path: root/lib/leap_cli/config
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/leap_cli/config')
12 files changed, 2103 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/leap_cli/config/cloud.rb b/lib/leap_cli/config/cloud.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e3e5c1f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/leap_cli/config/cloud.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# A class for the cloud.json file
+# Example format:
+# {
+# "my_aws": {
+# "api": "aws",
+# "vendor": "aws",
+# "auth": {
+# "region": "us-west-2",
+# "aws_access_key_id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
+# "aws_secret_access_key": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
+# },
+# "default_image": "ami-98e114f8",
+# "default_options": {
+# "InstanceType": "t2.nano"
+# }
+# }
+# }
+module LeapCli; module Config
+ #
+ VM_APIS = {
+ 'aws' => 'fog-aws',
+ 'google' => 'fog-google',
+ 'libvirt' => 'fog-libvirt',
+ 'openstack' => 'fog-openstack',
+ 'rackspace' => 'fog-rackspace'
+ }
+ class Cloud < Hash
+ def initialize(env=nil)
+ end
+ #
+ # returns hash, each key is the name of an API that is
+ # needed and the value is the name of the gem.
+ #
+ # only provider APIs that are required because they are present
+ # in cloud.json are included.
+ #
+ def required_gems
+ required = {}
+ self.each do |name, conf|
+ api = conf["api"]
+ required_gems[api] = VM_APIS[api]
+ end
+ return required
+ end
+ #
+ # returns an array of all possible providers
+ #
+ def possible_apis
+ VM_APIS.keys
+ end
+ end
+end; end
diff --git a/lib/leap_cli/config/environment.rb b/lib/leap_cli/config/environment.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ce570839
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/leap_cli/config/environment.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+# All configurations files can be isolated into separate environments.
+# Each config json in each environment inherits from the default environment,
+# which in term inherits from the "_base_" environment:
+# _base_ -- base provider in leap_platform
+# '- default -- environment in provider dir when no env is set
+# '- production -- example environment
+module LeapCli; module Config
+ class Environment
+ # the String name of the environment
+ attr_accessor :name
+ # the shared Manager object
+ attr_accessor :manager
+ # hashes of {name => Config::Object}
+ attr_accessor :services, :tags, :partials
+ # a Config::Provider
+ attr_accessor :provider
+ # a Config::Object
+ attr_accessor :common
+ # shared, non-inheritable
+ def nodes; @@nodes; end
+ def secrets; @@secrets; end
+ def cloud; @@cloud; end
+ def initialize(manager, name, search_dir, parent, options={})
+ @@nodes ||= nil
+ @@secrets ||= nil
+ @@cloud ||= nil
+ @manager = manager
+ @name = name
+ load_provider_files(search_dir, options)
+ if parent
+ @services.inherit_from!, self
+ @tags.inherit_from! parent.tags , self
+ @partials.inherit_from! parent.partials, self
+ @common.inherit_from! parent.common
+ @provider.inherit_from! parent.provider
+ end
+ if @provider
+ @provider.set_env(name)
+ @provider.validate!
+ end
+ end
+ def load_provider_files(search_dir, options)
+ #
+ # load empty environment if search_dir doesn't exist
+ #
+ if search_dir.nil? || !Dir.exist?(search_dir)
+ @services =
+ @tags =
+ @partials =
+ @provider =
+ @common =
+ @cloud =
+ return
+ end
+ #
+ # inheritable
+ #
+ if options[:scope]
+ scope = options[:scope]
+ @services = load_all_json(Path.named_path([:service_env_config, '*', scope], search_dir), Config::Tag, options)
+ @tags = load_all_json(Path.named_path([:tag_env_config, '*', scope], search_dir), Config::Tag, options)
+ @partials = load_all_json(Path.named_path([:service_env_config, '_*', scope], search_dir), Config::Tag, options)
+ @provider = load_json( Path.named_path([:provider_env_config, scope], search_dir), Config::Provider, options)
+ @common = load_json( Path.named_path([:common_env_config, scope], search_dir), Config::Object, options)
+ else
+ @services = load_all_json(Path.named_path([:service_config, '*'], search_dir), Config::Tag, options)
+ @tags = load_all_json(Path.named_path([:tag_config, '*'], search_dir), Config::Tag, options)
+ @partials = load_all_json(Path.named_path([:service_config, '_*'], search_dir), Config::Tag, options)
+ @provider = load_json( Path.named_path(:provider_config, search_dir), Config::Provider, options)
+ @common = load_json( Path.named_path(:common_config, search_dir), Config::Object, options)
+ end
+ # remove 'name' from partials, since partials get merged with nodes
+ @partials.values.each {|partial| partial.delete('name'); }
+ #
+ # shared
+ #
+ # shared configs are also non-inheritable
+ # load the first ones we find, and only those.
+ #
+ if @@nodes.nil? || @@nodes.empty?
+ @@nodes = load_all_json(Path.named_path([:node_config, '*'], search_dir), Config::Node, options)
+ end
+ if @@secrets.nil? || @@secrets.empty?
+ @@secrets = load_json(Path.named_path(:secrets_config, search_dir), Config::Secrets, options)
+ end
+ if @@cloud.nil? || @@cloud.empty?
+ @@cloud = load_json(Path.named_path(:cloud_config, search_dir), Config::Cloud)
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Loads a json template file as a Hash (used only when creating a new node .json
+ # file for the first time).
+ #
+ def template(template)
+ path = Path.named_path([:template_config, template], Path.provider_base)
+ if File.exist?(path)
+ return load_json(path, Config::Object)
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Alters the node's json config file. Unfortunately, doing this will
+ # strip out all the comments.
+ #
+ def update_node_json(node, new_values)
+ node_json_path = Path.named_path([:node_config,])
+ old_data = load_json(node_json_path, Config::Node)
+ new_data = old_data.merge(new_values)
+ new_contents = JSON.sorted_generate(new_data) + "\n"
+ Util::write_file! node_json_path, new_contents
+ end
+ private
+ def load_all_json(pattern, object_class, options={})
+ results =
+ Dir.glob(pattern).each do |filename|
+ next if options[:no_dots] && File.basename(filename) !~ /^[^\.]*\.json$/
+ obj = load_json(filename, object_class)
+ if obj
+ name = File.basename(filename).force_encoding('utf-8').sub(/^([^\.]+).*\.json$/,'\1')
+ obj['name'] ||= name
+ if options[:env]
+ obj.environment = options[:env]
+ end
+ results[name] = obj
+ end
+ end
+ results
+ end
+ def load_json(filename, object_class, options={})
+ if !File.exist?(filename)
+ return
+ end
+ Util::log :loading, filename, 3
+ #
+ # Read a JSON file, strip out comments.
