path: root/lib/leap_cli/ssh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/leap_cli/ssh')
6 files changed, 976 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/leap_cli/ssh/backend.rb b/lib/leap_cli/ssh/backend.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3894d815
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/leap_cli/ssh/backend.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+# A custome SSHKit backend, derived from the default netssh backend.
+# Our custom backend modifies the logging behavior and gracefully captures
+# common exceptions.
+require 'stringio'
+require 'timeout'
+require 'sshkit'
+require 'leap_cli/ssh/formatter'
+require 'leap_cli/ssh/scripts'
+module SSHKit
+ class Command
+ #
+ # override exit_status in order to be less verbose
+ #
+ def exit_status=(new_exit_status)
+ @finished_at =
+ @exit_status = new_exit_status
+ if options[:raise_on_non_zero_exit] && exit_status > 0
+ message = ""
+ message += "exit status: " + exit_status.to_s + "\n"
+ message += "stdout: " + (full_stdout.strip.empty? ? "Nothing written" : full_stdout.strip) + "\n"
+ message += "stderr: " + (full_stderr.strip.empty? ? 'Nothing written' : full_stderr.strip) + "\n"
+ raise Failed, message
+ end
+ end
+ end
+module LeapCli
+ module SSH
+ class Backend < SSHKit::Backend::Netssh
+ # since the @pool is a class instance variable, we need to copy
+ # the code from the superclass that initializes it. boo
+ @pool =
+ # modify to pass itself to the block, instead of relying on instance_exec.
+ def run
+ Thread.current["sshkit_backend"] = self
+ # was: instance_exec(@host, &@block)
+, @host)
+ ensure
+ Thread.current["sshkit_backend"] = nil
+ end
+ # if set, all the commands will begin with:
+ # sudo -u #{@user} -- sh -c '<command>'
+ def set_user(user='root')
+ @user = user
+ end
+ #
+ # like default capture, but gracefully logs failures for us
+ # last argument can be an options hash.
+ #
+ # available options:
+ #
+ # :fail_msg - [nil] if set, log this instead of the default
+ # fail message.
+ #
+ # :raise_error - [nil] if true, then reraise failed command exception.
+ #
+ # :log_cmd - [false] if true, log what the command is that gets run.
+ #
+ # :log_output - [true] if true, log each output from the command as
+ # it is received.
+ #
+ # :log_finish - [false] if true, log the exit status and time
+ # to completion
+ #
+ # :log_wrap - [nil] passed to log method as :wrap option.
+ #
+ def capture(*args)
+ extract_options(args)
+ initialize_logger(:log_output => false)
+ rescue_ssh_errors(*args) do
+ return super(*args)
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # like default execute, but log the results as they come in.
+ #
+ # see capture() for available options
+ #
+ def stream(*args)
+ extract_options(args)
+ initialize_logger
+ rescue_ssh_errors(*args) do
+ execute(*args)
+ end
+ end
+ def log(*args, &block)
+ @logger ||= LeapCli.new_logger
+ @logger.log(*args, &block)
+ end
+ # some prewritten servers-side scripts
+ def scripts
+ @scripts ||=, @host.hostname)
+ end
+ #
+ # sshkit just passes upload! and download! to Net::SCP, but Net::SCP
+ # make it impossible to set the file permissions. Here is how the mode
+ # is determined, from upload.rb:
+ #
+ # mode = channel[:stat] ? channel[:stat].mode & 07777 : channel[:options][:mode]
+ #
+ # The stat info from the file always overrides the mode you pass in options.
+ # However, the channel[:options][:mode] will be applied for pure in-memory
+ # uploads. So, if the mode is set, we convert the upload to be a memory
+ # upload instead of a file upload.
+ #
+ # Stupid, but blame Net::SCP.
+ #
+ def upload!(src, dest, options={})
+ if options[:mode]
+ if src.is_a?(StringIO)
+ content = src
+ else
+ content =
+ end
+ super(content, dest, options)
+ else
+ super(src, dest, options)
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ #
+ # creates a new logger instance for this specific ssh command.
+ # by doing this, each ssh session has its own logger and its own
+ # indentation.
