@title = 'LEAP Platform Vagrant testing'
@nav_title = 'Vagrant Integration'
@summary = 'Testing your provider with Vagrant'

Setting up Vagrant for a testing the platform

There are two ways you can setup leap platform using vagrant.

Using the Vagrantfile provided by Leap Platform

This is by far the easiest way. It will install a single node mail server in the default
configuration with one single command.

Clone the platform with

    git clone https://github.com/leapcode/leap_platform.git

Start the vagrant box with

    cd leap_platform
    vagrant up

Follow the instructions how to configure your `/etc/hosts`
in order to use the provider!

You can login via ssh with the systemuser `vagrant` and the same password.

There are 2 users preconfigured:

. `testuser`  with pw `hallo123`
. `testadmin` with pw `hallo123`

Use the leap_cli vagrant integration

Install leap_cli and leap_platform on your host, configure a provider from scratch and use the `leap local` commands to manage your vagrant node(s).

See https://leap.se/en/docs/platform/development how to use the leap_cli vagrant
integration and https://leap.se/en/docs/platform/tutorials/single-node-email how
to setup a single node mail server.