+ #
+ # UTF8 is the default encoding for JSON, but others are allowed:
+ #
+ #
+ buffer =
+, "rb", :encoding => 'UTF-8') do |f|
+ while (line = f.gets)
+ next if line =~ /^\s*\/\//
+ buffer << line
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # force UTF-8
+ #
+ if $ruby_version >= [1,9]
+ string = buffer.string.force_encoding('utf-8')
+ else
+ string = Iconv.conv("UTF-8//IGNORE", "UTF-8", buffer.string)
+ end
+ # parse json
+ begin
+ hash = JSON.parse(string, :object_class => Hash, :array_class => Array) || {}
+ rescue SyntaxError, JSON::ParserError => exc
+ Util::log 0, :error, 'in file "%s":' % filename
+ Util::log 0, exc.to_s, :indent => 1
+ return nil
+ end
+ object =
+ object.deep_merge!(hash)
+ return object
+ end
+ end # end Environment
+end; end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/leap_cli/config/filter.rb b/lib/leap_cli/config/filter.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..07424894
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/leap_cli/config/filter.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+# Many leap_cli commands accept a list of filters to select a subset of nodes for the command to
+# be applied to. This class is a helper for manager to run these filters.
+# Classes other than Manager should not use this class.
+# Filter rules:
+# * A filter consists of a list of tokens
+# * A token may be a service name, tag name, environment name, or node name.
+# * Each token may be optionally prefixed with a plus sign.
+# * Multiple tokens with a plus are treated as an OR condition,
+# but treated as an AND condition with the plus sign.
+# For example
+# * openvpn +development => all nodes with service 'openvpn' AND environment 'development'
+# * openvpn seattle => all nodes with service 'openvpn' OR tag 'seattle'.
+# There can only be one environment specified. Typically, there are also tags
+# for each environment name. These name are treated as environments, not tags.
+module LeapCli
+ module Config
+ class Filter
+ #
+ # filter -- array of strings, each one a filter
+ # options -- hash, possible keys include
+ # :nopin -- disregard environment pinning
+ # :local -- if false, disallow local nodes
+ # :warning -- if false, don't print a warning when no nodes are found.
+ #
+ # A nil value in the filters array indicates
+ # the default environment. This is in order to support
+ # calls like `manager.filter(environments)`
+ #
+ def initialize(filters, options, manager)
+ @filters = filters.nil? ? [] : filters.dup
+ @environments = []
+ @options = options
+ @manager = manager
+ # split filters by pulling out items that happen
+ # to be environment names.
+ if LeapCli.leapfile.environment.nil? || @options[:nopin]
+ @environments = []
+ else
+ @environments = [LeapCli.leapfile.environment]
+ end
+! do |filter|
+ if filter.nil?
+ @environments << nil unless @environments.include?(nil)
+ false
+ else
+ filter_text = filter.sub(/^\+/,'')
+ if is_environment?(filter_text)
+ if filter_text == LeapCli.leapfile.environment
+ # silently ignore already pinned environments
+ elsif (filter =~ /^\+/ || @filters.first == filter) && !@environments.empty?
+ LeapCli::Util.bail! do
+ LeapCli.log "Environments are exclusive: no node is in two environments." do
+ LeapCli.log "Tried to filter on '#{@environments.join('\' AND \'')}' AND '#{filter_text}'"
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ @environments << filter_text
+ end
+ false
+ else
+ true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # don't let the first filter have a + prefix
+ if @filters[0] =~ /^\+/
+ @filters[0] = @filters[0][1..-1]
+ end
+ end
+ # actually run the filter, returns a filtered list of nodes
+ def nodes()
+ if @filters.empty?
+ return nodes_for_empty_filter
+ else
+ return nodes_for_filter
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def nodes_for_empty_filter
+ node_list = @manager.nodes
+ if @environments.any?
+ node_list = node_list[ @environments.collect{|e|[:environment, env_to_filter(e)]} ]
+ end
+ if @options[:local] === false
+ node_list = node_list[:environment => '!local']
+ end
+ if @options[:disabled] === false
+ node_list = node_list[:environment => '!disabled']
+ end
+ node_list
+ end
+ def nodes_for_filter
+ node_list =
+ @filters.each do |filter|
+ if filter =~ /^\+/
+ keep_list = nodes_for_name(filter[1..-1])
+ node_list.delete_if do |name, node|
+ if keep_list[name]
+ false
+ else
+ true
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ node_list.merge!(nodes_for_name(filter))
+ end
+ end
+ node_list
+ end
+ private
+ #
+ # returns a set of nodes corresponding to a single name,
+ # where name could be a node name, service name, or tag name.
+ #
+ # For services and tags, we only include nodes for the
+ # environments that are active
+ #
+ def nodes_for_name(name)
+ if node = @manager.nodes[name]
+ return
+ elsif @environments.empty?
+ if[name]
+ return @manager.env('_all_').services[name].node_list
+ elsif @manager.tags[name]
+ return @manager.env('_all_').tags[name].node_list
+ elsif @options[:warning] != false
+ LeapCli.log :warning, "filter '#{name}' does not match any node names, tags, services, or environments."
+ return
+ else
+ return
+ end
+ else
+ node_list =
+ if[name]
+ @environments.each do |env|
+ node_list.merge!(@manager.env(env).services[name].node_list)
+ end
+ elsif @manager.tags[name]
+ @environments.each do |env|
+ node_list.merge!(@manager.env(env).tags[name].node_list)
+ end
+ elsif @options[:warning] != false
+ LeapCli.log :warning, "filter '#{name}' does not match any node names, tags, services, or environments."
+ end
+ return node_list
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # when pinning, we use the name 'default' to specify nodes
+ # without an environment set, but when filtering, we need to filter
+ # on :environment => nil.
+ #
+ def env_to_filter(environment)
+ environment == 'default' ? nil : environment
+ end
+ def is_environment?(text)
+ text == 'default' || @manager.environment_names.include?(text)
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/leap_cli/config/manager.rb b/lib/leap_cli/config/manager.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d69a5808
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/leap_cli/config/manager.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+require 'json/pure'
+if $ruby_version < [1,9]
+ require 'iconv'
+module LeapCli
+ module Config
+ #
+ # A class to manage all the objects in all the configuration files.
+ #
+ class Manager
+ def initialize
+ @environments = {} # hash of `Environment` objects, keyed by name.
+ Config::Object.send(:include, LeapCli::Macro)
+ end
+ ##
+ ##
+ #
+ # returns the Hash of the contents of facts.json
+ #
+ def facts
+ @facts ||= begin
+ content = Util.read_file(:facts)
+ if !content || content.empty?
+ content = "{}"
+ end
+ JSON.parse(content)
+ rescue SyntaxError, JSON::ParserError => exc
+ Util::bail! "Could not parse facts.json -- #{exc}"
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # returns an Array of all the environments defined for this provider.
+ # the returned array includes nil (for the default environment)
+ #
+ def environment_names
+ @environment_names ||= begin
+ [nil] + (env.tags.field('environment') + env.nodes.field('environment')).compact.uniq
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Returns the appropriate environment variable
+ #
+ def env(env=nil)
+ @environments[env || 'default']
+ end
+ #
+ # The default accessors
+ #
+ # For these defaults, use 'default' environment, or whatever
+ # environment is pinned.
