Platform 0.8 -------------------------------------- This release focused on the email service. Additionally, almost all the code for leap_cli has been moved to leap_platform. * It is possible to require invite codes for new users signing up. * Tapicero has been removed. Now user storage databases are created as needed by soledad, and deleted eventually when no longer needed. * Bigcouch is now officially deprecated. New nodes created with `leap node add services:couchdb` will default to using plain CouchDB. It is highly recommended that you run a single couchdb node. * Admins can now suspect/enable users and block/enable their ability to send and receive email. * Support for SPF and DKIM. Compatibility: * Now, soledad and couchdb must be on the same node. * Requires Debian Jessie. Wheezy is no longer supported. * Requires leap_cli version 1.8 * Requires bitmask client version >= 0.9 * Includes: * leap_mx 0.8 * webapp 0.8 * soledad 0.8 Commits: Issues fixed: Upgrading: * To migrate data to use plain couchdb, see This is still optional, but is a good idea. Platform 0.7.1 -------------------------------------- Compatibility: * Requires leap_cli version 1.7.4 * Requires bitmask client version >= 0.7 * Previous releases supported cookies when using the provider API. Now, only tokens are supported. * Includes: * leap_mx 0.7.0 * tapicero 0.7 * webapp 0.7 * soledad 0.7 Commits: Issues fixed: Upgrading: * `gem install leap_cli --version 1.7.4`. * `cd leap_platform; git pull; git checkout 0.7.1`. * `leap deploy` * `leap test` to make sure everything is working