path: root/puppet/modules/leap
diff options
authorMicah <>2016-05-10 14:48:26 -0400
committerMicah <>2016-05-10 14:48:26 -0400
commit86c85582065c391aa13c0b9b397dfd1aa2e2ac7b (patch)
tree7c027409a517d862864bf3650f4a8a66f615162d /puppet/modules/leap
parent70b1c648b94e6c007b9241a4661f33881e74485f (diff)
parent66b4c6b5ec6fe2f242020845fe92715ae2cdcc1e (diff)
Merge tag '0.8.0'
Release 0.8.0
Diffstat (limited to 'puppet/modules/leap')
2 files changed, 58 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/puppet/modules/leap/manifests/cli/install.pp b/puppet/modules/leap/manifests/cli/install.pp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..25e87033
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puppet/modules/leap/manifests/cli/install.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# installs leap_cli on node
+class leap::cli::install ( $source = false ) {
+ if $source {
+ # needed for building leap_cli from source
+ include ::git
+ include ::rubygems
+ class { '::ruby':
+ install_dev => true
+ }
+ class { 'bundler::install': install_method => 'package' }
+ Class[Ruby] ->
+ Class[rubygems] ->
+ Class[bundler::install]
+ vcsrepo { '/srv/leap/cli':
+ ensure => present,
+ force => true,
+ revision => 'develop',
+ provider => 'git',
+ source => '',
+ owner => 'root',
+ group => 'root',
+ notify => Exec['install_leap_cli'],
+ require => Package['git']
+ }
+ exec { 'install_leap_cli':
+ command => '/usr/bin/rake build && /usr/bin/rake install',
+ cwd => '/srv/leap/cli',
+ user => 'root',
+ environment => 'USER=root',
+ refreshonly => true,
+ require => [ Class[bundler::install] ]
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ package { 'leap_cli':
+ ensure => installed,
+ provider => gem
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/puppet/modules/leap/manifests/logfile.pp b/puppet/modules/leap/manifests/logfile.pp
index 63dbd16b..adb3ca8a 100644
--- a/puppet/modules/leap/manifests/logfile.pp
+++ b/puppet/modules/leap/manifests/logfile.pp
@@ -1,9 +1,18 @@
# make syslog log to a particular file for a particular process.
-define leap::logfile($process=$name) {
- $logfile = "/var/log/leap/${name}.log"
+# arguments:
+# * name: what config files are named as (eg. /etc/rsyslog.d/50-$name.conf)
+# * log: the full path of the log file (defaults to /var/log/leap/$name.log
+# * process: the syslog tag to filter on (defaults to name)
+define leap::logfile($process = $name, $log = undef) {
+ if $log {
+ $logfile = $log
+ } else {
+ $logfile = "/var/log/leap/${name}.log"
+ }
rsyslog::snippet { "50-${name}":
content => template('leap/rsyslog.erb')