+ #
+ # I think it might be an error that these are ever used
+ # and I would like to get rid of them.
+ #
+ def services; env(default_environment).services; end
+ def tags; env(default_environment).tags; end
+ def partials; env(default_environment).partials; end
+ def provider; env(default_environment).provider; end
+ def common; env(default_environment).common; end
+ def secrets; env(default_environment).secrets; end
+ def nodes; env(default_environment).nodes; end
+ def template(*args)
+ self.env.template(*args)
+ end
+ def default_environment
+ LeapCli.leapfile.environment
+ end
+ ##
+ ##
+ def add_environment(args)
+ if args[:inherit]
+ parent = @environments[args.delete(:inherit)]
+ else
+ parent = nil
+ end
+ env =
+ self,
+ args.delete(:name),
+ args.delete(:dir),
+ parent,
+ args
+ )
+ @environments[] = env
+ end
+ #
+ # load .json configuration files
+ #
+ def load(options = {})
+ # load base
+ add_environment(name: '_base_', dir: Path.provider_base)
+ # load provider
+ Util::assert_files_exist!(Path.named_path(:provider_config, Path.provider))
+ add_environment(name: 'default', dir: Path.provider,
+ inherit: '_base_', no_dots: true)
+ # create a special '_all_' environment, used for tracking
+ # the union of all the environments
+ add_environment(name: '_all_', inherit: 'default')
+ # load environments
+ environment_names.each do |ename|
+ if ename
+ LeapCli.log 3, :loading, '%s environment...' % ename
+ add_environment(name: ename, dir: Path.provider,
+ inherit: 'default', scope: ename)
+ end
+ end
+ # apply inheritance
+ env.nodes.each do |name, node|
+ Util::assert! name =~ /^[0-9a-z-]+$/, "Illegal character(s) used in node name '#{name}'"
+ env.nodes[name] = apply_inheritance(node)
+ end
+ # do some node-list post-processing
+ cleanup_node_lists(options)
+ # apply service.rb, common.rb, and provider.rb control files
+ apply_control_files
+ end
+ #
+ # save compiled hiera .yaml files
+ #
+ # if a node_list is specified, only update those .yaml files.
+ # otherwise, update all files, destroying files that are no longer used.
+ #
+ def export_nodes(node_list=nil)
+ updated_hiera = []
+ updated_files = []
+ existing_hiera = nil
+ existing_files = nil
+ unless node_list
+ node_list = env.nodes
+ existing_hiera = Dir.glob(Path.named_path([:hiera, '*'], Path.provider))
+ existing_files = Dir.glob(Path.named_path([:node_files_dir, '*'], Path.provider))
+ end
+ node_list.each_node do |node|
+ filepath = Path.named_path([:node_files_dir,], Path.provider)
+ hierapath = Path.named_path([:hiera,], Path.provider)
+ Util::write_file!(hierapath, node.dump_yaml)
+ updated_files << filepath
+ updated_hiera << hierapath
+ end
+ if @disabled_nodes
+ # make disabled nodes appear as if they are still active
+ @disabled_nodes.each_node do |node|
+ updated_files << Path.named_path([:node_files_dir,], Path.provider)
+ updated_hiera << Path.named_path([:hiera,], Path.provider)
+ end
+ end
+ # remove files that are no longer needed
+ if existing_hiera
+ (existing_hiera - updated_hiera).each do |filepath|
+ Util::remove_file!(filepath)
+ end
+ end
+ if existing_files
+ (existing_files - updated_files).each do |filepath|
+ Util::remove_directory!(filepath)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def export_secrets(clean_unused_secrets = false)
+ if env.secrets.any?
+ Util.write_file!([:secrets_config, Path.provider], env.secrets.dump_json(clean_unused_secrets) + "\n")
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ ##
+ #
+ # returns a node list consisting only of nodes that satisfy the filter criteria.
+ #
+ # filter: condition [condition] [condition] [+condition]
+ # condition: [node_name | service_name | tag_name | environment_name]
+ #
+ # if conditions is prefixed with +, then it works like an AND. Otherwise, it works like an OR.
+ #
+ # args:
+ # filter -- array of filter terms, one per item
+ #
+ # options:
+ # :local -- if :local is false and the filter is empty, then local nodes are excluded.
+ # :nopin -- if true, ignore environment pinning
+ #
+ def filter(filters=nil, options={})
+, options, self).nodes()
+ end
+ #
+ # same as filter(), but exits if there is no matching nodes
+ #
+ def filter!(filters, options={})
+ node_list = filter(filters, options)
+ Util::assert! node_list.any?, "Could not match any nodes from '#{filters.join ' '}'"
+ return node_list
+ end
+ #
+ # returns a single Config::Object that corresponds to a Node.
+ #
+ def node(name)
+ if name =~ /\./
+ # probably got a fqdn, since periods are not allowed in node names.
+ # so, take the part before the first period as the node name
+ name = name.split('.').first
+ end
+ env.nodes[name]
+ end
+ #
+ # returns a single node that is disabled
+ #
+ def disabled_node(name)
+ @disabled_nodes[name]
+ end
+ #
+ # yields each node, in sorted order
+ #
+ def each_node(&block)
+ env.nodes.each_node(&block)
+ end
+ def reload_node!(node)
+ env.nodes[] = apply_inheritance!(node)
+ end
+ ##
+ ##
+ class ConnectionList < Array
+ def add(data={})
+ self << {
+ "from" => data[:from],
+ "to" => data[:to],
+ "port" => data[:port]
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ def connections
+ @connections ||=
+ end
+ ##
+ ##
+ private
+ #
+ # makes a node inherit options from appropriate the common, service, and tag json files.
+ #
+ def apply_inheritance(node, throw_exceptions=false)
+ new_node =
+ node_env = guess_node_env(node)
+ new_node.set_environment(node_env, new_node)
+ # inherit from common
+ new_node.deep_merge!(node_env.common)
+ # inherit from services
+ if node['services']
+ node['services'].to_a.each do |node_service|
+ service =[node_service]
+ if service.nil?
+ msg = 'in node "%s": the service "%s" does not exist.' % [node['name'], node_service]
+ LeapCli.log 0, :error, msg
+ raise, "error " + msg) if throw_exceptions
+ else
+ new_node.deep_merge!(service)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # inherit from tags
+ node['tags'] = (node['tags'] || []).to_a
+ if node.vagrant?
+ node['tags'] << 'local'
+ elsif node['vm']
+ node['tags'] << 'vm'
+ end
+ node['tags'].each do |node_tag|
+ tag = node_env.tags[node_tag]
+ if tag.nil?
+ msg = 'in node `%s`: the tag "%s" does not exist!' % [node['name'], node_tag]
+ LeapCli.log 0, :error, msg
+ raise, "error " + msg) if throw_exceptions
+ else
+ new_node.deep_merge!(tag)
+ end
+ end
+ # inherit from node
+ new_node.deep_merge!(node)
+ return new_node
+ end
+ def apply_inheritance!(node)
+ apply_inheritance(node, true)
+ end
+ #
+ # Guess the environment of the node from the tag names.
