path: root/puppet/modules/postfwd
diff options
authorMicah <>2016-05-10 14:48:26 -0400
committerMicah <>2016-05-10 14:48:26 -0400
commit86c85582065c391aa13c0b9b397dfd1aa2e2ac7b (patch)
tree7c027409a517d862864bf3650f4a8a66f615162d /puppet/modules/postfwd
parent70b1c648b94e6c007b9241a4661f33881e74485f (diff)
parent66b4c6b5ec6fe2f242020845fe92715ae2cdcc1e (diff)
Merge tag '0.8.0'
Release 0.8.0
Diffstat (limited to 'puppet/modules/postfwd')
3 files changed, 90 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/puppet/modules/postfwd/files/postfwd_default b/puppet/modules/postfwd/files/postfwd_default
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..83742e40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puppet/modules/postfwd/files/postfwd_default
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+### This file managed by Puppet
+# Global options for postfwd(8).
+# Set to '1' to enable startup (daemon mode)
+# Config file
+# IP where listen to
+# Port where listen to
+# run as user postfwd
+# Arguments passed on start (--daemon implied)
+# disable summary and cache-no-size
+#ARGS="--summary=600 --cache=600 --cache-rdomain-only --cache-no-size"
+ARGS="--cache=600 --cache-rdomain-only --no-rulestats"
diff --git a/puppet/modules/postfwd/manifests/init.pp b/puppet/modules/postfwd/manifests/init.pp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6db3fa52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puppet/modules/postfwd/manifests/init.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# This class provides rate-limiting for outgoing SMTP, using postfwd
+# it is configured with some limits that seem reasonable for a generic
+# use-case. Each of the following applies to sasl_authenticated users:
+# . 150 recipients at a time
+# . no more than 50 messages in 60 minutes
+# . no more than 250 recipients in 60 minutes.
+# This class could be easily extended to add overrides to these rules,
+# maximum sizes per client, or additional rules
+class postfwd {
+ ensure_packages(['libnet-server-perl', 'libnet-dns-perl', 'postfwd'])
+ file {
+ '/etc/default/postfwd':
+ source => 'puppet:///modules/postfwd/postfwd_default',
+ mode => '0644',
+ owner => root,
+ group => root,
+ before => Package['postfwd'];
+ '/etc/postfix/':
+ content => template('postfwd/'),
+ mode => '0644',
+ owner => root,
+ group => root,
+ require => Package['postfix'],
+ before => Package['postfwd'];
+ }
+ service {
+ 'postfwd':
+ ensure => running,
+ name => postfwd,
+ pattern => '/usr/sbin/postfwd',
+ enable => true,
+ hasrestart => true,
+ hasstatus => false,
+ require => [ File['/etc/default/postfwd'],
+ File['/etc/postfix/']];
+ }
diff --git a/puppet/modules/postfwd/templates/ b/puppet/modules/postfwd/templates/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1c45dd03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puppet/modules/postfwd/templates/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+### This file managed by Puppet
+# Before deploying a rule
+# 1. test with an additional ";" in the rule so it
+# only applies to your test account
+# 2. then when ready to test for all users, use WARN and watch the logs
+# for a few days and make sure it working the way you like
+# 3. Then when ready to deploy for real set a proper error code
+## Overrides - make like the following example
+# id=exampleuser; sasl_username==exampleuser; action=dunno
+## Rules that apply to all senders
+# Recipient Per Message Limit
+# We only receive mail via smtp from sasl authenticated users
+# directly. We want to limit to a lower amount to prevent phished accounts
+# spamming
+id=RCPTSENDER; recipient_count=150; action=REJECT Too many recipients, please try again. Contact http://<%= @domain %>/tickets/new if this is in error. ERROR:RCPTSENDER
+# Message Rate Limit
+# This limits sasl authenticated users to no more than 50/60mins
+# NOTE: sasl_username needs to be set to something or this check will fail
+id=MSGRATE ; sasl_username=!!(^$); action==rate($$sasl_username/100/3600/450 4.7.1 exceeded message rate. Contact Contact http://<%= @domain %>/tickets/new if this is in error. ERROR:MSGRATE)
+# Total Recipient Rate Limit
+# This adds up the recipients for all the sasl authenticated users messages
+# and can't exceed more than 250/60min
+# NOTE: sasl_username needs to be set to something or this check will fail
+id=RCPTRATE ; sasl_username=!!(^$); action==rcpt($$sasl_username/500/3600/450 4.7.1 exceeded message rate. Contact http://<%= @domain %>/tickets/new if this is in error. ERROR:RCPTRATE)