require 'puppetlabs_spec_helper/rake_tasks' require 'puppet-lint/tasks/puppet-lint' require 'puppet-syntax/tasks/puppet-syntax' require 'puppet-catalog-test' # return list of modules, either # "external" (submodules or subrepos), "custom" (no submodules nor subrepos) # or all modules # so we can check each array seperately def modules_pattern (type) external = internal = all = Dir['puppet/modules/*'].sort.each do |m| # submodule or subrepo ? system("grep -q #{m} .gitmodules 2>/dev/null || test -f #{m}/.gitrepo") if $?.exitstatus == 0 external << m + '/**/*.pp' else internal << m + '/**/*.pp' end all << m + '/**/*.pp' end case type when 'external' external when 'internal' internal when 'all' all end end exclude_paths = ["**/vendor/**/*", "spec/fixtures/**/*", "pkg/**/*" ] # redefine lint task so we don't lint submoudules for now Rake::Task[:lint].clear :lint do |config| # only check for custom manifests, not submodules for now config.pattern = modules_pattern('internal') config.ignore_paths = exclude_paths config.disable_checks = ['documentation', '80chars'] config.fail_on_warnings = false end # rake syntax::* tasks PuppetSyntax.exclude_paths = exclude_paths PuppetSyntax.future_parser = true desc "Validate erb templates" task :templates do Dir['**/templates/**/*.erb'].each do |template| sh "erb -P -x -T '-' #{template} | ruby -c" unless template =~ /.*vendor.*/ end end namespace :platform do desc "Compile hiera config for test_provider" task :provider_compile do sh "cd tests/puppet/provider; bundle exec leap compile" end end'catalog') do |t| Rake::Task["platform:provider_compile"].invoke t.module_paths = ["puppet/modules"] t.manifest_path = File.join("puppet","manifests", "site.pp") t.facts = { "operatingsystem" => "Debian", "osfamily" => "Debian", "operatingsystemmajrelease" => "8", "debian_release" => "stable", "debian_codename" => "jessie", "lsbdistcodename" => "jessie", "concat_basedir" => "/var/lib/puppet/concat", "interfaces" => "eth0" } # crucial option for hiera integration t.config_dir = File.join("tests/puppet") # expects hiera.yaml to be included in directory # t.parser = "future" #t.verbose = true end namespace :test do desc "Run all puppet syntax checks required for CI (syntax , validate, templates, spec, lint)" task :syntax => [:syntax, :validate, :templates, :spec, :lint] desc "Tries to compile the catalog" task :catalog => [:catalog] #task :all => [:syntax, :catalog] end # unfortunatly, we cannot have one taks to rule them all # because :catalog would conflict with :syntax or :validate: # rake aborted! # Puppet::DevError: Attempting to initialize global default settings more than once! # /home/varac/dev/projects/leap/git/leap_platform/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.3.0/gems/puppet-3.8.7/lib/puppet/settings.rb:261:in `initialize_global_settings' #desc "Run all platform tests" #task :test => 'test:all'