path: root/tests/white-box
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/white-box')
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 700 deletions
diff --git a/tests/white-box/couchdb.rb b/tests/white-box/couchdb.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 85dc6840..00000000
--- a/tests/white-box/couchdb.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-raise SkipTest unless service?(:couchdb)
-require 'json'
-class CouchDB < LeapTest
- depends_on "Network"
- def setup
- end
- def test_00_Are_daemons_running?
- assert_running 'bin/beam'
- if multimaster?
- assert_running 'bin/epmd'
- end
- pass
- end
- #
- # check to make sure we can get welcome response from local couchdb
- #
- def test_01_Is_CouchDB_running?
- assert_get(couchdb_url) do |body|
- assert_match /"couchdb":"Welcome"/, body, "Could not get welcome message from #{couchdb_url}. Probably couchdb is not running."
- end
- pass
- end
- #
- # compare the configured nodes to the nodes that are actually listed in bigcouch
- #
- def test_02_Is_cluster_membership_ok?
- return unless multimaster?
- url = couchdb_backend_url("/nodes/_all_docs")
- neighbors = assert_property('couch.bigcouch.neighbors')
- neighbors << assert_property('domain.full')
- neighbors.sort!
- assert_get(url) do |body|
- response = JSON.parse(body)
- nodes_in_db = response['rows'].collect{|row| row['id'].sub(/^bigcouch@/, '')}.sort
- assert_equal neighbors, nodes_in_db, "The couchdb replication node list is wrong (/nodes/_all_docs)"
- end
- pass
- end
- #
- # all configured nodes are in 'cluster_nodes'
- # all nodes online and communicating are in 'all_nodes'
- #
- # this seems backward to me, so it might be the other way around.
- #
- def test_03_Are_configured_nodes_online?
- return unless multimaster?
- url = couchdb_url("/_membership", :username => 'admin')
- assert_get(url) do |body|
- response = JSON.parse(body)
- nodes_configured_but_not_available = response['cluster_nodes'] - response['all_nodes']
- nodes_available_but_not_configured = response['all_nodes'] - response['cluster_nodes']
- if nodes_configured_but_not_available.any?
- warn "These nodes are configured but not available:", nodes_configured_but_not_available
- end
- if nodes_available_but_not_configured.any?
- warn "These nodes are available but not configured:", nodes_available_but_not_configured
- end
- if response['cluster_nodes'] == response['all_nodes']
- pass
- end
- end
- end
- def test_04_Do_ACL_users_exist?
- acl_users = ['_design/_auth', 'leap_mx', 'nickserver', 'soledad', 'webapp', 'replication']
- url = couchdb_backend_url("/_users/_all_docs", :username => 'admin')
- assert_get(url) do |body|
- response = JSON.parse(body)
- assert_equal acl_users.count, response['total_rows']
- actual_users = response['rows'].map{|row| row['id'].sub(/^org.couchdb.user:/, '') }
- assert_equal acl_users.sort, actual_users.sort
- end
- pass
- end
- def test_05_Do_required_databases_exist?
- dbs_that_should_exist = ["customers","identities","keycache","shared","tickets","users", "tmp_users"]
- dbs_that_should_exist << "tokens_#{rotation_suffix}"
- dbs_that_should_exist << "sessions_#{rotation_suffix}"
- dbs_that_should_exist.each do |db_name|
- url = couchdb_url("/"+db_name, :username => 'admin')
- assert_get(url) do |body|
- assert response = JSON.parse(body)
- assert_equal db_name, response['db_name']
- end
- end
- pass
- end
- # disable ACL enforcement, because it's a known issue with bigcouch
- # and will only confuse the user
- # see for more details
- #
- ## for now, this just prints warnings, since we are failing these tests.
- ##
- #def test_06_Is_ACL_enforced?
- # ok = assert_auth_fail(
- # couchdb_url('/users/_all_docs', :username => 'leap_mx'),
- # {:limit => 1}
- # )
- # ok = assert_auth_fail(
- # couchdb_url('/users/_all_docs', :username => 'leap_mx'),
- # {:limit => 1}
- # ) && ok
- # pass if ok
- #end
- def test_07_Can_records_be_created?
