrictive firewall, but you might have a network firewall in place as well that is not managed by LEAP platform. To see what ports and addresses must be open, run this command: workstation$ leap compile firewall If any of those are blocked, then your provider will not work. Webapp ====== Places to look for errors ------------------------- * `/var/log/apache2/error.log` * `/srv/leap/webapp/log/production.log` * `/var/log/syslog` (watch out for stunnel issues) * `/var/log/leap/*` Is haproxy ok ? --------------- curl -s -X GET "" Is couchdb accessible through stunnel ? --------------------------------------- * Depending on how many couch nodes you have, increase the port for every test (see /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg for the server/port mapping): curl -s -X GET "" curl -s -X GET "" ... Check couchdb acl as admin -------------------------- mkdir /etc/couchdb cat /srv/leap/webapp/config/couchdb.yml.admin # see username and password echo "machine login admin password " > /etc/couchdb/couchdb-admin.netrc chmod 600 /etc/couchdb/couchdb-admin.netrc curl -s --netrc-file /etc/couchdb/couchdb-admin.netrc -X GET "" curl -s --netrc-file /etc/couchdb/couchdb-admin.netrc -X GET "" Check couchdb acl as unpriviledged user --------------------------------------- cat /srv/leap/webapp/config/couchdb.yml # see username and password echo "machine login webapp password " > /etc/couchdb/couchdb-webapp.netrc chmod 600 /etc/couchdb/couchdb-webapp.netrc curl -s --netrc-file /etc/couchdb/couchdb-webapp.netrc -X GET "" curl -s --netrc-file /etc/couchdb/couchdb-webapp.netrc -X GET "" All URLs accessible ? --------------------- * https://example.org * https://api.example.org:4430/provider.json * https://example.org/ca.crt Check client config files ------------------------- * https://example.net/provider.json * https://example.net/1/config/smtp-service.json * https://example.net/1/config/soledad-service.json * https://example.net/1/config/eip-service.json Soledad ======= /var/log/soledad.log Couchdb ======= Places to look for errors ------------------------- * `/opt/bigcouch/var/log/bigcouch.log` * `/var/log/syslog` (watch out for stunnel issues) Bigcouch membership ------------------- * All nodes configured for the provider should appear here:
    curl -s --netrc-file /etc/couchdb/couchdb.netrc -X GET ''
* All configured nodes should show up under "cluster_nodes", and the ones online and communicating with each other should appear under "all_nodes". This example output shows the configured cluster nodes `couch1.bitmask.net` and `couch2.bitmask.net`, but `couch2.bitmask.net` is currently not accessible from `couch1.bitmask.net`
    curl -s --netrc-file /etc/couchdb/couchdb.netrc ''
* Sometimes a `/etc/init.d/bigcouch restart` on all nodes is needed, to register new nodes Databases --------- * Following output shows all neccessary DBs that should be present. Note that the `user-0123456....` DBs are the data stores for a particular user.
    curl -s --netrc-file /etc/couchdb/couchdb.netrc -X GET ''
Design Documents ---------------- * Is User `_design doc` available ?
    curl -s --netrc-file /etc/couchdb/couchdb.netrc -X  GET ""
Is couchdb cluster backend accessible through stunnel ? ------------------------------------------------------- * Find out how many connections are set up for the couchdb cluster backend:
    grep "accept =" /etc/stunnel/*
* Now connect to all of those local endpoints to see if they up. All these tests should return "localhost [] 4000 (?) open"
    nc -v 4000
    nc -v 4001
MX == Places to look for errors ------------------------- * `/var/log/mail.log` * `/var/log/leap_mx.log` * `/var/log/syslog` (watch out for stunnel issues) Is couchdb accessible through stunnel ? --------------------------------------- * Depending on how many couch nodes you have, increase the port for every test (see /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg for the server/port mapping): curl -s -X GET "" curl -s -X GET "" ... Query leap-mx ------------- * for useraccount
    postmap -v -q  "joe@dev.bitmask.net" tcp:localhost:2244
    postmap: dict_tcp_lookup: send: get jow@dev.bitmask.net
    postmap: dict_tcp_lookup: recv: 200
* for mailalias
    postmap -v -q  "joe@dev.bitmask.net" tcp:localhost:4242
    postmap: dict_tcp_lookup: send: get joe@dev.bitmask.net
    postmap: dict_tcp_lookup: recv: 200 f01bc1c70de7d7d80bc1ad77d987e73a
    postmap: dict_tcp_lookup: found: f01bc1c70de7d7d80bc1ad77d987e73a
Check couchdb acl as unpriviledged user --------------------------------------- cat /etc/leap/mx.conf # see username and password echo "machine login leap_mx password " > /etc/couchdb/couchdb-leap_mx.netrc chmod 600 /etc/couchdb/couchdb-leap_mx.netrc curl -s --netrc-file /etc/couchdb/couchdb-leap_mx.netrc -X GET "" # pick one "user-" db curl -s --netrc-file /etc/couchdb/couchdb-leap_mx.netrc -X GET "" * you may check multiple times, cause is haproxy load-balancing the different couchdb nodes Mailspool --------- * Any file in the leap_mx mailspool longer for a few seconds ?
    ls -la /var/mail/vmail/Maildir/cur/
* Any mails in postfix mailspool longer than a few seconds ?
Testing mail delivery --------------------- swaks -f alice@example.org -t bob@example.net -s mx1.example.net --port 25 swaks -f varac@cdev.bitmask.net -t varac@cdev.bitmask.net -s chipmonk.cdev.bitmask.net --port 465 --tlsc swaks -f alice@example.org -t bob@example.net -s mx1.example.net --port 587 --tls VPN === Places to look for errors ------------------------- * `/var/log/syslog` (watch out for openvpn issues)