@title = 'LEAP Platform Vagrant testing' @nav_title = 'Vagrant Integration' @summary = 'Testing your provider with Vagrant' Setting up Vagrant for a testing the platform ============================================= There are two ways you can setup leap platform using vagrant. Using the Vagrantfile provided by Leap Platform ----------------------------------------------- This is by far the easiest way. It will install a single node mail server in the default configuration with one single command. Clone the platform with git clone https://github.com/leapcode/leap_platform.git Start the vagrant box with cd leap_platform vagrant up Follow the instructions how to configure your `/etc/hosts` in order to use the provider! You can login via ssh with the systemuser `vagrant` and the same password. There are 2 users preconfigured: . `testuser` with pw `hallo123` . `testadmin` with pw `hallo123` Use the leap_cli vagrant integration ------------------------------------ Install leap_cli and leap_platform on your host, configure a provider from scratch and use the `leap local` commands to manage your vagrant node(s). See https://leap.se/en/docs/platform/development how to use the leap_cli vagrant integration and https://leap.se/en/docs/platform/tutorials/single-node-email how to setup a single node mail server.