- record =
- url = couchdb_url("/tokens_#{rotation_suffix}", :username => 'admin')
- assert_post(url, record, :format => :json) do |body|
- assert response = JSON.parse(body), "POST response should be JSON"
- assert response["ok"], "POST response should be OK"
- assert_delete(File.join(url, response["id"]), :rev => response["rev"]) do |body|
- assert response = JSON.parse(body), "DELETE response should be JSON"
- assert response["ok"], "DELETE response should be OK"
- end
- end
- pass
- end
- #
- # This is not really a "test", just an attempt to make sure that
- # the mx tests that fire off dummy emails don't fill up the
- # storage db.
- #
- # mx tests can't run this because they don't have access to
- # the storage db.
- #
- # This "test" is responsible for both creating the db if it does not
- # exist, and destroying if it does.
- #
- # Yes, this is super hacky. Properly, we should add something to
- # the soledad api to support create/delete of user storage dbs.
- #
- def test_99_Delete_mail_storage_used_in_mx_tests
- user = find_user_by_login(TEST_EMAIL_USER)
- if user
- if user_db_exists?(user["id"])
- # keep the test email db from filling up:
- assert_destroy_user_db(user["id"], :username => 'admin')
- end
- # either way, make sure we leave a db for the mx tests:
- assert_create_user_db(user["id"], :username => 'admin')
- end
- silent_pass
- end
- private
- def multimaster?
- mode == "multimaster"
- end
- def mode
- assert_property('couch.mode')
- end
- # TODO: admin port is hardcoded for now but should be configurable.
- def couchdb_backend_url(path="", options={})
- options = {port: multimaster? && "5986"}.merge options
- couchdb_url(path, options)
- end
- def rotation_suffix
- rotation_suffix = / 2592000 # monthly
- end
- require 'securerandom'
- require 'digest/sha2'
- class DummyRecord < Hash
- def initialize
- self['data'] = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(32).gsub(/^_*/, '')
- self['_id'] = Digest::SHA512.hexdigest(self['data'])
- end
- end
diff --git a/tests/white-box/dummy.rb b/tests/white-box/dummy.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a3e8ad68..00000000
--- a/tests/white-box/dummy.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-# only run in the dummy case where there is no hiera.yaml file.
-raise SkipTest unless $node["dummy"]
-class Robot
- def can_shoot_lasers?
- "OHAI!"
- end
- def can_fly?
- "YES!"
- end
-class TestDummy < LeapTest
- def setup
- @robot =
- end
- def test_lasers
- assert_equal "OHAI!", @robot.can_shoot_lasers?
- pass
- end
- def test_fly
- refute_match /^no/i, @robot.can_fly?
- pass
- end
- def test_fail
- fail "fail"
- pass
- end
- def test_01_will_be_skipped
- skip "test this later"
- pass
- end
- def test_socket_failure
- assert_tcp_socket('localhost', 900000)
- pass
- end
- def test_warn
- block_test do
- warn "not everything", "is a success or failure"
- end
- end
- # used to test extracting the proper caller even when in a block
- def block_test
- yield
- end
- def test_socket_success
- fork {
- Socket.tcp_server_loop('localhost', 12345) do |sock, client_addrinfo|
- begin
- sock.write('hi')
- ensure
- sock.close
- exit
- end
- end
- }
- sleep 0.2
- assert_tcp_socket('localhost', 12345)
- pass
- end
diff --git a/tests/white-box/mx.rb b/tests/white-box/mx.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c0982ce..00000000
--- a/tests/white-box/mx.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-raise SkipTest unless service?(:mx)
-require 'json'
-require 'net/smtp'
-class Mx < LeapTest
- depends_on "Network"
- depends_on "Webapp" if service?(:webapp)
- def setup
- end
- def test_01_Can_contact_couchdb?
- dbs = ["identities"]
- dbs.each do |db_name|
- couchdb_urls("/"+db_name, couch_url_options).each do |url|
- assert_get(url) do |body|
- assert response = JSON.parse(body)
- assert_equal db_name, response['db_name']
- end
- end
- end
- pass
- end
- def test_02_Can_contact_couchdb_via_haproxy?
