path: root/lib/leap_cli/commands/ssh.rb
diff options
authorMicah <>2016-05-10 14:48:26 -0400
committerMicah <>2016-05-10 14:48:26 -0400
commit86c85582065c391aa13c0b9b397dfd1aa2e2ac7b (patch)
tree7c027409a517d862864bf3650f4a8a66f615162d /lib/leap_cli/commands/ssh.rb
parent70b1c648b94e6c007b9241a4661f33881e74485f (diff)
parent66b4c6b5ec6fe2f242020845fe92715ae2cdcc1e (diff)
Merge tag '0.8.0'
Release 0.8.0
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/leap_cli/commands/ssh.rb')
1 files changed, 225 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/leap_cli/commands/ssh.rb b/lib/leap_cli/commands/ssh.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3887618e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/leap_cli/commands/ssh.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+module LeapCli; module Commands
+ desc 'Log in to the specified node with an interactive shell.'
+ arg_name 'NAME' #, :optional => false, :multiple => false
+ command :ssh do |c|
+ c.flag 'ssh', :desc => "Pass through raw options to ssh (e.g. `--ssh '-F ~/sshconfig'`)."
+ c.flag 'port', :arg_name => 'SSH_PORT', :desc => 'Override default SSH port used when trying to connect to the server. Same as `--ssh "-p SSH_PORT"`.'
+ c.action do |global_options,options,args|
+ exec_ssh(:ssh, options, args)
+ end
+ end
+ desc 'Log in to the specified node with an interactive shell using mosh (requires node to have mosh.enabled set to true).'
+ arg_name 'NAME'
+ command :mosh do |c|
+ c.flag 'ssh', :desc => "Pass through raw options to ssh (e.g. `--ssh '-F ~/sshconfig'`)."
+ c.flag 'port', :arg_name => 'SSH_PORT', :desc => 'Override default SSH port used when trying to connect to the server. Same as `--ssh "-p SSH_PORT"`.'
+ c.action do |global_options,options,args|
+ exec_ssh(:mosh, options, args)
+ end
+ end
+ desc 'Creates an SSH port forward (tunnel) to the node NAME. REMOTE_PORT is the port on the remote node that the tunnel will connect to. LOCAL_PORT is the optional port on your local machine. For example: `leap tunnel couch1:5984`.'
+ command :tunnel do |c|
+ c.flag 'ssh', :desc => "Pass through raw options to ssh (e.g. --ssh '-F ~/sshconfig')."
+ c.flag 'port', :arg_name => 'SSH_PORT', :desc => 'Override default SSH port used when trying to connect to the server. Same as `--ssh "-p SSH_PORT"`.'
+ c.action do |global_options,options,args|
+ local_port, node, remote_port = parse_tunnel_arg(args.first)
+ unless node.ssh.config.AllowTcpForwarding == "yes"
+ log :warning, "It looks like TCP forwarding is not enabled. "+
+ "The tunnel command requires that the node property ssh.config.AllowTcpForwarding "+
+ "be set to 'yes'. Add this property to #{}.json, deploy, and then try tunnel again."
+ end
+ options[:ssh] = [options[:ssh], "-N -L{local_port}:{remote_port}"].join(' ')
+ log("Forward port localhost:#{local_port} to #{}:#{remote_port}")
+ if is_port_available?(local_port)
+ exec_ssh(:ssh, options, [])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ desc 'Secure copy from FILE1 to FILE2. Files are specified as NODE_NAME:FILE_PATH. For local paths, omit "NODE_NAME:".'
+ arg_name 'FILE1 FILE2'
+ command :scp do |c|
+ c.switch :r, :desc => 'Copy recursively'
+ c.action do |global_options, options, args|
+ if args.size != 2
+ bail!('You must specificy both FILE1 and FILE2')
+ end
+ from, to = args
+ if (from !~ /:/ && to !~ /:/) || (from =~ /:/ && to =~ /:/)
+ bail!('One FILE must be remote and the other local.')
+ end
+ src_node_name = src_file_path = src_node = nil
+ dst_node_name = dst_file_path = dst_node = nil
+ if from =~ /:/
+ src_node_name, src_file_path = from.split(':')
+ src_node = get_node_from_args([src_node_name], :include_disabled => true)
+ dst_file_path = to
+ else
+ dst_node_name, dst_file_path = to.split(':')
+ dst_node = get_node_from_args([dst_node_name], :include_disabled => true)
+ src_file_path = from
+ end
+ exec_scp(options, src_node, src_file_path, dst_node, dst_file_path)
+ end
+ end
+ protected
+ #
+ # allow for ssh overrides of all commands that use ssh_connect
+ #
+ def connect_options(options)
+ connect_options = {:ssh_options=>{}}
+ if options[:port]
+ connect_options[:ssh_options][:port] = options[:port]
+ end
+ if options[:ip]
+ connect_options[:ssh_options][:host_name] = options[:ip]
+ end
+ return connect_options
+ end
+ def ssh_config_help_message
+ puts ""
+ puts "Are 'too many authentication failures' getting you down?"