+ #
+ # potentially modifies 'args' array argument.
+ #
+ def initialize_logger(default_options={})
+ @logger ||= LeapCli.new_logger
+ @output =, @host, default_options.merge(@options))
+ end
+ def extract_options(args)
+ if args.last.is_a? Hash
+ @options = args.pop
+ else
+ @options = {}
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # capture common exceptions
+ #
+ def rescue_ssh_errors(*args, &block)
+ yield
+ rescue Net::SSH::HostKeyMismatch => exc
+ @logger.log(:fatal_error, "Host key mismatch!") do
+ @logger.log(exc.to_s)
+ @logger.log("The ssh host key for the server does not match what is on "+
+ " file in `%s`." % Path.named_path(:known_hosts))
+ @logger.log("One of these is happening:") do
+ @logger.log("There is an active Man in The Middle attack against you.")
+ @logger.log("Or, someone has generated new host keys for the server " +
+ "and your provider files are out of date.")
+ @logger.log("Or, a new server is using this IP address " +
+ "and your provider files are out of date.")
+ @logger.log("Or, the server configuration has changed to use a different host key.")
+ end
+ @logger.log("You can pin a different host key using `leap node init NODE`, " +
+ "but you must verify the fingerprint of the new host key!")
+ end
+ exit(1)
+ rescue StandardError => exc
+ if exc.is_a?(SSHKit::Command::Failed) || exc.is_a?(SSHKit::Runner::ExecuteError)
+ if @options[:raise_error]
+ raise LeapCli::SSH::ExecuteError, exc.to_s
+ elsif @options[:fail_msg]
+ @logger.log(@options[:fail_msg], host: @host.hostname, :color => :red)
+ else
+ @logger.log(:failed, args.join(' '), host: @host.hostname) do
+ @logger.log(exc.to_s.strip, wrap: true)
+ end
+ end
+ elsif exc.is_a?(Timeout::Error) || exc.is_a?(Net::SSH::ConnectionTimeout)
+ @logger.log(:failed, args.join(' '), host: @host.hostname) do
+ @logger.log("Connection timed out")
+ end
+ if @options[:raise_error]
+ raise LeapCli::SSH::TimeoutError, exc.to_s
+ end
+ else
+ raise
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+ def output
+ @output ||=, @host)
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/leap_cli/ssh/formatter.rb b/lib/leap_cli/ssh/formatter.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c2e386dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/leap_cli/ssh/formatter.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# A custom SSHKit formatter that uses LeapLogger.
+require 'sshkit'
+module LeapCli
+ module SSH
+ class Formatter < SSHKit::Formatter::Abstract
+ :log_cmd => false, # log what the command is that gets run.
+ :log_output => true, # log each output from the command as it is received.
+ :log_finish => false # log the exit status and time to completion.
+ }
+ def initialize(logger, host, options={})
+ @logger = logger || LeapCli.new_logger
+ @host = host
+ @options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge(options)
+ end
+ def write(obj)
+ @logger.log(obj.to_s, :host => @host.hostname)
+ end
+ def log_command_start(command)
+ if @options[:log_cmd]
+ @logger.log(:running, "`" + command.to_s + "`", :host => @host.hostname)
+ end
+ end
+ def log_command_data(command, stream_type, stream_data)
+ if @options[:log_output]
+ color = stream_type == :stderr ? :red : nil
+ @logger.log(stream_data.to_s.chomp,
+ :color => color, :host => @host.hostname, :wrap => options[:log_wrap])
+ end
+ end
+ def log_command_exit(command)
+ if @options[:log_finish]
+ runtime = sprintf('%5.3fs', command.runtime)
+ if command.failure?
+ message = "in #{runtime} with status #{command.exit_status}."
+ @logger.log(:failed, message, :host => @host.hostname)
+ else
+ message = "in #{runtime}."
+ @logger.log(:completed, message, :host => @host.hostname)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # A custom InteractionHandler that will output the results as they come in.