- if property('haproxy.couch')
- url = couchdb_url_via_haproxy("", couch_url_options)
- assert_get(url) do |body|
- assert_match /"couchdb":"Welcome"/, body, "Request to #{url} should return couchdb welcome message."
- end
- pass
- end
- end
- #
- # this test picks a random identity document, then queries
- # using the by_address view for that same document again.
- #
- def test_03_Can_query_identities_db?
- assert_get(couchdb_url("/identities", couch_url_options)) do |body|
- assert response = JSON.parse(body)
- doc_count = response['doc_count'].to_i
- if doc_count <= 1
- # the design document counts as one document.
- skip "There are no identity documents yet."
- else
- # try five times to get a valid doc
- for i in 1..5
- offset = rand(doc_count) # pick a random document
- count_url = couchdb_url("/identities/_all_docs?include_docs=true&limit=1&skip=#{offset}", couch_url_options)
- assert_get(count_url) do |body|
- assert response = JSON.parse(body)
- record = response['rows'].first
- if record['id'] =~ /_design/
- next
- else
- address = record['doc']['address']
- assert address, "Identity document #{record['id']} is missing an address field. #{record['doc'].inspect}"
- url_base = %(/identities/_design/Identity/_view/by_address)
- params = %(?include_docs=true&reduce=false&startkey="#{address}"&endkey="#{address}")
- assert_get(couchdb_url(url_base+params, couch_url_options)) do |body|
- assert response = JSON.parse(body)
- assert record = response['rows'].first
- assert_equal address, record['doc']['address']
- pass
- end
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def test_04_Are_MX_daemons_running?
- assert_running '.*/usr/bin/twistd.*mx.tac'
- assert_running '^/usr/lib/postfix/master$'
- assert_running '^/usr/sbin/postfwd'
- assert_running 'postfwd2::cache$'
- assert_running 'postfwd2::policy$'
- assert_running '^/usr/sbin/unbound$'
- assert_running '^/usr/bin/freshclam'
- assert_running '^/usr/sbin/opendkim'
- if Dir.glob("/var/lib/clamav/main.{c[vl]d,inc}").size > 0 and Dir.glob("/var/lib/clamav/daily.{c[vl]d,inc}").size > 0
- assert_running '^/usr/sbin/clamd'
- assert_running '^/usr/sbin/clamav-milter'
- else
- skip "Downloading the clamav signature files (/var/lib/clamav/{daily,main}.{c[vl]d,inc}) is still in progress, so clamd is not running.\nDon't worry, mail delivery will work without clamav. The download should finish soon."
- end
- pass
- end
- #
- # The email sent by this test might get bounced back.
- # In this case, the test will pass, but the bounce message will
- # get sent to root, so the sysadmin will still figure out pretty
- # quickly that something is wrong.
- #
- def test_05_Can_deliver_email?
- addr = [TEST_EMAIL_USER, property('domain.full_suffix')].join('@')
- bad_addr = [TEST_BAD_USER, property('domain.full_suffix')].join('@')
- assert !identity_exists?(bad_addr), "the address #{bad_addr} must not exist."
- if !identity_exists?(addr)
- user = assert_create_user(TEST_EMAIL_USER, :monitor)
- upload_public_key(, TEST_EMAIL_PUBLIC_KEY)
- end
- assert identity_exists?(addr), "The identity #{addr} should have been created, but it doesn't exist yet."
- assert_send_email(addr)
- assert_raises(Net::SMTPError) do
- send_email(bad_addr)
- end
- pass
- end
- private
- def couch_url_options
- {
- :username => property('couchdb_leap_mx_user.username'),
- :password => property('couchdb_leap_mx_user.password')
- }
- end
diff --git a/tests/white-box/network.rb b/tests/white-box/network.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 436fc8a8..00000000
--- a/tests/white-box/network.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-require 'socket'
-require 'openssl'
-raise SkipTest if $node["dummy"]
-class Network < LeapTest
- def setup
- end
- def test_01_Can_connect_to_internet?
