path: root/puppet/modules/site_check_mk/manifests/agent/tapicero.pp
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2014-12-17Check tapicero heartbeat (Bug #6556)varac
In order to assure tapicero is still working, we need to monitor /var/log/syslog for the last tapicero log msg, which should not be older than the last check_mk_agent run (every 2 mins atm).
2014-02-27moved logwatch/tapicero.cfg to logwatch/syslog/tapicero.cfgvarac
2014-02-25now using concanated check_mk logwatch files where needed (#5155)varac
2014-02-20added tapicero logwatch checkvarac
2014-02-19add site_check_mk::agent::tapicero, site_check_mk::agent::couchdbvarac