path: root/tests/white-box/mx.rb
diff options
authorelijah <>2016-08-29 16:35:14 -0700
committerelijah <>2016-09-01 10:13:31 -0700
commit07c0e60e6bdc5b8bfe1f42f76dae9f0a79e7abb0 (patch)
tree9f79f8fbb207896dcfe38f24831d9b2b857199a4 /tests/white-box/mx.rb
parentd5bac5850e4a895da5f9cfacb641fab15de1cf7b (diff)
moved infrastructure tests run by `leap run` to tests/server-tests
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/white-box/mx.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 271 deletions
diff --git a/tests/white-box/mx.rb b/tests/white-box/mx.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0eeaacd0..00000000
--- a/tests/white-box/mx.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-raise SkipTest unless service?(:mx)
-require 'date'
-require 'json'
-require 'net/smtp'
-class Mx < LeapTest
- depends_on "Network"
- depends_on "Webapp" if service?(:webapp)
- def setup
- end
- def test_01_Can_contact_couchdb?
- dbs = ["identities"]
- dbs.each do |db_name|
- couchdb_urls("/"+db_name, couch_url_options).each do |url|
- assert_get(url) do |body|
- assert response = JSON.parse(body)
- assert_equal db_name, response['db_name']
- end
- end
- end
- pass
- end
- def test_02_Can_contact_couchdb_via_haproxy?
- if property('haproxy.couch')
- url = couchdb_url_via_haproxy("", couch_url_options)
- assert_get(url) do |body|
- assert_match /"couchdb":"Welcome"/, body, "Request to #{url} should return couchdb welcome message."
- end
- pass
- end
- end
- #
- # this test picks a random identity document, then queries
- # using the by_address view for that same document again.
- #
- def test_03_Can_query_identities_db?
- ident = pick_random_identity
- address = ident['address']
- url_base = %(/identities/_design/Identity/_view/by_address)
- params = %(?include_docs=true&reduce=false&startkey="#{address}"&endkey="#{address}")
- assert_get(couchdb_url(url_base+params, couch_url_options)) do |body|
- assert response = JSON.parse(body)
- assert record = response['rows'].first
- assert_equal address, record['doc']['address']
- pass
- end
- end
- def test_04_Are_MX_daemons_running?
- assert_running '.*/usr/bin/twistd.*mx.tac'
- assert_running '^/usr/lib/postfix/master$'
- assert_running '^/usr/sbin/postfwd'
- assert_running 'postfwd2::cache$'
- assert_running 'postfwd2::policy$'
- assert_running '^/usr/sbin/unbound$'
- assert_running '^/usr/bin/freshclam'
- assert_running '^/usr/sbin/opendkim'
- if Dir.glob("/var/lib/clamav/main.{c[vl]d,inc}").size > 0 and Dir.glob("/var/lib/clamav/daily.{c[vl]d,inc}").size > 0
- assert_running '^/usr/sbin/clamd'
- assert_running '^/usr/sbin/clamav-milter'
- pass
- else
- skip "Downloading the clamav signature files (/var/lib/clamav/{daily,main}.{c[vl]d,inc}) is still in progress, so clamd is not running."
- end
- end
- #
- # TODO: test to make sure postmap returned the right result
- #
- def test_05_Can_postfix_query_leapmx?
- ident = pick_random_identity(10, :with_public_key => true)
- address = ident["address"]
- #
- # virtual alias map:
- #
- # user@domain => 41c29a80a44f4775513c64ac9cab91b9@deliver.local
- #
- assert_run("postmap -v -q \"#{address}\" tcp:localhost:4242")
- #
- # recipient access map:
- #
- # user@domain => [OK|REJECT|TEMP_FAIL]
- #
- # This map is queried by the mail server before delivery to the mail spool
- # directory, and should check if the address is able to receive messages.
- # Examples of reasons for denying delivery would be that the user is out of
- # quota, is user, or have no pgp public key in the server.
