""" constants.py """ import bz2 import hashlib import imghdr import os import time import zlib from collections import namedtuple from enum import Enum from enum import IntEnum from pyasn1.type.univ import ObjectIdentifier import six from cryptography.hazmat.backends import openssl from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import algorithms from .decorators import classproperty from .types import FlagEnum from ._curves import BrainpoolP256R1, BrainpoolP384R1, BrainpoolP512R1 __all__ = ['Backend', 'EllipticCurveOID', 'PacketTag', 'SymmetricKeyAlgorithm', 'PubKeyAlgorithm', 'CompressionAlgorithm', 'HashAlgorithm', 'RevocationReason', 'ImageEncoding', 'SignatureType', 'KeyServerPreferences', 'String2KeyType', 'TrustLevel', 'KeyFlags', 'Features', 'RevocationKeyClass', 'NotationDataFlags', 'TrustFlags'] # this is 50 KiB _hashtunedata = bytearray([10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17] * 128 * 50) class Backend(Enum): OpenSSL = openssl.backend class EllipticCurveOID(Enum): # these are specified as: # id = (oid, curve) Invalid = ('', ) #: DJB's fast elliptic curve #: #: .. warning:: #: This curve is not currently usable by PGPy Curve25519 = ('', ) #: Twisted Edwards variant of Curve25519 #: #: .. warning:: #: This curve is not currently usable by PGPy Ed25519 = ('', ) #: NIST P-256, also known as SECG curve secp256r1 NIST_P256 = ('1.2.840.10045.3.1.7', ec.SECP256R1) #: NIST P-384, also known as SECG curve secp384r1 NIST_P384 = ('', ec.SECP384R1) #: NIST P-521, also known as SECG curve secp521r1 NIST_P521 = ('', ec.SECP521R1) #: Brainpool Standard Curve, 256-bit #: #: .. note:: #: Requires OpenSSL >= 1.0.2 Brainpool_P256 = ('', BrainpoolP256R1) #: Brainpool Standard Curve, 384-bit #: #: .. note:: #: Requires OpenSSL >= 1.0.2 Brainpool_P384 = ('', BrainpoolP384R1) #: Brainpool Standard Curve, 512-bit #: #: .. note:: #: Requires OpenSSL >= 1.0.2 Brainpool_P512 = ('', BrainpoolP512R1) #: SECG curve secp256k1 SECP256K1 = ('', ec.SECP256K1) def __new__(cls, oid, curve=None): # preprocessing stage for enum members: # - set enum_member.value to ObjectIdentifier(oid) # - if curve is not None and curve.name is in ec._CURVE_TYPES, set enum_member.curve to curve # - otherwise, set enum_member.curve to None obj = object.__new__(cls) obj._value_ = ObjectIdentifier(oid) obj.curve = None if curve is not None and curve.name in ec._CURVE_TYPES: obj.curve = curve return obj @property def can_gen(self): return self.curve is not None @property def key_size(self): if self.curve is not None: return self.curve.key_size @property def kdf_halg(self): # return the hash algorithm to specify in the KDF fields when generating a key algs = {256: HashAlgorithm.SHA256, 384: HashAlgorithm.SHA384, 512: HashAlgorithm.SHA512, 521: HashAlgorithm.SHA512} return algs.get(self.key_size, None) @property def kek_alg(self): # return the AES algorithm to specify in the KDF fields when generating a key algs = {256: SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.AES128, 384: SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.AES192, 512: SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.AES256, 521: SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.AES256} return algs.get(self.key_size, None) class PacketTag(IntEnum): Invalid = 0 PublicKeyEncryptedSessionKey = 1 Signature = 2 SymmetricKeyEncryptedSessionKey = 3 OnePassSignature = 4 SecretKey = 5 PublicKey = 6 SecretSubKey = 7 CompressedData = 8 SymmetricallyEncryptedData = 9 Marker = 10 LiteralData = 11 Trust = 12 UserID = 13 PublicSubKey = 14 UserAttribute = 17 SymmetricallyEncryptedIntegrityProtectedData = 18 ModificationDetectionCode = 19 class SymmetricKeyAlgorithm(IntEnum): """Supported symmetric key algorithms.""" Plaintext = 0x00 #: .. warning:: #: IDEA is insecure. PGPy only allows it to be used for decryption, not encryption! IDEA = 0x01 #: Triple-DES with 168-bit key derived from 192 TripleDES = 0x02 #: CAST5 (or CAST-128) with 128-bit key CAST5 = 0x03 #: Blowfish with 128-bit key and 16 rounds Blowfish = 0x04 #: AES with 128-bit key AES128 = 0x07 #: AES with 192-bit key AES192 = 0x08 #: AES with 256-bit key AES256 = 0x09 # Twofish with 256-bit key - not currently supported Twofish256 = 0x0A #: Camellia with 128-bit key Camellia128 = 0x0B #: Camellia with 192-bit key Camellia192 = 0x0C #: Camellia with 256-bit key Camellia256 = 0x0D @property def cipher(self): bs = {SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.IDEA: algorithms.IDEA, SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.TripleDES: algorithms.TripleDES, SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.CAST5: algorithms.CAST5, SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.Blowfish: algorithms.Blowfish, SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.AES128: algorithms.AES, SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.AES192: algorithms.AES, SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.AES256: algorithms.AES, SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.Twofish256: namedtuple('Twofish256', ['block_size'])(block_size=128), SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.Camellia128: algorithms.Camellia, SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.Camellia192: algorithms.Camellia, SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.Camellia256: algorithms.Camellia} if self in bs: return bs[self] raise