+ #
+ #class LoggingInteractionHandler
+ # def initialize(hostname, logger=nil)
+ # @hostname = hostname
+ # @logger = logger || LeapCli.new_logger
+ # end
+ # def on_data(command, stream_name, data, channel)
+ # @logger.log(data, host: @hostname, wrap: true)
+ # end
+ #end
diff --git a/lib/leap_cli/ssh/key.rb b/lib/leap_cli/ssh/key.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..76223b7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/leap_cli/ssh/key.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+# A wrapper around OpenSSL::PKey::RSA instances to provide a better api for
+# dealing with SSH keys.
+# cipher 'ssh-ed25519' not supported yet because we are waiting
+# for support in Net::SSH
+# there are many ways to represent an SSH key, since SSH keys can be of
+# a variety of types.
+# To confuse matters more, there are multiple binary representations.
+# So, for example, an RSA key has a native SSH representation
+# (two bignums, e followed by n), and a DER representation.
+# AWS uses fingerprints of the DER representation, but SSH typically reports
+# fingerprints of the SSH representation.
+# Also, SSH public key files are base64 encoded, but with whitespace removed
+# so it all goes on one line.
+# Some useful links:
+require 'net/ssh'
+require 'forwardable'
+require 'base64'
+module LeapCli
+ module SSH
+ class Key
+ extend Forwardable
+ attr_accessor :filename
+ attr_accessor :comment
+ # supported ssh key types, in order of preference
+ SUPPORTED_TYPES = ['ssh-rsa', 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256']
+ ##
+ ##
+ def self.load(arg1, arg2=nil)
+ key = nil
+ if arg1.is_a? OpenSSL::PKey::RSA
+ key = arg1
+ elsif arg1.is_a? String
+ if arg1 =~ /^ssh-/
+ type, data = arg1.split(' ')
+ key = load_from_data(data, type)
+ elsif File.exist? arg1
+ key = load_from_file(arg1)
+ key.filename = arg1
+ else
+ key = load_from_data(arg1, arg2)
+ end
+ end
+ return key
+ rescue StandardError
+ end
+ def self.load_from_file(filename)
+ public_key = nil
+ private_key = nil
+ begin
+ public_key = Net::SSH::KeyFactory.load_public_key(filename)
+ rescue NotImplementedError, Net::SSH::Exception, OpenSSL::PKey::PKeyError
+ begin
+ private_key = Net::SSH::KeyFactory.load_private_key(filename)
+ rescue NotImplementedError, Net::SSH::Exception, OpenSSL::PKey::PKeyError
+ end
+ end
+ public_key || private_key
+ end
+ def self.load_from_data(data, type='ssh-rsa')
+ public_key = nil
+ private_key = nil
+ begin
+ public_key = Net::SSH::KeyFactory.load_data_public_key("#{type} #{data}")
+ rescue NotImplementedError, Net::SSH::Exception, OpenSSL::PKey::PKeyError
+ begin
+ private_key = Net::SSH::KeyFactory.load_data_private_key("#{type} #{data}")
+ rescue NotImplementedError, Net::SSH::Exception, OpenSSL::PKey::PKeyError
+ end
+ end
+ public_key || private_key
+ end
+ def self.my_public_keys
+ load_keys_from_paths File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.ssh', '*.pub')
+ end
+ def self.provider_public_keys
+ load_keys_from_paths Path.named_path([:user_ssh, '*'])
+ end
+ #
+ # Picks one key out of an array of keys that we think is the "best",
+ # based on the order of preference in SUPPORTED_TYPES
+ #
+ # Currently, this does not take bitsize into account.
+ #
+ def self.pick_best_key(keys)
+ {|k|
+ SUPPORTED_TYPES.include?(k.type)
+ }.sort {|a,b|
+ SUPPORTED_TYPES.index(a.type) <=> SUPPORTED_TYPES.index(b.type)
+ }.first
+ end
+ #
+ # takes a string with one or more ssh keys, one key per line,
+ # and returns an array of Key objects.