+ #
+ # Technically, this is wrong: a tag that sets the environment might not be
+ # named the same as the environment. This code assumes that it is.
+ #
+ # Unfortunately, it is a chicken and egg problem. We need to know the nodes
+ # likely environment in order to apply the inheritance that will actually
+ # determine the node's properties.
+ #
+ def guess_node_env(node)
+ if node.vagrant?
+ return self.env("local")
+ else
+ environment = self.env(default_environment)
+ if node['tags']
+ node['tags'].to_a.each do |tag|
+ if self.environment_names.include?(tag)
+ environment = self.env(tag)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return environment
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # does some final clean at the end of loading nodes.
+ # this includes removing disabled nodes, and populating
+ # the services[x].node_list and tags[x].node_list
+ #
+ def cleanup_node_lists(options)
+ @disabled_nodes =
+ env.nodes.each do |name, node|
+ if node.enabled || options[:include_disabled]
+ if node['services']
+ node['services'].to_a.each do |node_service|
+ env(node.environment).services[node_service].node_list.add(, node)
+ env('_all_').services[node_service].node_list.add(, node)
+ end
+ end
+ if node['tags']
+ node['tags'].to_a.each do |node_tag|
+ if env(node.environment).tags[node_tag]
+ # if tag exists
+ env(node.environment).tags[node_tag].node_list.add(, node)
+ env('_all_').tags[node_tag].node_list.add(, node)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if == 'default' || environment_names.include?(
+ LeapCli::Util.bail! do
+ LeapCli.log :error, "The node name '#{}' is invalid, because there is an environment with that same name."
+ end
+ end
+ elsif !options[:include_disabled]
+ LeapCli.log 2, :skipping, "disabled node #{name}."
+ env.nodes.delete(name)
+ @disabled_nodes[name] = node
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Applies 'control' files for node .json files and provider.json.
+ #
+ # A control file is like a service or a tag JSON file, but it contains
+ # raw ruby code that gets evaluated in the context of the node.
+ #
+ # Yes, this entirely breaks our functional programming model for JSON
+ # generation.
+ #
+ # Control files are evaluated last, after everything else has run.
+ #
+ def apply_control_files
+ @environments.values.each do |e|
+ provider_control_files( do |provider_rb|
+ begin
+ e.provider.eval_file provider_rb
+ rescue ConfigError => exc
+ if options[:continue_on_error]
+ exc.log
+ else
+ raise exc
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ env.nodes.each do |name, node|
+ node_control_files(node).each do |file|
+ begin
+ node.eval_file file
+ rescue ConfigError => exc
+ if options[:continue_on_error]
+ exc.log
+ else
+ raise exc
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def node_control_files(node)
+ files = []
+ [Path.provider_base, Path.provider].each do |provider_dir|
+ # add common.rb
+ common = File.join(provider_dir, 'common.rb')
+ files << common if File.exist?(common)
+ # add services/*.rb and tags/*.rb, as appropriate for this node
+ [['services', :service_config], ['tags', :tag_config]].each do |attribute, path_sym|
+ node[attribute].each do |attr_value|
+ path = Path.named_path([path_sym, "#{attr_value}.rb"], provider_dir).sub(/\.json$/,'')
+ if File.exist?(path)
+ files << path
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return files
+ end
+ def provider_control_files(env)
+ # skip envs that start with underscore
+ if env =~ /^_/
+ return []
+ end
+ files = []
+ environments = [nil]
+ environments << env unless env == 'default'
+ environments.each do |environment|
+ [Path.provider_base, Path.provider].each do |provider_dir|
+ provider_rb = File.join(
+ provider_dir, ['provider', environment, 'rb'].compact.join('.')
+ )
+ files << provider_rb if File.exist?(provider_rb)
+ end
+ end
+ return files
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/leap_cli/config/node.rb b/lib/leap_cli/config/node.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..23abdee3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/leap_cli/config/node.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+# Configuration for a 'node' (a server in the provider's infrastructure)
+require 'ipaddr'
+module LeapCli; module Config
+ class Node < Object
+ attr_accessor :file_paths
+ def initialize(environment=nil)
+ super(environment)
+ @node = self
+ @file_paths = []
+ end
+ #
+ # returns true if this node has an ip address in the range of the vagrant network
+ #
+ def vagrant?
+ ip = self['ip_address']
+ return false unless ip
+ begin
+ vagrant_range = LeapCli.leapfile.vagrant_network
+ rescue ArgumentError
+ Util::bail! { Util::log :invalid, "vagrant_network in Leapfile or .leaprc" }
+ end
+ begin
+ ip_addr =
+ rescue ArgumentError
+ Util::log :warning, "invalid ip address '#{ip}' for node '#{}'"
+ end
+ return vagrant_range.include?(ip_addr)
+ end
+ def vm?
+ self['vm']
+ end
+ def vm_id?
+ self[''] && !self[''].empty?
+ end
+ #
+ # Return a hash table representation of ourselves, with the key equal to the,
+ # and the value equal to the fields specified in *keys.
+ #
+ # Also, the result is flattened to a single hash, so a key of 'a.b' becomes 'a_b'
+ #
+ # compare to Object#pick(*keys). This method is the sames as Config::ObjectList#pick_fields,
+ # but works on a single node.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # node.pick('domain.internal') =>
+ #
+ # {
+ # 'node1': {
+ # 'domain_internal': 'node1.example.i'
+ # }
+ # }
+ #
+ def pick_fields(*keys)
+ { => self.pick(*keys)}
+ end
+ #
+ # can be overridden by the platform.
+ # returns a list of node names that should be tested before this node
+ #
+ def test_dependencies
+ []
+ end
+ # returns a string list of supported ssh host key algorithms for this node.
+ # or an empty string if it could not be determined
+ def supported_ssh_host_key_algorithms
+ require 'leap_cli/ssh'
+ @host_key_algo ||= LeapCli::SSH::Key.supported_host_key_algorithms(
+ Util.read_file([:node_ssh_pub_key,])
+ )
+ end
+ #
+ # Takes strings such as "openvpn.gateway_address:"
+ # and converts this to data stored in this node.
+ #
+ def seed_from_args(args)
+ args.each do |seed|
+ key, value = seed.split(':', 2)
+ value = format_seed_value(value)
+ Util.assert! key =~ /^[0-9a-z\._]+$/, "illegal characters used in property '#{key}'"
+ if key =~ /\./
+ key_parts = key.split('.')
+ final_key = key_parts.pop
+ current_object = self
+ key_parts.each do |key_part|
+ current_object[key_part] ||=
+ current_object = current_object[key_part]
+ end
+ current_object[final_key] = value
+ else
+ self[key] = value
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Seeds values for this node from a template, based on the services.
+ # Values in the template will not override existing node values.