+ puts "Then we have the solution for you! Add something like this to your ~/.ssh/config file:"
+ puts " Host *.#{manager.provider.domain}"
+ puts " IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa"
+ puts " IdentitiesOnly=yes"
+ puts "(replace `id_rsa` with the actual private key filename that you use for this provider)"
+ end
+ require 'socket'
+ def is_port_available?(port)
+'', port) {}
+ true
+ rescue Errno::EACCES
+ bail!("You don't have permission to bind to port #{port}.")
+ rescue Errno::EADDRINUSE
+ bail!("Local port #{port} is already in use. Specify LOCAL_PORT to pick another.")
+ rescue Exception => exc
+ bail!(exc.to_s)
+ end
+ private
+ def exec_ssh(cmd, cli_options, args)
+ node = get_node_from_args(args, :include_disabled => true)
+ port = node.ssh.port
+ options = ssh_config(node)
+ username = 'root'
+ if LeapCli.log_level >= 3
+ options << "-vv"
+ elsif LeapCli.log_level >= 2
+ options << "-v"
+ end
+ if cli_options[:port]
+ port = cli_options[:port]
+ end
+ if cli_options[:ssh]
+ options << cli_options[:ssh]
+ end
+ ssh = "ssh -l #{username} -p #{port} #{options.join(' ')}"
+ if cmd == :ssh
+ command = "#{ssh} #{node.domain.full}"
+ elsif cmd == :mosh
+ command = "MOSH_TITLE_NOPREFIX=1 mosh --ssh \"#{ssh}\" #{node.domain.full}"
+ end
+ log 2, command
+ # exec the shell command in a subprocess
+ pid = fork { exec "#{command}" }
+ Signal.trap("SIGINT") do
+ Process.kill("KILL", pid)
+ Process.wait(pid)
+ exit(0)
+ end
+ # wait for shell to exit so we can grab the exit status
+ _, status = Process.waitpid2(pid)
+ if status.exitstatus == 255
+ ssh_config_help_message
+ elsif status.exitstatus != 0
+ exit(status.exitstatus)
+ end
+ end
+ def exec_scp(cli_options, src_node, src_file_path, dst_node, dst_file_path)
+ node = src_node || dst_node
+ options = ssh_config(node)
+ port = node.ssh.port
+ username = 'root'
+ options << "-r" if cli_options[:r]
+ scp = "scp -P #{port} #{options.join(' ')}"
+ if src_node
+ command = "#{scp} #{username}@#{src_node.domain.full}:#{src_file_path} #{dst_file_path}"
+ elsif dst_node
+ command = "#{scp} #{src_file_path} #{username}@#{dst_node.domain.full}:#{dst_file_path}"
+ end
+ log 2, command
+ # exec the shell command in a subprocess
+ pid = fork { exec "#{command}" }
+ Signal.trap("SIGINT") do
+ Process.kill("KILL", pid)
+ Process.wait(pid)
+ exit(0)
+ end
+ # wait for shell to exit so we can grab the exit status
+ _, status = Process.waitpid2(pid)
+ exit(status.exitstatus)
+ end
+ #
+ # SSH command line -o options. See `man ssh_config`
+ #
+ # NOTES:
+ #
+ # The option 'HostKeyAlias=#{}' is oddly incompatible with ports in
+ # known_hosts file, so we must not use this or non-standard ports break.
+ #
+ def ssh_config(node)
+ options = [
+ "-o 'HostName=#{node.ip_address}'",
+ "-o 'GlobalKnownHostsFile=#{path(:known_hosts)}'",
+ "-o 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null'"
+ ]
+ if node.vagrant?
+ options << "-i #{vagrant_ssh_key_file}" # use the universal vagrant insecure key
+ options << "-o IdentitiesOnly=yes" # force the use of the insecure vagrant key
+ options << "-o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no'" # blindly accept host key and don't save it
+ # (since userknownhostsfile is /dev/null)
+ else
+ options << "-o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=yes'"
+ end
+ if !node.supported_ssh_host_key_algorithms.empty?
+ options << "-o 'HostKeyAlgorithms=#{node.supported_ssh_host_key_algorithms}'"
+ end
+ return options
+ end
+ def parse_tunnel_arg(arg)
+ if arg.count(':') == 1
+ node_name, remote = arg.split(':')
+ local = nil
+ elsif arg.count(':') == 2
+ local, node_name, remote = arg.split(':')
+ else
+ bail!('Argument NAME:REMOTE_PORT required.')
+ end
+ node = get_node_from_args([node_name], :include_disabled => true)
+ remote = remote.to_i
+ local = local || remote
+ local = local.to_i
+ return [local, node, remote]
+ end
+end; end \ No newline at end of file