+ #
+ # the lines should be in one of these formats:
+ #
+ # 1. <hostname> <key-type> <key>
+ # 2. <key-type> <key>
+ #
+ def self.parse_keys(string)
+ keys = []
+ lines = string.split("\n").grep(/^[^#]/)
+ lines.each do |line|
+ if line =~ / #{Key::SUPPORTED_TYPES_RE} /
+ # <hostname> <key-type> <key>
+ keys << line.split(' ')[1..2]
+ elsif line =~ /^#{Key::SUPPORTED_TYPES_RE} /
+ # <key-type> <key>
+ keys << line.split(' ')
+ end
+ end
+ return{|k| Key.load(k[1], k[0])}
+ end
+ #
+ # takes a string with one or more ssh keys, one key per line,
+ # and returns a string that specified the ssh key algorithms
+ # that are supported by the keys, in order of preference.
+ #
+ # eg: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256,ssh-rsa,ssh-ed25519
+ #
+ def self.supported_host_key_algorithms(string)
+ if string
+ self.parse_keys(string).map {|key|
+ key.type
+ }.join(',')
+ else
+ ""
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def self.load_keys_from_paths(key_glob)
+ keys = []
+ Dir.glob(key_glob).each do |file|
+ key = Key.load(file)
+ if key && key.public?
+ keys << key
+ end
+ end
+ return keys
+ end
+ ##
+ ##
+ public
+ def initialize(p_key)
+ @key = p_key
+ end
+ def_delegator :@key, :ssh_type, :type
+ def_delegator :@key, :public_encrypt, :public_encrypt
+ def_delegator :@key, :public_decrypt, :public_decrypt
+ def_delegator :@key, :private_encrypt, :private_encrypt
+ def_delegator :@key, :private_decrypt, :private_decrypt
+ def_delegator :@key, :params, :params
+ def_delegator :@key, :to_text, :to_text
+ def public_key
+ end
+ def private_key
+ end
+ def private?
+ @key.respond_to?(:private?) ? @key.private? : @key.private_key?
+ end
+ def public?
+ @key.respond_to?(:public?) ? @key.public? : @key.public_key?
+ end
+ #
+ # three arguments:
+ #
+ # - digest: one of md5, sha1, sha256, etc. (default sha256)
+ # - encoding: either :hex (default) or :base64
+ # - type: fingerprint type, either :ssh (default) or :der
+ #
+ # NOTE:
+ #
+ # * I am not sure how to make a fingerprint for OpenSSL::PKey::EC::Point
+ #
+ # * AWS reports fingerprints using MD5 digest for uploaded ssh keys,
+ # but SHA1 for keys it created itself.
+ #
+ # * Also, AWS fingerprints are digests on the DER encoding of the key.
+ # But standard SSH fingerprints are digests of SSH encoding of the key.
+ #
+ # * Other tools will sometimes display fingerprints in hex and sometimes
+ # in base64. Arrrgh.
+ #
+ def fingerprint(type: :ssh, digest: :sha256, encoding: :hex)
+ require 'digest'
+ digest = digest.to_s.upcase
+ digester = case digest
+ when "MD5" then
+ when "SHA1" then
+ when "SHA256" then
+ when "SHA384" then
+ when "SHA512" then
+ else raise ArgumentError, "digest #{digest} is unknown"
+ end
+ keymatter = nil
+ if type == :der && @key.respond_to?(:to_der)
+ keymatter = @key.to_der
+ else
+ keymatter = self.raw_key.to_s
+ end
+ fp = nil
+ if encoding == :hex
+ fp = digester.hexdigest(keymatter)
+ elsif encoding == :base64
+ fp = Base64.encode64(digester.digest(keymatter)).sub(/=$/, '')
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError, "encoding #{encoding} not understood"
+ end
+ if digest == "MD5" && encoding == :hex
+ return fp.scan(/../).join(':')
+ else
+ return fp
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # not sure if this will always work, but is seems to for now.
+ #
+ def bits
+ Net::SSH::Buffer.from(:key, @key).to_s.split("\001\000").last.size * 8
+ end
+ def summary
+ if self.filename
+ "%s %s %s (%s)" % [self.type, self.bits, self.fingerprint, File.basename(self.filename)]
+ else
+ "%s %s %s" % [self.type, self.bits, self.fingerprint]
+ end
+ end
+ def to_s
+ self.type + " " + self.key
+ end
+ #
+ # base64 encoding of the key, with spaces removed.