+ #
+ def seed_from_template
+ inherit_from!(manager.template('common'))
+ [self['services']].flatten.each do |service|
+ if service
+ template = manager.template(service)
+ if template
+ inherit_from!(template)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # bails if the node is not valid.
+ #
+ def validate!
+ #
+ # validate ip_address
+ #
+ if self['ip_address'] == "REQUIRED"
+ Util.bail! do
+ Util.log :error, "ip_address is not set. " +
+ "Specify with `leap node add NAME ip_address:ADDRESS`."
+ end
+ elsif self['ip_address']
+ begin
+ rescue ArgumentError
+ Util.bail! do
+ Util.log :invalid, "ip_address #{self['ip_address'].inspect}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # validate name
+ #
+ self.class.validate_name!(, self.vagrant?)
+ end
+ #
+ # create or update all the configs needed for this node,
+ # including x.509 certs as needed.
+ #
+ # note: this method will write to disk EVERYTHING
+ # in the node, which is not what you want
+ # if the node has inheritance applied.
+ #
+ def write_configs
+ json = self.dump_json(:exclude => ['name'])
+ Util.write_file!([:node_config, name], json + "\n")
+ rescue LeapCli::ConfigError
+ Config::Node.remove_node_files(
+ end
+ #
+ # modifies the config file nodes/NAME.json for this node.
+ #
+ def update_json(new_values)
+ self.env.update_node_json(node, new_values)
+ end
+ #
+ # returns an array of all possible dns names for this node
+ #
+ def all_dns_names
+ names = [@node.domain.internal, @node.domain.full]
+ if @node['dns'] && @node.dns['aliases'] && @node.dns.aliases.any?
+ names += @node.dns.aliases
+ end
+ names.compact!
+ names.sort!
+ names.uniq!
+ return names
+ end
+ def remove_files
+ self.class.remove_node_files(
+ end
+ ##
+ ## Class Methods
+ ##
+ def self.remove_node_files(node_name)
+ (Leap::Platform.node_files + [:node_files_dir]).each do |path|
+ Util.remove_file! [path, node_name]
+ end
+ end
+ def self.validate_name!(name, local=false)
+ Util.assert! name, 'Node is missing a name.'
+ if local
+ Util.assert! name =~ /^[0-9a-z]+$/,
+ "illegal characters used in node name '#{name}' " +
+ "(note: Vagrant does not allow hyphens or underscores)"
+ else
+ Util.assert! name =~ /^[0-9a-z-]+$/,
+ "illegal characters used in node name '#{name}' " +
+ "(note: Linux does not allow underscores)"
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ #
+ # conversions:
+ #
+ # "x,y,z" => ["x","y","z"]
+ #
+ # "22" => 22
+ #
+ # "5.1" => 5.1
+ #
+ def format_seed_value(v)
+ if v =~ /,/
+ v = v.split(',')
+! do |i|
+ i = i.to_i if i.to_i.to_s == i
+ i = i.to_f if i.to_f.to_s == i
+ i
+ end
+ else
+ v = v.to_i if v.to_i.to_s == v
+ v = v.to_f if v.to_f.to_s == v
+ end
+ return v
+ end
+ end
+end; end
diff --git a/lib/leap_cli/config/node_cert.rb b/lib/leap_cli/config/node_cert.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..da63d621
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/leap_cli/config/node_cert.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+# x509 related methods for Config::Node
+module LeapCli; module Config
+ class Node < Object
+ #
+ # creates a new server certificate file for this node
+ #
+ def generate_cert
+ require 'leap_cli/x509'
+ if self['x509.use'] == false ||
+ !Util.file_exists?(:ca_cert, :ca_key) ||
+ !self.cert_needs_updating?
+ return false
+ end
+ cert =
+ provider = env.provider
+ # set subject
+ cert.subject.common_name = self.domain.full
+ cert.serial_number.number = X509.cert_serial_number(self.domain.full)
+ # set expiration
+ cert.not_before = X509.yesterday
+ cert.not_after = X509.yesterday_advance(
+ # generate key
+ cert.key_material.generate_key(
+ # sign
+ cert.parent = X509.ca_root
+ cert.sign!(X509.server_signing_profile(self))
+ # save
+ Util.write_file!([:node_x509_key,], cert.key_material.private_key.to_pem)
+ Util.write_file!([:node_x509_cert,], cert.to_pem)
+ end
+ #
+ # returns true if the certs associated with +node+ need to be regenerated.
+ #
+ def cert_needs_updating?(log_comments=true)
+ require 'leap_cli/x509'
+ if log_comments
+ def log(*args, &block)
+ Util.log(*args, &block)
+ end
+ else
+ def log(*args); end
+ end
+ node = self
+ if !Util.file_exists?([:node_x509_cert,], [:node_x509_key,])
+ return true
+ else
+ cert = X509.load_certificate_file([:node_x509_cert,])
+ if !X509.created_by_authority?(cert)
+ log :updating, "cert for node '#{}' because it was signed by an old CA root cert."
+ return true
+ end
+ if cert.not_after < => 2)
+ log :updating, "cert for node '#{}' because it will expire soon"
+ return true
+ end
+ if cert.subject.common_name != node.domain.full
+ log :updating, "cert for node '#{}' because domain.full has changed (was #{cert.subject.common_name}, now #{node.domain.full})"
+ return true
+ end
+ cert.openssl_body.extensions.each do |ext|
+ if ext.oid == "subjectAltName"
+ ips = []
+ dns_names = []
+ ext.value.split(",").each do |value|
+ value.strip!
+ ips << $1 if value =~ /^IP Address:(.*)$/
+ dns_names << $1 if value =~ /^DNS:(.*)$/
+ end
+ dns_names.sort!
+ if ips.first != node.ip_address
+ log :updating, "cert for node '#{}' because ip_address has changed (from #{ips.first} to #{node.ip_address})"
+ return true
+ elsif dns_names != node.all_dns_names
+ log :updating, "cert for node '#{}' because domain name aliases have changed" do
+ log "from: #{dns_names.inspect}"
+ log "to: #{node.all_dns_names.inspect})"
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ #
+ # check the expiration of commercial certs, if any.
+ #
+ def warn_if_commercial_cert_will_soon_expire
+ require 'leap_cli/x509'
+ self.all_dns_names.each do |domain|
+ if Util.file_exists?([:commercial_cert, domain])
+ cert = X509.load_certificate_file([:commercial_cert, domain])
+ path = Path.relative_path([:commercial_cert, domain])
+ if cert.not_after <
+ Util.log :error, "the commercial certificate '#{path}' has EXPIRED! " +
+ "You should renew it with `leap cert renew #{domain}`."
+ elsif cert.not_after < => 2)
+ Util.log :warning, "the commercial certificate '#{path}' will expire soon (#{cert.not_after}). "+
+ "You should renew it with `leap cert renew #{domain}`."
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+end; end
diff --git a/lib/leap_cli/config/object.rb b/lib/leap_cli/config/object.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..16c41999
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/leap_cli/config/object.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+require 'erb'
+require 'json/pure' # pure ruby implementation is required for our sorted trick to work.
