path: root/puppet/modules/openvpn/manifests/client.pp
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Diffstat (limited to 'puppet/modules/openvpn/manifests/client.pp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 187 deletions
diff --git a/puppet/modules/openvpn/manifests/client.pp b/puppet/modules/openvpn/manifests/client.pp
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index 92c6aa4e..00000000
--- a/puppet/modules/openvpn/manifests/client.pp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-# == Define: openvpn::client
-# This define creates the client certs for a specified openvpn server as well
-# as creating a tarball that can be directly imported into openvpn clients
-# === Parameters
-# [*server*]
-# String. Name of the corresponding openvpn endpoint
-# Required
-# [*compression*]
-# String. Which compression algorithim to use
-# Default: comp-lzo
-# Options: comp-lzo or '' (disable compression)
-# [*dev*]
-# String. Device method
-# Default: tun
-# Options: tun (routed connections), tap (bridged connections)
-# [*mute*]
-# Integer. Set log mute level
-# Default: 20
-# [*mute_replay_warnings*]
-# Boolean. Silence duplicate packet warnings (common on wireless networks)
-# Default: true
-# [*nobind*]
-# Boolean. Whether or not to bind to a specific port number
-# Default: true
-# [*persist_key*]
-# Boolean. Try to retain access to resources that may be unavailable
-# because of privilege downgrades
-# Default: true
-# [*persist_tun*]
-# Boolean. Try to retain access to resources that may be unavailable
-# because of privilege downgrades
-# Default: true
-# [*port*]
-# Integer. The port the openvpn server service is running on
-# Default: 1194
-# [*proto*]
-# String. What IP protocol is being used.
-# Default: tcp
-# Options: tcp or udp
-# [*remote_host*]
-# String. The IP or hostname of the openvpn server service
-# Default: FQDN
-# [*resolv_retry*]
-# Integer/String. How many seconds should the openvpn client try to resolve
-# the server's hostname
-# Default: infinite
-# Options: Integer or infinite
-# [*verb*]
-# Integer. Level of logging verbosity
-# Default: 3
-# === Examples
-# openvpn::client {
-# 'my_user':
-# server => 'contractors',
-# remote_host => ''
-# }
-# * Removal:
-# Manual process right now, todo for the future
-# === Authors
-# * Raffael Schmid <>
-# * John Kinsella <>
-# * Justin Lambert <>
-# === License
-# Copyright 2013 Raffael Schmid, <>
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-define openvpn::client(
- $server,
- $compression = 'comp-lzo',
- $dev = 'tun',
- $mute = '20',
- $mute_replay_warnings = true,
- $nobind = true,
- $persist_key = true,
- $persist_tun = true,
- $port = '1194',
- $proto = 'tcp',
- $remote_host = $::fqdn,
- $resolv_retry = 'infinite',
- $verb = '3',
-) {
- Openvpn::Server[$server] ->
- Openvpn::Client[$name]
- exec {
- "generate certificate for ${name} in context of ${server}":
- command => ". ./vars && ./pkitool ${name}",
- cwd => "/etc/openvpn/${server}/easy-rsa",
- creates => "/etc/openvpn/${server}/easy-rsa/keys/${name}.crt",
- provider => 'shell';
- }
- file {
- [ "/etc/openvpn/${server}/download-configs/${name}",
- "/etc/openvpn/${server}/download-configs/${name}/keys"]:
- ensure => directory;
- "/etc/openvpn/${server}/download-configs/${name}/keys/${name}.crt":
- ensure => link,
- target => "/etc/openvpn/${server}/easy-rsa/keys/${name}.crt",
- require => Exec["generate certificate for ${name} in context of ${server}"];
- "/etc/openvpn/${server}/download-configs/${name}/keys/${name}.key":
- ensure => link,
- target => "/etc/openvpn/${server}/easy-rsa/keys/${name}.key",
- require => Exec["generate certificate for ${name} in context of ${server}"];
- "/etc/openvpn/${server}/download-configs/${name}/keys/ca.crt":
- ensure => link,
- target => "/etc/openvpn/${server}/easy-rsa/keys/ca.crt",
- require => Exec["generate certificate for ${name} in context of ${server}"];
- "/etc/openvpn/${server}/download-configs/${name}/${name}.conf":
- owner => root,
- group => root,
- mode => '0444',
- content => template('openvpn/client.erb'),
- notify => Exec["tar the thing ${server} with ${name}"];
- }
- exec {
- "tar the thing ${server} with ${name}":
- cwd => "/etc/openvpn/${server}/download-configs/",
- command => "/bin/rm ${name}.tar.gz; tar --exclude=\\*.conf.d -chzvf ${name}.tar.gz ${name}",
- refreshonly => true,
- require => [ File["/etc/openvpn/${server}/download-configs/${name}/${name}.conf"],
- File["/etc/openvpn/${server}/download-configs/${name}/keys/ca.crt"],
- File["/etc/openvpn/${server}/download-configs/${name}/keys/${name}.key"],
- File["/etc/openvpn/${server}/download-configs/${name}/keys/${name}.crt"]
- ],
- notify => Exec["generate ${name}.ovpn in ${server}"];
- }
- exec {
- "generate ${name}.ovpn in ${server}":
- cwd => "/etc/openvpn/${server}/download-configs/",
- command => "/bin/rm ${name}.ovpn; cat ${name}/${name}.conf|perl -lne 'if(m|^ca keys/ca.crt|){ chomp(\$ca=`cat ${name}/keys/ca.crt`); print \"<ca>\n\$ca\n</ca>\"} elsif(m|^cert keys/${name}.crt|) { chomp(\$crt=`cat ${name}/keys/${name}.crt`); print \"<cert>\n\$crt\n</cert>\"} elsif(m|^key keys/${name}.key|){ chomp(\$key=`cat ${name}/keys/${name}.key`); print \"<key>\n\$key\n</key>\"} else { print} ' > ${name}.ovpn",
- refreshonly => true,
- require => [ File["/etc/openvpn/${server}/download-configs/${name}/${name}.conf"],
- File["/etc/openvpn/${server}/download-configs/${name}/keys/ca.crt"],
- File["/etc/openvpn/${server}/download-configs/${name}/keys/${name}.key"],
- File["/etc/openvpn/${server}/download-configs/${name}/keys/${name}.crt"],
- ],
- }
- file { "/etc/openvpn/${server}/download-configs/${name}.ovpn":
- mode => '0400',
- require => Exec["generate ${name}.ovpn in ${server}"],
- }