+ #
+ def key
+ [Net::SSH::Buffer.from(:key, @key).to_s].pack("m*").gsub(/\s/, "")
+ end
+ def raw_key
+ Net::SSH::Buffer.from(:key, @key)
+ end
+ def ==(other_key)
+ return false if other_key.nil?
+ return false if self.class != other_key.class
+ return self.to_text == other_key.to_text
+ end
+ def in_known_hosts?(*identifiers)
+ identifiers.each do |identifier|
+ Net::SSH::KnownHosts.search_for(identifier).each do |key|
+ return true if self == key
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/leap_cli/ssh/options.rb b/lib/leap_cli/ssh/options.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7bc06564
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/leap_cli/ssh/options.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# Options for passing to the ruby gem ssh-net
+module LeapCli
+ module SSH
+ module Options
+ #
+ # options passed to net-ssh. See
+ #
+ # for the available options.
+ #
+ def self.global_options
+ {
+ #:keys_only => true,
+ :global_known_hosts_file => Path.named_path(:known_hosts),
+ :user_known_hosts_file => '/dev/null',
+ :paranoid => true,
+ :verbose => net_ssh_log_level,
+ :auth_methods => ["publickey"],
+ :timeout => 5
+ }
+ end
+ def self.node_options(node, ssh_options_override=nil)
+ {
+ # :host_key_alias =>, << incompatible with ports in known_hosts
+ :host_name => node.ip_address,
+ :port => node.ssh.port
+ }.merge(
+ contingent_ssh_options_for_node(node)
+ ).merge(
+ ssh_options_override||{}
+ )
+ end
+ def self.options_from_args(args)
+ ssh_options = {}
+ if args[:port]
+ ssh_options[:port] = args[:port]
+ end
+ if args[:ip]
+ ssh_options[:host_name] = args[:ip]
+ end
+ if args[:auth_methods]
+ ssh_options[:auth_methods] = args[:auth_methods]
+ end
+ if args[:user]
+ ssh_options[:user] = args[:user]
+ end
+ return ssh_options
+ end
+ def self.sanitize_command(cmd)
+ if cmd =~ /(^|\/| )rm / || cmd =~ /(^|\/| )unlink /
+ LeapCli.log :warning, "You probably don't want to do that. Run with --force if you are really sure."
+ exit(1)
+ else
+ cmd
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def self.contingent_ssh_options_for_node(node)
+ opts = {}
+ if node.vagrant?
+ opts[:keys] = [LeapCli::Util::Vagrant.vagrant_ssh_key_file]
+ opts[:keys_only] = true # only use the keys specified above, and
+ # ignore whatever keys the ssh-agent is aware of.
+ opts[:paranoid] = false # we skip host checking for vagrant nodes,
+ # because fingerprint is different for everyone.
+ if LeapCli.logger.log_level <= 1
+ opts[:verbose] = :error # suppress all the warnings about adding
+ # host keys to known_hosts, since it is
+ # not actually doing that.
+ end
+ end
+ if !node.supported_ssh_host_key_algorithms.empty?
+ opts[:host_key] = node.supported_ssh_host_key_algorithms
+ end
+ return opts
+ end
+ def self.net_ssh_log_level
+ if DEBUG
+ case LeapCli.logger.log_level
+ when 1 then :error
+ when 2 then :info
+ else :debug
+ end
+ else
+ :fatal
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/leap_cli/ssh/remote_command.rb b/lib/leap_cli/ssh/remote_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0e9f2d55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/leap_cli/ssh/remote_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+# Provides SSH.remote_command for running commands in parallel or in sequence
+# on remote servers.
+# The gem sshkit is used for this.