+if $ruby_version < [1,9]
+ $KCODE = 'UTF8'
+require 'ya2yaml' # pure ruby yaml
+module LeapCli
+ module Config
+ #
+ # This class represents the configuration for a single node, service, or tag.
+ # Also, all the nested hashes are also of this type.
+ #
+ # It is called 'object' because it corresponds to an Object in JSON.
+ #
+ class Object < Hash
+ attr_reader :env
+ attr_reader :node
+ def initialize(environment=nil, node=nil)
+ raise ArgumentError unless environment.nil? || environment.is_a?(Config::Environment)
+ @env = environment
+ # an object that is a node as @node equal to self, otherwise all the
+ # child objects point back to the top level node.
+ @node = node || self
+ end
+ def manager
+ @env.manager
+ end
+ #
+ # TODO: deprecate
+ #
+ def global
+ @env
+ end
+ def environment=(e)
+'environment', e)
+ end
+ def environment
+ self['environment']
+ end
+ def duplicate(env)
+ new_object = self.deep_dup
+ new_object.set_environment(env, new_object)
+ end
+ #
+ # export YAML
+ #
+ # We use pure ruby yaml exporter ya2yaml instead of SYCK or PSYCH because it
+ # allows us greater compatibility regardless of installed ruby version and
+ # greater control over how the yaml is exported (sorted keys, in particular).
+ #
+ def dump_yaml
+ evaluate(@node)
+ sorted_ya2yaml(:syck_compatible => true)
+ end
+ #
+ # export JSON
+ #
+ def dump_json(options={})
+ evaluate(@node)
+ if options[:format] == :compact
+ return self.to_json
+ else
+ excluded = {}
+ if options[:exclude]
+ options[:exclude].each do |key|
+ excluded[key] = self[key]
+ self.delete(key)
+ end
+ end
+ json_str = JSON.sorted_generate(self)
+ if excluded.any?
+ self.merge!(excluded)
+ end
+ return json_str
+ end
+ end
+ def evaluate(context=@node)
+ evaluate_everything(context)
+ late_evaluate_everything(context)
+ end
+ ##
+ ##
+ def [](key)
+ get(key)
+ end
+ # Overrride some default methods in Hash that are likely to
+ # be used as attributes.
+ alias_method :hkey, :key
+ def key; get('key'); end
+ #
+ # make hash addressable like an object (e.g. obj['name'] available as
+ #
+ def method_missing(method, *args, &block)
+ get!(method)
+ end
+ def get(key)
+ begin
+ get!(key)
+ rescue NoMethodError
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ # override behavior of #default() from Hash
+ def default
+ get!('default')
+ end
+ #
+ # Like a normal Hash#[], except:
+ #
+ # (1) lazily eval dynamic values when we encounter them. (i.e. strings that start with "= ")
+ #
+ # (2) support for nested references in a single string (e.g. ['a.b'] is the same as ['a']['b'])
+ # the dot path is always absolute, starting at the top-most object.
+ #
+ def get!(key)
+ key = key.to_s
+ if self.has_key?(key)
+ fetch_value(key)
+ elsif key =~ /\./
+ # for keys with with '.' in them, we start from the root object (@node).
+ keys = key.split('.')
+ value = self.get!(keys.first)
+ if value.is_a? Config::Object
+ value.get!(keys[1..-1].join('.'))
+ else
+ value
+ end
+ else
+ raise, "No method '#{key}' for #{self.class}")
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # works like Hash#store(key, value), but supports our nested dot notation,
+ # just like get() does.
+ #
+ def set(key, value)
+ key = key.to_s
+ # for keys with with '.' in them, we pop off the first part
+ # and recursively call ourselves.
+ if key =~ /\./
+ keys = key.split('.')
+ parent_value = self.get!(keys.first)
+ if parent_value.is_a?(Config::Object)
+ parent_value.set(keys[1..-1].join('.'), value)
+ else
+[1..-1].join('.'), value)
+ end
+ else
+, value)
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+ ##
+ ##
+ #
+ # A deep (recursive) merge with another Config::Object.
+ #
+ # If prefer_self is set to true, the value from self will be picked when there is a conflict
+ # that cannot be merged.
+ #
+ # Merging rules:
+ #
+ # - If a value is a hash, we recursively merge it.
+ # - If the value is simple, like a string, the new one overwrites the value.
+ # - If the value is an array:
+ # - If both old and new values are arrays, the new one replaces the old.
+ # - If one of the values is simple but the other is an array, the simple is added to the array.
+ #
+ def deep_merge!(object, prefer_self=false)
+ object.each do |key,new_value|
+ if self.has_key?('+'+key)
+ mode = :add
+ old_value = self.fetch '+'+key, nil
+ self.delete('+'+key)
+ elsif self.has_key?('-'+key)
+ mode = :subtract
+ old_value = self.fetch '-'+key, nil
+ self.delete('-'+key)
+ elsif self.has_key?('!'+key)
+ mode = :replace
+ old_value = self.fetch '!'+key, nil
+ self.delete('!'+key)
+ else
+ mode = :normal
+ old_value = self.fetch key, nil
+ end
+ # clean up boolean
+ new_value = true if new_value == "true"
+ new_value = false if new_value == "false"
+ old_value = true if old_value == "true"
+ old_value = false if old_value == "false"
+ # force replace?
+ if mode == :replace && prefer_self
+ value = old_value
+ # merge hashes
+ elsif old_value.is_a?(Hash) || new_value.is_a?(Hash)
+ value =, @node)
+ old_value.is_a?(Hash) ? value.deep_merge!(old_value) : (value[key] = old_value if !old_value.nil?)
+ new_value.is_a?(Hash) ? value.deep_merge!(new_value, prefer_self) : (value[key] = new_value if !new_value.nil?)
+ # merge nil
+ elsif new_value.nil?
+ value = old_value
+ elsif old_value.nil?
+ value = new_value
+ # merge arrays when one value is not an array
+ elsif old_value.is_a?(Array) && !new_value.is_a?(Array)
+ (value = (old_value.dup << new_value).compact.uniq).delete('REQUIRED')
+ elsif new_value.is_a?(Array) && !old_value.is_a?(Array)
+ (value = (new_value.dup << old_value).compact.uniq).delete('REQUIRED')
+ # merge two arrays
+ elsif old_value.is_a?(Array) && new_value.is_a?(Array)
+ if mode == :add
+ value = (old_value + new_value).sort.uniq
+ elsif mode == :subtract
+ value = new_value - old_value
+ elsif prefer_self
+ value = old_value
+ else
+ value = new_value
+ end
+ # catch errors
+ elsif type_mismatch?(old_value, new_value)
+ raise 'Type mismatch. Cannot merge %s (%s) with %s (%s). Key is "%s", name is "%s".' % [
+ old_value.inspect, old_value.class,
+ new_value.inspect, new_value.class,
+ key, self.class
+ ]
+ # merge simple strings & numbers
+ else
+ if prefer_self
+ value = old_value
+ else
+ value = new_value
+ end
+ end
+ # save value
+ self[key] = value
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ def set_environment(env, node)
+ @env = env
+ @node = node
+ self.each do |key, value|
+ if value.is_a?(Config::Object)
+ value.set_environment(env, node)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # like a reverse deep merge
+ # (self takes precedence)
+ #
+ def inherit_from!(object)
+ self.deep_merge!(object, true)
+ end
+ #
+ # Make a copy of ourselves, except only including the specified keys.