- assert_get('')
- pass
- end
- #
- # example properties:
- #
- # stunnel:
- # ednp_clients:
- # elk_9002:
- # accept_port: 4003
- # connect:
- # connect_port: 19002
- # couch_server:
- # accept: 15984
- # connect: ""
- #
- def test_02_Is_stunnel_running?
- ignore unless $node['stunnel']
- good_stunnel_pids = []
- release = `facter lsbmajdistrelease`
- if release.to_i > 7
- # on jessie, there is only one stunnel proc running instead of 6
- expected = 1
- else
- expected = 6
- end
- $node['stunnel']['clients'].each do |stunnel_type, stunnel_configs|
- stunnel_configs.each do |stunnel_name, stunnel_conf|
- config_file_name = "/etc/stunnel/#{stunnel_name}.conf"
- processes = pgrep(config_file_name)
- assert_equal expected, processes.length, "There should be #{expected} stunnel processes running for `#{config_file_name}`"
- good_stunnel_pids +={|ps| ps[:pid]}
- assert port = stunnel_conf['accept_port'], 'Field `accept_port` must be present in `stunnel` property.'
- assert_tcp_socket('localhost', port)
- end
- end
- $node['stunnel']['servers'].each do |stunnel_name, stunnel_conf|
- config_file_name = "/etc/stunnel/#{stunnel_name}.conf"
- processes = pgrep(config_file_name)
- assert_equal expected, processes.length, "There should be #{expected} stunnel processes running for `#{config_file_name}`"
- good_stunnel_pids +={|ps| ps[:pid]}
- assert accept_port = stunnel_conf['accept_port'], "Field `accept` must be present in property `stunnel.servers.#{stunnel_name}`"
- assert_tcp_socket('localhost', accept_port)
- assert connect_port = stunnel_conf['connect_port'], "Field `connect` must be present in property `stunnel.servers.#{stunnel_name}`"
- assert_tcp_socket('localhost', connect_port,
- "The local connect endpoint for stunnel `#{stunnel_name}` is unavailable.\n"+
- "This is probably caused by a daemon that died or failed to start on\n"+
- "port `#{connect_port}`, not stunnel itself.")
- end
- all_stunnel_pids = pgrep('/usr/bin/stunnel').collect{|process| process[:pid]}.uniq
- assert_equal good_stunnel_pids.sort, all_stunnel_pids.sort, "There should not be any extra stunnel processes that are not configured in /etc/stunnel"
- pass
- end
- def test_03_Is_shorewall_running?
- ignore unless File.exists?('/sbin/shorewall')
- assert_run('/sbin/shorewall status')
- pass
- end
- THIRTY_DAYS = 60*60*24*30
- def test_04_Are_server_certificates_valid?
- cert_paths = ["/etc/x509/certs/leap_commercial.crt", "/etc/x509/certs/leap.crt"]
- cert_paths.each do |cert_path|
- if File.exists?(cert_path)
- cert =
- if > cert.not_after
- fail "The certificate #{cert_path} expired on #{cert.not_after}"
- elsif + THIRTY_DAYS > cert.not_after
- fail "The certificate #{cert_path} will expire soon, on #{cert.not_after}"
- end
- end
- end
- pass
- end
diff --git a/tests/white-box/openvpn.rb b/tests/white-box/openvpn.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 170d4503..00000000
--- a/tests/white-box/openvpn.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-raise SkipTest unless service?(:openvpn)
-class OpenVPN < LeapTest
- depends_on "Network"
- def setup
- end
- def test_01_Are_daemons_running?
- assert_running '^/usr/sbin/openvpn .* /etc/openvpn/tcp_config.conf$'
- assert_running '^/usr/sbin/openvpn .* /etc/openvpn/udp_config.conf$'
- assert_running '^/usr/sbin/unbound$'
- pass
- end
diff --git a/tests/white-box/soledad.rb b/tests/white-box/soledad.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d41bee58..00000000
--- a/tests/white-box/soledad.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-raise SkipTest unless service?(:soledad)
-require 'json'
-class Soledad < LeapTest
- depends_on "Network"
- depends_on "CouchDB" if service?(:couchdb)
- def setup
- end
- def test_00_Is_Soledad_running?