+require 'sshkit'
+require 'leap_cli/ssh/options'
+require 'leap_cli/ssh/backend'
+SSHKit.config.backend = LeapCli::SSH::Backend
+LeapCli::SSH::Backend.config.ssh_options = LeapCli::SSH::Options.global_options
+# define remote_command
+module LeapCli
+ module SSH
+ class ExecuteError < StandardError
+ end
+ class TimeoutError < ExecuteError
+ end
+ # override default runner mode
+ class CustomCoordinator < SSHKit::Coordinator
+ private
+ def default_options
+ { in: :groups, limit: 10, wait: 0 }
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Available options:
+ #
+ # :port -- ssh port
+ # :ip -- ssh ip
+ # :auth_methods -- e.g. ["pubkey", "password"]
+ # :user -- default 'root'
+ #
+ def self.remote_command(nodes, options={}, &block)
+ host_list(
+ nodes,
+ SSH::Options.options_from_args(options)
+ )
+ ).each do |ssh, host|
+ LeapCli.log 2, "ssh options for #{host.hostname}: #{host.ssh_options.inspect}"
+ if host.user != 'root'
+ # if the ssh user is not root, we want to make the ssh commands
+ # switch to root before they are run:
+ ssh.set_user('root')
+ end
+ yield ssh, host
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # For example:
+ #
+ # SSH.remote_sync(nodes) do |sync, host|
+ # sync.source = '/from'
+ # sync.dest = '/to'
+ # sync.flags = ''
+ # sync.includes = []
+ # sync.excludes = []
+ # sync.exec
+ # end
+ #
+ def self.remote_sync(nodes, options={}, &block)
+ require 'rsync_command'
+ hosts = host_list(
+ nodes,
+ SSH::Options.options_from_args(options)
+ )
+ rsync = => LeapCli::logger)
+ rsync.asynchronously(hosts) do |sync, host|
+ sync.logger = LeapCli.new_logger
+ sync.user = host.user || fetch(:user, ENV['USER'])
+ = host.hostname
+ sync.ssh = SSH::Options.global_options.merge(host.ssh_options)
+ sync.chdir = Path.provider
+ yield(sync, host)
+ end
+ if rsync.failed?
+ LeapCli::Util.bail! do
+ LeapCli.log :failed, "to rsync to #{{|f|f[:dest][:host]}.join(' ')}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def self.host_list(nodes, ssh_options_override={})
+ if nodes.is_a?(Config::ObjectList)
+ list = nodes.values
+ elsif nodes.is_a?(Config::Node)
+ list = [nodes]
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError, "I don't understand the type of argument `nodes`"
+ end
+ list.collect do |node|
+ options = SSH::Options.node_options(node, ssh_options_override)
+ user = options.delete(:user) || 'root'
+ #
+ # note: whatever hostname is specified here will be what is used
+ # when loading options from .ssh/config. However, this value
+ # has no impact on the actual ip address that is connected to,
+ # which is determined by the :host_name value in ssh_options.
+ #
+ :hostname => node.domain.full,
+ :user => user,
+ :ssh_options => options
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/leap_cli/ssh/scripts.rb b/lib/leap_cli/ssh/scripts.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3dd6b604
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/leap_cli/ssh/scripts.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+# Common commands that we would like to run on remote servers.
+# These scripts are available via:
+# SSH.remote_command(nodes) do |ssh, host|
+# ssh.script.custom_script_name
+# end
+module LeapCli
+ module SSH
+ class Scripts
+ REQUIRED_PACKAGES = "puppet rsync lsb-release locales"
+ attr_reader :ssh, :host
+ def initialize(backend, hostname)
+ @ssh = backend
+ @host = hostname
+ end
+ #
+ # creates directories that are owned by root and 700 permissions
+ #
+ def mkdirs(*dirs)
+ raise'illegal dir name') if dirs.grep(/[\' ]/).any?
+ dirs.collect{|dir| "mkdir -m 700 -p #{dir}; "}.join
+ end
+ #
+ # echos "ok" if the node has been initialized and the required packages are installed, bails out otherwise.
+ #
+ def assert_initialized
+ begin
+ test_initialized_file = "test -f #{Leap::Platform.init_path}"
+ check_required_packages = "! dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Status}\n' #{REQUIRED_PACKAGES} 2>&1 | grep -q -E '(deinstall|no packages)'"
+ "#{test_initialized_file} && #{check_required_packages} && echo ok", :raise_error => true
+ rescue SSH::ExecuteError
+ ssh.log :error, "running deploy: node not initialized. Run `leap node init #{host}`.", :host => host
+ raise # will skip further action on this node
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # bails out the deploy if the file /etc/leap/no-deploy exists.