+ #
+ # Also, the result is flattened to a single hash, so a key of 'a.b' becomes 'a_b'
+ #
+ def pick(*keys)
+ do |hsh, key|
+ value = self.get(key)
+ if !value.nil?
+ hsh[key.gsub('.','_')] = value
+ end
+ hsh
+ end
+ end
+ def eval_file(filename)
+ evaluate_ruby(filename,
+ end
+ protected
+ #
+ # walks the object tree, eval'ing all the attributes that are dynamic ruby (e.g. value starts with '= ')
+ #
+ def evaluate_everything(context)
+ keys.each do |key|
+ obj = fetch_value(key, context)
+ if is_required_value_not_set?(obj)
+ Util::log 0, :warning, "required property \"#{key}\" is not set in node \"#{}\"."
+ elsif obj.is_a? Config::Object
+ obj.evaluate_everything(context)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # some keys need to be evaluated 'late', after all the other keys have been evaluated.
+ #
+ def late_evaluate_everything(context)
+ if @late_eval_list
+ @late_eval_list.each do |key, value|
+ self[key] = context.evaluate_ruby(key, value)
+ if is_required_value_not_set?(self[key])
+ Util::log 0, :warning, "required property \"#{key}\" is not set in node \"#{}\"."
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ values.each do |obj|
+ if obj.is_a? Config::Object
+ obj.late_evaluate_everything(context)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # evaluates the string `value` as ruby in the context of self.
+ # (`key` is just passed for debugging purposes)
+ #
+ def evaluate_ruby(key, value)
+ self.instance_eval(value, key, 1)
+ rescue ConfigError => exc
+ raise exc # pass through
+ rescue SystemStackError => exc
+ Util::log 0, :error, "while evaluating node '#{}'"
+ Util::log 0, "offending key: #{key}", :indent => 1
+ Util::log 0, "offending string: #{value}", :indent => 1
+ Util::log 0, "STACK OVERFLOW, BAILING OUT. There must be an eval loop of death (variables with circular dependencies).", :indent => 1
+ raise
+ rescue FileMissing => exc
+ Util::bail! do
+ if exc.options[:missing]
+ Util::log :missing, exc.options[:missing].gsub('$node','$file', exc.path)
+ else
+ Util::log :error, "while evaluating node '#{}'"
+ Util::log "offending key: #{key}", :indent => 1
+ Util::log "offending string: #{value}", :indent => 1
+ Util::log "error message: no file '#{exc}'", :indent => 1
+ end
+ raise exc if DEBUG
+ end
+ rescue AssertionFailed => exc
+ Util.bail! do
+ Util::log :failed, "assertion while evaluating node '#{}'"
+ Util::log 'assertion: %s' % exc.assertion, :indent => 1
+ Util::log "offending key: #{key}", :indent => 1
+ raise exc if DEBUG
+ end
+ rescue SyntaxError, StandardError => exc
+ Util::bail! do
+ Util::log :error, "while evaluating node '#{}'"
+ Util::log "offending key: #{key}", :indent => 1
+ Util::log "offending string: #{value}", :indent => 1
+ Util::log "error message: #{exc.inspect}", :indent => 1
+ raise exc if DEBUG
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ #
+ # fetches the value for the key, evaluating the value as ruby if it begins with '='
+ #
+ def fetch_value(key, context=@node)
+ value = fetch(key, nil)
+ if value.is_a?(String) && value =~ /^=/
+ # strings prefix with '=' are evaluated as ruby code.
+ if value =~ /^=> (.*)$/
+ value = evaluate_later(key, $1)
+ elsif value =~ /^= (.*)$/
+ value = context.evaluate_ruby(key, $1)
+ end
+ self[key] = value
+ elsif value.is_a?(Proc)
+ # the value might be a proc, set by a 'control' file
+ self[key] =
+ end
+ return value
+ end
+ def evaluate_later(key, value)
+ @late_eval_list ||= []
+ @late_eval_list << [key, value]
+ '<evaluate later>'
+ end
+ #
+ # when merging, we raise an error if this method returns true for the two values.
+ #
+ def type_mismatch?(old_value, new_value)
+ if old_value.is_a?(Boolean) && new_value.is_a?(Boolean)
+ # note: FalseClass and TrueClass are different classes
+ # so we can't do old_value.class == new_value.class
+ return false
+ elsif old_value.is_a?(String) && old_value =~ /^=/
+ # pass through macros, since we don't know what the type will eventually be.
+ return false
+ elsif new_value.is_a?(String) && new_value =~ /^=/
+ return false
+ elsif old_value.class == new_value.class
+ return false
+ else
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # returns true if the value has not been changed and the default is "REQUIRED"
+ #
+ def is_required_value_not_set?(value)
+ if value.is_a? Array
+ value == ["REQUIRED"]
+ else
+ value == "REQUIRED"
+ end
+ end
+ end # class
+ end # module
+end # module \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/leap_cli/config/object_list.rb b/lib/leap_cli/config/object_list.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..80f89d92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/leap_cli/config/object_list.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+require 'tsort'
+module LeapCli
+ module Config
+ #
+ # A list of Config::Object instances (internally stored as a hash)
+ #
+ class ObjectList < Hash
+ include TSort
+ def initialize(config=nil)
+ if config
+ self.add(config['name'], config)
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # If the key is a string, the Config::Object it references is returned.
+ #
+ # If the key is a hash, we treat it as a condition and filter all the Config::Objects using the condition.
+ # A new ObjectList is returned.
+ #
+ # Examples:
+ #
+ # nodes['vpn1']
+ # node named 'vpn1'
+ #
+ # nodes[:public_dns => true]
+ # all nodes with public dns
+ #
+ # nodes[:services => 'openvpn', 'location.country_code' => 'US']
+ # all nodes with services containing 'openvpn' OR country code of US
+ #
+ # Sometimes, you want to do an OR condition with multiple conditions
+ # for the same field. Since hash keys must be unique, you can use
+ # an array representation instead:
+ #
+ # nodes[[:services, 'openvpn'], [:services, 'tor']]
+ # nodes with openvpn OR tor service
+ #
+ # nodes[:services => 'openvpn'][:tags => 'production']
+ # nodes with openvpn AND are production
+ #
+ def [](key)
+ if key.is_a?(Hash) || key.is_a?(Array)
+ filter(key)
+ else
+ super key.to_s
+ end
+ end
+ def exclude(node)
+ list = self.dup
+ list.delete(
+ return list
+ end
+ def each_node(&block)
+ self.keys.sort.each do |node_name|
+ yield self[node_name]
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # filters this object list, producing a new list.
