path: root/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-03-17updated with contributing section how to use a pre-commit hook for ...varac
2015-01-05updated link to quickstart tutorialvarac
2014-08-19Update README to make note about known issues so version number does not need...Micah Anderson
2014-06-19update known issues to remove service separation issue that was solved,Micah Anderson
2014-05-08add known issues, making this the canonical place, which we will bringMicah Anderson
2013-11-19cleaned up README, fixed linkselijah
2013-07-03Copy the current state of the platform documentation into the doc directory.Micah Anderson
2013-07-03Update README to guide a user through a basic understanding, and where to go ...Micah Anderson
2013-02-27language in the Readmekwadronaut
2013-02-08updated README, added LICENSEvarac
2012-11-15fix node configuration suffix and provide more information; fix init-nodeMicah Anderson
2012-11-06update README to provide additional information about the leap help step and ...Micah Anderson
2012-11-06updated README.mdvarac
2012-10-25README: git clone should use git: instead of ssh:varac
2012-10-25Adding getting started content, needs more cleanupKwadronaut
2012-09-26add initial README.mdMicah Anderson