+ #
+ def check_for_no_deploy
+ begin
+ "test ! -f /etc/leap/no-deploy", :raise_error => true, :log_output => false
+ rescue SSH::TimeoutError
+ raise
+ rescue SSH::ExecuteError
+ ssh.log :warning, "can't continue because file /etc/leap/no-deploy exists", :host => host
+ raise # will skip further action on this node
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # dumps debugging information
+ #
+ def debug
+ output = ssh.capture "#{Leap::Platform.leap_dir}/bin/"
+ ssh.log(output, :wrap => true, :host => host, :color => :cyan)
+ end
+ #
+ # dumps the recent deploy history to the console
+ #
+ def history(lines)
+ cmd = "(test -s /var/log/leap/deploy-summary.log && tail -n #{lines} /var/log/leap/deploy-summary.log) || (test -s /var/log/leap/deploy-summary.log.1 && tail -n #{lines} /var/log/leap/deploy-summary.log.1) || (echo 'no history')"
+ history = ssh.capture(cmd, :log_output => false)
+ if history
+ ssh.log host, :color => :cyan, :style => :bold do
+ ssh.log history, :wrap => true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # apply puppet! weeeeeee
+ #
+ def puppet_apply(options)
+ cmd = "#{Leap::Platform.leap_dir}/bin/puppet_command set_hostname apply #{flagize(options)}"
+ cmd, :log_finish => true
+ end
+ def install_authorized_keys
+ ssh.log :updating, "authorized_keys" do
+ mkdirs '/root/.ssh'
+ ssh.upload! LeapCli::Path.named_path(:authorized_keys), '/root/.ssh/authorized_keys', :mode => 0600
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # for vagrant nodes, we install insecure vagrant key to authorized_keys2, since deploy
+ # will overwrite authorized_keys.
+ #
+ # why force the insecure vagrant key?
+ # if we don't do this, then first time initialization might fail if the user has many keys
+ # (ssh will bomb out before it gets to the vagrant key).
+ # and it really doesn't make sense to ask users to pin the insecure vagrant key in their
+ # .ssh/config files.
+ #
+ def install_insecure_vagrant_key
+ ssh.log :installing, "insecure vagrant key" do
+ mkdirs '/root/.ssh'
+ ssh.upload! LeapCli::Path.vagrant_ssh_pub_key_file, '/root/.ssh/authorized_keys2', :mode => 0600
+ end
+ end
+ def install_prerequisites
+ bin_dir = File.join(Leap::Platform.leap_dir, 'bin')
+ node_init_path = File.join(bin_dir, 'node_init')
+ ssh.log :running, "node_init script" do
+ mkdirs bin_dir
+ ssh.upload! LeapCli::Path.node_init_script, node_init_path, :mode => 0700
+ node_init_path, :log_wrap => true
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # AWS debian images only allow you to login as admin. This is done with a
+ # custom command in /root/.ssh/authorized_keys, instead of by modifying
+ # /etc/ssh/sshd_config.
+ #
+ # We need to be able to ssh as root for scp and rsync to work.
+ #
+ # This command is run as 'admin', with a sudo wrapper. In order for the
+ # sudo to work, the command must be specified as separate arguments with
+ # no spaces (that is how ssh-kit works).
+ #
+ def allow_root_ssh
+ ssh.execute 'cp', '/home/admin/.ssh/authorized_keys', '/root/.ssh/authorized_keys'
+ end
+ #
+ # uploads an acme challenge for renewing certificates using Let's Encrypt CA.
+ #
+ # Filename is returned from acme api, so it must not be trusted.
+ #
+ def upload_acme_challenge(filename, content)
+ path = '/srv/acme/' + filename.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/, '')
+ ssh.upload!, path, :mode => 0444
+ end
+ private
+ def flagize(hsh)
+ hsh.inject([]) {|str, item|
+ if item[1] === false
+ str
+ elsif item[1] === true
+ str << "--" + item[0].to_s
+ else
+ str << "--" + item[0].to_s + " " + item[1].inspect
+ end
+ }.join(' ')
+ end
+ end
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file