+ # filter is an array or a hash. see []
+ #
+ def filter(filter)
+ results =
+ filter.each do |field, match_value|
+ field = field.is_a?(Symbol) ? field.to_s : field
+ match_value = match_value.is_a?(Symbol) ? match_value.to_s : match_value
+ if match_value.is_a?(String) && match_value =~ /^!/
+ operator = :not_equal
+ match_value = match_value.sub(/^!/, '')
+ else
+ operator = :equal
+ end
+ each do |name, config|
+ value = config[field]
+ if value.is_a? Array
+ if operator == :equal && value.include?(match_value)
+ results[name] = config
+ elsif operator == :not_equal && !value.include?(match_value)
+ results[name] = config
+ end
+ elsif match_value.is_a? Array
+ if operator == :equal && match_value.include?(value)
+ results[name] = config
+ elsif operator == :not_equal && !match_value.include?(value)
+ results[name] = config
+ end
+ else
+ if operator == :equal && value == match_value
+ results[name] = config
+ elsif operator == :not_equal && value != match_value
+ results[name] = config
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ results
+ end
+ def add(name, object)
+ self[name] = object
+ end
+ #
+ # converts the hash of configs into an array of hashes, with ONLY the specified fields
+ #
+ def fields(*fields)
+ result = []
+ keys.sort.each do |name|
+ result << self[name].pick(*fields)
+ end
+ result
+ end
+ #
+ # like fields(), but returns an array of values instead of an array of hashes.
+ #
+ def field(field)
+ field = field.to_s
+ result = []
+ keys.sort.each do |name|
+ result << self[name].get(field)
+ end
+ result
+ end
+ #
+ # pick_fields(field1, field2, ...)
+ #
+ # generates a Hash from the object list, but with only the fields that are picked.
+ #
+ # If there are more than one field, then the result is a Hash of Hashes.
+ # If there is just one field, it is a simple map to the value.
+ #
+ # For example:
+ #
+ # "neighbors" = "= nodes_like_me[:services => :couchdb].pick_fields('domain.full', 'ip_address')"
+ #
+ # generates this:
+ #
+ # neighbors:
+ # couch1:
+ # domain_full:
+ # ip_address: ""
+ # couch2:
+ # domain_full:
+ # ip_address: ""
+ #
+ # But this:
+ #
+ # "neighbors": "= nodes_like_me[:services => :couchdb].pick_fields('domain.full')"
+ #
+ # will generate this:
+ #
+ # neighbors:
+ # couch1:
+ # couch2:
+ #
+ def pick_fields(*fields)
+ self.values.inject({}) do |hsh, node|
+ value = self[].pick(*fields)
+ if fields.size == 1
+ value = value.values.first
+ end
+ hsh[] = value
+ hsh
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Applies inherit_from! to all objects.
+ #
+ # 'env' specifies what environment should be for
+ # each object in the list.
+ #
+ def inherit_from!(object_list, env)
+ object_list.each do |name, object|
+ if self[name]
+ self[name].inherit_from!(object)
+ else
+ self[name] = object.duplicate(env)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # topographical sort based on test dependency
+ #
+ def tsort_each_node(&block)
+ self.each_key(&block)
+ end
+ def tsort_each_child(node_name, &block)
+ if self[node_name]
+ self[node_name].test_dependencies.each do |test_me_first|
+ if self[test_me_first] # TODO: in the future, allow for ability to optionally pull in all dependencies.
+ # not just the ones that pass the node filter.
+ yield(test_me_first)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def names_in_test_dependency_order
+ self.tsort
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/leap_cli/config/provider.rb b/lib/leap_cli/config/provider.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0d8bc1f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/leap_cli/config/provider.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Configuration class for provider.json
+module LeapCli; module Config
+ class Provider < Object
+ attr_reader :environment
+ def set_env(e)
+ if e == 'default'
+ @environment = nil
+ else
+ @environment = e
+ end
+ end
+ def provider
+ self
+ end
+ def validate!
+ # nothing here yet :(
+ end
+ end
+end; end
diff --git a/lib/leap_cli/config/secrets.rb b/lib/leap_cli/config/secrets.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ca851c74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/leap_cli/config/secrets.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# A class for the secrets.json file
+module LeapCli; module Config
+ class Secrets < Object
+ attr_reader :node_list
+ def initialize(manager=nil)
+ super(manager)
+ @discovered_keys = {}
+ end
+ # we can't use fetch() or get(), since those already have special meanings
+ def retrieve(key, environment)
+ environment ||= 'default'
+ self.fetch(environment, {})[key.to_s]
+ end
+ def set(*args, &block)
+ if block_given?
+ set_with_block(*args, &block)
+ else
+ set_without_block(*args)
+ end
+ end
+ # searches over all keys matching the regexp, checking to see if the value
+ # has been already used by any of them.
+ def taken?(regexp, value, environment)
+ self.keys.grep(regexp).each do |key|
+ return true if self.retrieve(key, environment) == value
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ def set_without_block(key, value, environment)
+ set_with_block(key, environment) {value}
+ end
+ def set_with_block(key, environment, &block)
+ environment ||= 'default'
+ key = key.to_s
+ @discovered_keys[environment] ||= {}
+ @discovered_keys[environment][key] = true
+ self[environment] ||= {}
+ self[environment][key] ||= yield
+ end
+ #
+ # if clean is true, then only secrets that have been discovered
+ # during this run will be exported.
+ #
+ # if environment is also pinned, then we will clean those secrets
+ # just for that environment.
+ #
+ # the clean argument should only be used when all nodes have
+ # been processed, otherwise secrets that are actually in use will
+ # get mistakenly removed.
+ #
+ def dump_json(clean=false)
+ pinned_env = LeapCli.leapfile.environment
+ if clean
+ self.each_key do |environment|
+ if pinned_env.nil? || pinned_env == environment
+ env = self[environment]
+ if env.nil?
+ raise"secrets.json file seems corrupted. No such environment '#{environment}'")
+ end
+ env.each_key do |key|
+ unless @discovered_keys[environment] && @discovered_keys[environment][key]
+ self[environment].delete(key)
+ end
+ end
+ if self[environment].empty?
+ self.delete(environment)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ super()
+ end
+ end
+end; end
diff --git a/lib/leap_cli/config/sources.rb b/lib/leap_cli/config/sources.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aee860de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/leap_cli/config/sources.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# A class for the sources.json file
+module LeapCli
+ module Config
+ class Sources < Object
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/leap_cli/config/tag.rb b/lib/leap_cli/config/tag.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6bd8d1e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/leap_cli/config/tag.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# A class for node services or node tags.
+module LeapCli; module Config
+ class Tag < Object
+ attr_reader :node_list
+ def initialize(environment=nil)
+ super(environment)
+ @node_list =
+ end
+ # don't copy the node list pointer when this object is dup'ed.
+ def initialize_copy(orig)
+ super
+ @node_list =
+ end
+ end
+end; end