path: root/lib/leap_cli/commands/user.rb
diff options
authorMicah <>2016-05-10 14:48:26 -0400
committerMicah <>2016-05-10 14:48:26 -0400
commit86c85582065c391aa13c0b9b397dfd1aa2e2ac7b (patch)
tree7c027409a517d862864bf3650f4a8a66f615162d /lib/leap_cli/commands/user.rb
parent70b1c648b94e6c007b9241a4661f33881e74485f (diff)
parent66b4c6b5ec6fe2f242020845fe92715ae2cdcc1e (diff)
Merge tag '0.8.0'
Release 0.8.0
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/leap_cli/commands/user.rb')
1 files changed, 136 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/leap_cli/commands/user.rb b/lib/leap_cli/commands/user.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b842e854
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/leap_cli/commands/user.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# perhaps we want to verify that the key files are actually the key files we expect.
+# we could use 'file' for this:
+# > file ~/.gnupg/00440025.asc
+# ~/.gnupg/00440025.asc: PGP public key block
+# > file ~/.ssh/
+# ~/.ssh/ OpenSSH RSA public key
+module LeapCli
+ module Commands
+ desc 'Adds a new trusted sysadmin by adding public keys to the "users" directory.'
+ arg_name 'USERNAME' #, :optional => false, :multiple => false
+ command :'add-user' do |c|
+ c.switch 'self', :desc => 'Add yourself as a trusted sysadmin by choosing among the public keys available for the current user.', :negatable => false
+ c.flag 'ssh-pub-key', :desc => 'SSH public key file for this new user'
+ c.flag 'pgp-pub-key', :desc => 'OpenPGP public key file for this new user'
+ c.action do |global_options,options,args|
+ username = args.first
+ if !username.any?
+ if options[:self]
+ username ||= `whoami`.strip
+ else
+ help! "Either USERNAME argument or --self flag is required."
+ end
+ end
+ if Leap::Platform.reserved_usernames.include? username
+ bail! %(The username "#{username}" is reserved. Sorry, pick another.)
+ end
+ ssh_pub_key = nil
+ pgp_pub_key = nil
+ if options['ssh-pub-key']
+ ssh_pub_key = read_file!(options['ssh-pub-key'])
+ end
+ if options['pgp-pub-key']
+ pgp_pub_key = read_file!(options['pgp-pub-key'])
+ end
+ if options[:self]
+ ssh_pub_key ||= pick_ssh_key.to_s
+ pgp_pub_key ||= pick_pgp_key
+ end
+ assert!(ssh_pub_key, 'Sorry, could not find SSH public key.')
+ if ssh_pub_key
+ write_file!([:user_ssh, username], ssh_pub_key)
+ end
+ if pgp_pub_key
+ write_file!([:user_pgp, username], pgp_pub_key)
+ end
+ update_authorized_keys
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # let the the user choose among the ssh public keys that we encounter, or just pick the key if there is only one.
+ #
+ def pick_ssh_key
+ ssh_keys = []
+ Dir.glob("#{ENV['HOME']}/.ssh/*.pub").each do |keyfile|
+ ssh_keys << SshKey.load(keyfile)
+ end
+ if `which ssh-add`.strip.any?
+ `ssh-add -L 2> /dev/null`.split("\n").compact.each do |line|
+ key = SshKey.load(line)
+ if key
+ key.comment = 'ssh-agent'
+ ssh_keys << key unless ssh_keys.include?(key)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ssh_keys.compact!
+ assert! ssh_keys.any?, 'Sorry, could not find any SSH public key for you. Have you run ssh-keygen?'
+ if ssh_keys.length > 1
+ key_index = numbered_choice_menu('Choose your SSH public key', ssh_keys.collect(&:summary)) do |line, i|
+ say("#{i+1}. #{line}")
+ end
+ else
+ key_index = 0
+ end
+ return ssh_keys[key_index]
+ end
+ #
+ # let the the user choose among the gpg public keys that we encounter, or just pick the key if there is only one.
+ #
+ def pick_pgp_key
+ begin
+ require 'gpgme'
+ rescue LoadError
+ log "Skipping OpenPGP setup because gpgme is not installed."
+ return
+ end
+ secret_keys = GPGME::Key.find(:secret)
+ if secret_keys.empty?
+ log "Skipping OpenPGP setup because I could not find any OpenPGP keys for you"
+ return nil
+ end
+!{|key| !key.expired}
+ if secret_keys.length > 1
+ key_index = numbered_choice_menu('Choose your OpenPGP public key', secret_keys) do |key, i|
+ key_info = key.to_s.split("\n")[0..1].map{|line| line.sub(/^\s*(sec|uid)\s*/,'')}.join(' -- ')
+ say("#{i+1}. #{key_info}")
+ end
+ else
+ key_index = 0
+ end
+ key_id = secret_keys[key_index].sha
+ # can't use this, it includes signatures:
+ #puts GPGME::Key.export(key_id, :armor => true, :export_options => :export_minimal)
+ # export with signatures removed:
+ return `gpg --armor --export-options export-minimal --export #{key_id}`.strip
+ end
+ end