diff options
5 files changed, 29 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/provider_base/services/webapp.json b/provider_base/services/webapp.json
index 6f2beb8a..392375ff 100644
--- a/provider_base/services/webapp.json
+++ b/provider_base/services/webapp.json
@@ -4,17 +4,18 @@
"modules": ["user", "billing", "help"],
"couchdb_admin_user": "=[:couchdb].couch.users[:admin]",
"couchdb_webapp_user": "=[:couchdb].couch.users[:webapp]",
- "favicon": "= file_path 'branding/favicon.ico'",
- "tail_scss": "= file_path 'branding/tail.scss'",
- "head_scss": "= file_path 'branding/head.scss'",
- "img_dir": "= file_path 'branding/img'",
+ "customization_dir": "= file_path 'webapp'",
"client_certificates": "=",
"allow_limited_certs": "= global.provider.service.allow_limited_bandwidth",
"allow_unlimited_certs": "= global.provider.service.allow_unlimited_bandwidth",
"allow_anonymous_certs": "= global.provider.service.allow_anonymous",
"secret_token": "= secret :webapp_secret_token",
"api_version": 1,
- "secure": false
+ "secure": false,
+ "git": {
+ "source": "",
+ "revision": "origin/master"
+ }
"stunnel": {
"couch_client": "= stunnel_client(nodes_like_me[:services => :couchdb],[:couchdb].couch.port)"
diff --git a/puppet/modules/site_apache/manifests/module/expires.pp b/puppet/modules/site_apache/manifests/module/expires.pp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f73a5607
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puppet/modules/site_apache/manifests/module/expires.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+class site_apache::module::expires ( $ensure = present )
+ apache::module { 'expires': ensure => $ensure }
diff --git a/puppet/modules/site_apache/templates/vhosts.d/leap_webapp.conf.erb b/puppet/modules/site_apache/templates/vhosts.d/leap_webapp.conf.erb
index afc19782..a001552a 100644
--- a/puppet/modules/site_apache/templates/vhosts.d/leap_webapp.conf.erb
+++ b/puppet/modules/site_apache/templates/vhosts.d/leap_webapp.conf.erb
@@ -45,6 +45,14 @@
PassengerFriendlyErrorPages off
SetEnv TMPDIR /var/tmp
+ # Allow rails assets to be cached for a very long time (since the URLs change whenever the content changes)
+ <Location /assets/>
+ Header unset ETag
+ FileETag None
+ ExpiresActive On
+ ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 year"
+ </Location>
<% if (defined? @services) and (@services.include? 'monitor') -%>
<DirectoryMatch (/usr/share/nagios3/htdocs|/usr/lib/cgi-bin/nagios3|/etc/nagios3/stylesheets)>
PassengerEnabled off
diff --git a/puppet/modules/site_webapp/manifests/apache.pp b/puppet/modules/site_webapp/manifests/apache.pp
index 6a199b9e..581922cb 100644
--- a/puppet/modules/site_webapp/manifests/apache.pp
+++ b/puppet/modules/site_webapp/manifests/apache.pp
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ class site_webapp::apache {
include site_apache::module::headers
include site_apache::module::rewrite
include site_apache::module::alias
+ include site_apache::module::expires
class { 'passenger': use_munin => false }
diff --git a/puppet/modules/site_webapp/manifests/init.pp b/puppet/modules/site_webapp/manifests/init.pp
index 6c5bda4c..c090c6a0 100644
--- a/puppet/modules/site_webapp/manifests/init.pp
+++ b/puppet/modules/site_webapp/manifests/init.pp
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ class site_webapp {
vcsrepo { '/srv/leap/webapp':
ensure => present,
force => true,
- revision => 'origin/master',
+ revision => $webapp['git']['revision'],
provider => git,
- source => '',
+ source => $webapp['git']['source'],
owner => 'leap-webapp',
group => 'leap-webapp',
require => [ User['leap-webapp'], Group['leap-webapp'] ],
@@ -63,6 +63,10 @@ class site_webapp {
notify => Service['apache'];
+ #
+ # NOTE: in order to support a webapp that is running on a subpath and not the root of the domain
+ # assets:precompile needs to be run with RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT=/application-root
+ #
exec { 'compile_assets':
cwd => '/srv/leap/webapp',
command => '/bin/bash -c "RAILS_ENV=production /usr/bin/bundle exec rake assets:precompile"',
@@ -110,55 +114,20 @@ class site_webapp {
try::file {
- '/srv/leap/webapp/public/favicon.ico':
- ensure => present,
- owner => leap-webapp,
- group => leap-webapp,
- mode => '0644',
- require => Vcsrepo['/srv/leap/webapp'],
- source => $webapp['favicon'];
- '/srv/leap/webapp/app/assets/stylesheets/tail.scss':
- ensure => present,
- owner => leap-webapp,
- group => leap-webapp,
- mode => '0644',
- require => Vcsrepo['/srv/leap/webapp'],
- source => $webapp['tail_scss'],
- before => Exec['bundler_update'];
- '/srv/leap/webapp/app/assets/stylesheets/head.scss':
- ensure => present,
- owner => leap-webapp,
- group => leap-webapp,
- mode => '0644',
- require => Vcsrepo['/srv/leap/webapp'],
- source => $webapp['head_scss'],
- before => Exec['bundler_update'];
- '/srv/leap/webapp/public/img':
+ '/srv/leap/webapp/config/customization':
ensure => directory,
recurse => true,
purge => true,
force => true,
owner => leap-webapp,
group => leap-webapp,
- mode => '0644',
+ mode => 'u=rwX,go=rX',
require => Vcsrepo['/srv/leap/webapp'],
- source => $webapp['img_dir'];
+ notify => Exec['compile_assets'],
+ source => $webapp['customization_dir'];
git::changes {
- 'app/assets/stylesheets/head.scss':
- cwd => '/srv/leap/webapp',
- require => Vcsrepo['/srv/leap/webapp'],
- user => 'leap-webapp';
- 'app/assets/stylesheets/tail.scss':
- cwd => '/srv/leap/webapp',
- require => Vcsrepo['/srv/leap/webapp'],
- user => 'leap-webapp';
cwd => '/srv/leap/webapp',
require => Vcsrepo['/srv/leap/webapp'],