- #
- # NOTE: in the future, when we support quota, we need to make sure that
- # we don't randomly pick a user for this test that happens to be over quota.
- #
- assert_run("postmap -v -q \"#{address}\" tcp:localhost:2244")
- #
- # certificate validity map:
- #
- # fa:2a:70:1f:d8:16:4e:1a:3b:15:c1:67:00:f0 => [200|500]
- #
- # Determines whether a particular SMTP client cert is authorized
- # to relay mail, based on the fingerprint.
- #
- if ident["cert_fingerprints"]
- not_expired = ident["cert_fingerprints"].select {|key, value|
- < DateTime.strptime("2016-01-03", "%F").to_time.utc
- }
- if not_expired.any?
- fingerprint = not_expired.first
- assert_run("postmap -v -q #{fingerprint} tcp:localhost:2424")
- end
- end
- pass
- end
- #
- # The email sent by this test might get bounced back.
- # In this case, the test will pass, but the bounce message will
- # get sent to root, so the sysadmin will still figure out pretty
- # quickly that something is wrong.
- #
- def test_05_Can_deliver_email?
- if pgrep('^/usr/sbin/clamd').empty? || pgrep('^/usr/sbin/clamav-milter').empty?
- skip "Mail delivery is being deferred because clamav daemon is not running"
- else
- addr = [TEST_EMAIL_USER, property('domain.full_suffix')].join('@')
- bad_addr = [TEST_BAD_USER, property('domain.full_suffix')].join('@')
- assert !identity_exists?(bad_addr), "the address #{bad_addr} must not exist."
- if !identity_exists?(addr)
- user = assert_create_user(TEST_EMAIL_USER, :monitor)
- upload_public_key(, TEST_EMAIL_PUBLIC_KEY)
- end
- assert identity_exists?(addr), "The identity #{addr} should have been created, but it doesn't exist yet."
- assert_send_email(addr)
- assert_raises(Net::SMTPError) do
- send_email(bad_addr)
- end
- pass
- end
- end
- private
- def couch_url_options
- {
- :username => property('couchdb_leap_mx_user.username'),
- :password => property('couchdb_leap_mx_user.password')
- }
- end
- #
- # returns a random identity record that also has valid address
- # and destination fields.
- #
- # options:
- #
- # * :with_public_key -- searches only for identities with public keys
- #
- # note to self: for debugging, here is the curl you want:
- # curl --netrc "\"\"&endkey=\"\"&reduce=false&include_docs=true"
- #
- def pick_random_identity(tries=5, options={})
- assert_get(couchdb_url("/identities", couch_url_options)) do |body|
- assert response = JSON.parse(body)
- doc_count = response['doc_count'].to_i
- if doc_count <= 1
- # the design document counts as one document.
- skip "There are no identity documents yet."
- else
- # try repeatedly to get a valid doc
- for i in 1..tries
- offset = rand(doc_count) # pick a random document
- url = couchdb_url("/identities/_all_docs?include_docs=true&limit=1&skip=#{offset}", couch_url_options)
- assert_get(url) do |body|
- assert response = JSON.parse(body)
- record = response['rows'].first
- if record['id'] =~ /_design/
- next
- elsif record['doc'] && record['doc']['address']
- next if record['doc']['destination'].nil? || record['doc']['destination'].empty?
- next if options[:with_public_key] && !record_has_key?(record)
- return record['doc']
- else
- fail "Identity document #{record['id']} is missing an address field. #{record['doc'].inspect}"
- end
- end
- end
- if options[:with_public_key]
- skip "Could not find an Identity document with a public key for testing."
- else
- fail "Failed to find a valid Identity document (with address and destination)."
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def record_has_key?(record)
- !record['doc']['keys'].nil? &&
- !record['doc']['keys'].empty? &&
- !record['doc']['keys']['pgp'].nil? &&
- !record['doc']['keys']['pgp'].empty?
- end