- assert_running '.*/usr/bin/twistd.*--wsgi=leap.soledad.server.application'
- pass
- end
diff --git a/tests/white-box/webapp.rb b/tests/white-box/webapp.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 68f3dcd2..00000000
--- a/tests/white-box/webapp.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-raise SkipTest unless service?(:webapp)
-require 'json'
-class Webapp < LeapTest
- depends_on "Network"
- def setup
- end
- def test_01_Can_contact_couchdb?
- url = couchdb_url("", url_options)
- assert_get(url) do |body|
- assert_match /"couchdb":"Welcome"/, body, "Request to #{url} should return couchdb welcome message."
- end
- pass
- end
- def test_02_Can_contact_couchdb_via_haproxy?
- if property('haproxy.couch')
- url = couchdb_url_via_haproxy("", url_options)
- assert_get(url) do |body|
- assert_match /"couchdb":"Welcome"/, body, "Request to #{url} should return couchdb welcome message."
- end
- pass
- end
- end
- def test_03_Are_daemons_running?
- assert_running '^/usr/sbin/apache2'
- assert_running '^/usr/bin/ruby /usr/bin/nickserver'
- pass
- end
- #
- # this is technically a black-box test. so, move this when we have support
- # for black box tests.
- #
- def test_04_Can_access_webapp?
- assert_get('https://' + $node['webapp']['domain'] + '/')
- pass
- end
- def test_05_Can_create_and_authenticate_and_delete_user_via_API?
- if property('webapp.allow_registration')
- assert_tmp_user
- pass
- else
- skip "New user registrations are disabled."
- end
- end
- def test_06_Can_sync_Soledad?
- return unless property('webapp.allow_registration')
- soledad_config = property('definition_files.soledad_service')
- if soledad_config && !soledad_config.empty?
- soledad_server = pick_soledad_server(soledad_config)
- if soledad_server
- assert_tmp_user do |user|
- command = File.expand_path "../../helpers/", __FILE__
- soledad_url = "https://#{soledad_server}/user-#{}"
- soledad_cert = "/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/leap_ca.crt"
- assert_run "#{command} #{} #{user.session_token} #{soledad_url} #{soledad_cert} #{user.password}"
- assert_user_db_exists(user)
- pass
- end
- end
- else
- skip 'No soledad service configuration'
- end
- end
- private
- def url_options
- {
- :username => property('webapp.couchdb_webapp_user.username'),
- :password => property('webapp.couchdb_webapp_user.password')
- }
- end
- #
- # pick a random soledad server.
- # I am not sure why, but using IP address directly does not work.
- #
- def pick_soledad_server(soledad_config_json_str)
- soledad_config = JSON.parse(soledad_config_json_str)
- host_name = soledad_config['hosts'].keys.shuffle.first
- if host_name
- hostname = soledad_config['hosts'][host_name]['hostname']
- port = soledad_config['hosts'][host_name]['port']
- return "#{hostname}:#{port}"
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- #
- # returns true if the per-user db created by soledad-server exists.
- # we try three times, and give up after that.
- #
- def assert_user_db_exists(user)
- db_name = "user-#{}"
- repeatedly_try("/#{db_name}") do |body, response, error|
- assert false, "Could not find user db `#{db_name}` for test user `#{user.username}`\nuuid=#{}\nHTTP #{response.code} #{error} #{body}"
- end
- repeatedly_try("/#{db_name}/_design/docs") do |body, response, error|
- assert false, "Could not find design docs for user db `#{db_name}` for test user `#{user.username}`\nuuid=#{}\nHTTP #{response.code} #{error} #{body}"
- end
- end
- #
- # tries the URL repeatedly, giving up and yield the last response if
- # no try returned a 200 http status code.
- #
- def repeatedly_try(url, &block)
- last_body, last_response, last_error = nil
- 3.times do
- sleep 0.2
- get(couchdb_url(url)) do |body, response, error|
- last_body, last_response, last_error = body, response, error
- # After moving to couchdb, webapp user is not allowed to Read user dbs,
- # but the return code for non-existent databases is 404. See #7674
- if response.code.to_i == 401
- return
- end
- end
- sleep 1
- end
- yield last_body, last_response, last_error
- return
- end