path: root/puppet/modules/site_static/manifests
diff options
authorMicah Anderson <>2014-04-22 14:13:46 -0400
committerMicah Anderson <>2014-04-22 14:13:46 -0400
commit327d5c934e408f90011d7949b89ab01fed88998e (patch)
tree77cfefffc8f9ffe160c4413b26dd5ca5cdd6f1e8 /puppet/modules/site_static/manifests
parentca11482dd7cd4ea8ffa69407ee2fd5b5e1b7981b (diff)
parent4295f334ea4f92d7fb47f7121a42633630c368d1 (diff)
Merge branch 'develop' (0.5.0)
Conflicts: .gitignore Change-Id: I778f3e1f1f4832f5894bc149ead67e9a4becf304
Diffstat (limited to 'puppet/modules/site_static/manifests')
3 files changed, 70 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/puppet/modules/site_static/manifests/domain.pp b/puppet/modules/site_static/manifests/domain.pp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8af2230f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puppet/modules/site_static/manifests/domain.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+define site_static::domain (
+ $locations,
+ $ca_cert,
+ $key,
+ $cert,
+ $tls_only) {
+ $domain = $name
+ $base_dir = '/srv/static'
+ create_resources(site_static::location, $locations)
+ x509::cert { $domain: content => $cert }
+ x509::key { $domain: content => $key }
+ x509::ca { "${domain}_ca": content => $ca_cert }
+ class { '::apache': no_default_site => true, ssl => true }
+ include site_apache::module::headers
+ include site_apache::module::alias
+ include site_apache::module::expires
+ include site_apache::module::removeip
+ include site_apache::module::rewrite
+ apache::vhost::file { $domain:
+ content => template('site_static/apache.conf.erb')
+ }
diff --git a/puppet/modules/site_static/manifests/init.pp b/puppet/modules/site_static/manifests/init.pp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91a4a7a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puppet/modules/site_static/manifests/init.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+class site_static {
+ tag 'leap_service'
+ $static = hiera('static')
+ $domains = $static['domains']
+ $formats = $static['formats']
+ if (member($formats, 'amber')) {
+ include site_config::ruby::dev
+ rubygems::gem{'amber': }
+ }
+ create_resources(site_static::domain, $domains)
+ include site_shorewall::defaults
+ include site_shorewall::service::http
+ include site_shorewall::service::https
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/puppet/modules/site_static/manifests/location.pp b/puppet/modules/site_static/manifests/location.pp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1ba6807e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puppet/modules/site_static/manifests/location.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+define site_static::location($path, $format, $source) {
+ $file_path = "/srv/static/${name}"
+ if ($format == 'amber') {
+ exec {"amber_build_${name}":
+ cwd => $file_path,
+ command => 'amber rebuild',
+ user => 'www-data',
+ timeout => 600,
+ subscribe => Vcsrepo[$file_path]
+ }
+ }
+ vcsrepo { $file_path:
+ ensure => present,
+ force => true,
+ revision => $source['revision'],
+ provider => $source['type'],
+ source => $source['repo'],
+ owner => 'www-data',
+ group => 'www-data'
+ }