NotImplementedError(repr(self)) @property def is_insecure(self): insecure_ciphers = {SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.IDEA} return self in insecure_ciphers @property def block_size(self): return self.cipher.block_size @property def key_size(self): ks = {SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.IDEA: 128, SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.TripleDES: 192, SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.CAST5: 128, SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.Blowfish: 128, SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.AES128: 128, SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.AES192: 192, SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.AES256: 256, SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.Twofish256: 256, SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.Camellia128: 128, SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.Camellia192: 192, SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.Camellia256: 256} if self in ks: return ks[self] raise NotImplementedError(repr(self)) def gen_iv(self): return os.urandom(self.block_size // 8) def gen_key(self): return os.urandom(self.key_size // 8) class PubKeyAlgorithm(IntEnum): Invalid = 0x00 #: Signifies that a key is an RSA key. RSAEncryptOrSign = 0x01 RSAEncrypt = 0x02 # deprecated RSASign = 0x03 # deprecated #: Signifies that a key is an ElGamal key. ElGamal = 0x10 #: Signifies that a key is a DSA key. DSA = 0x11 #: Signifies that a key is an ECDH key. ECDH = 0x12 #: Signifies that a key is an ECDSA key. ECDSA = 0x13 FormerlyElGamalEncryptOrSign = 0x14 # deprecated - do not generate # DiffieHellman = 0x15 # X9.42 @property def can_gen(self): return self in {PubKeyAlgorithm.RSAEncryptOrSign, PubKeyAlgorithm.DSA, PubKeyAlgorithm.ECDSA, PubKeyAlgorithm.ECDH} @property def can_encrypt(self): # pragma: no cover return self in {PubKeyAlgorithm.RSAEncryptOrSign, PubKeyAlgorithm.ElGamal, PubKeyAlgorithm.ECDH} @property def can_sign(self): return self in {PubKeyAlgorithm.RSAEncryptOrSign, PubKeyAlgorithm.DSA, PubKeyAlgorithm.ECDSA} @property def deprecated(self): return self in {PubKeyAlgorithm.RSAEncrypt, PubKeyAlgorithm.RSASign, PubKeyAlgorithm.FormerlyElGamalEncryptOrSign} class CompressionAlgorithm(IntEnum): #: No compression Uncompressed = 0x00 #: ZIP DEFLATE ZIP = 0x01 #: ZIP DEFLATE with zlib headers ZLIB = 0x02 #: Bzip2 BZ2 = 0x03 def compress(self, data): if self is CompressionAlgorithm.Uncompressed: return data if self is CompressionAlgorithm.ZIP: return zlib.compress(data)[2:-4] if self is CompressionAlgorithm.ZLIB: return zlib.compress(data) if self is CompressionAlgorithm.BZ2: return bz2.compress(data) raise NotImplementedError(self) def decompress(self, data): if six.PY2: data = bytes(data) if self is CompressionAlgorithm.Uncompressed: return data if self is CompressionAlgorithm.ZIP: return zlib.decompress(data, -15) if self is CompressionAlgorithm.ZLIB: return zlib.decompress(data) if self is CompressionAlgorithm.BZ2: return bz2.decompress(data) raise NotImplementedError(self) class HashAlgorithm(IntEnum): Invalid = 0x00 MD5 = 0x01 SHA1 = 0x02 RIPEMD160 = 0x03 _reserved_1 = 0x04 _reserved_2 = 0x05 _reserved_3 = 0x06 _reserved_4 = 0x07 SHA256 = 0x08 SHA384 = 0x09 SHA512 = 0x0A SHA224 = 0x0B def __init__(self, *args): super(self.__class__, self).__init__() self._tuned_count = 0 @property def hasher(self): return hashlib.new(self.name) @property def digest_size(self): return self.hasher.digest_size @property def tuned_count(self): if self._tuned_count == 0: self.tune_count() return self._tuned_count def tune_count(self): start = end = 0 htd = _hashtunedata[:] while start == end: # potentially do this multiple times in case the resolution of time.time is low enough that # hashing 100 KiB isn't enough time to produce a measurable difference # (e.g. if the timer for time.time doesn't have enough precision) htd = htd + htd h = self.hasher start = time.time() h.update(htd) end = time.time() # now calculate how many bytes need to be hashed to reach our expected time period # GnuPG tunes for about 100ms, so we'll do that as well _TIME = 0.100 ct = int(len(htd) * (_TIME / (end - start))) c1 = ((ct >> (ct.bit_length() - 5)) - 16) c2 = (ct.bit_length() - 11) c = ((c2 << 4) + c1) # constrain self._tuned_count to be between 0 and 255 self._tuned_count = max(min(c, 255), 0) class RevocationReason(IntEnum): #: No reason was specified. This is the default reason. NotSpecified = 0x00 #: The key was superseded by a new key. Only meaningful when revoking a key. Superseded = 0x01 #: Key material has been compromised. Only meaningful when revoking a key. Compromised = 0x02 #: Key is retired and no longer used. Only meaningful when revoking a key. Retired = 0x03 #: User ID information is no longer valid. Only meaningful when revoking a certification of a user id. UserID = 0x20 class ImageEncoding(IntEnum): Unknown = 0x00 JPEG = 0x01 @classmethod def encodingof(cls, imagebytes): type = imghdr.what(None, h=imagebytes) if type == 'jpeg': return ImageEncoding.JPEG return ImageEncoding.Unknown # pragma: no cover class SignatureType(IntEnum): BinaryDocument = 0x00 CanonicalDocument = 0x01 Standalone = 0x02 Generic_Cert = 0x10 Persona_Cert = 0x11 Casual_Cert = 0x12 Positive_Cert = 0x13 Subkey_Binding = 0x18 PrimaryKey_Binding = 0x19 DirectlyOnKey = 0x1F KeyRevocation = 0x20 SubkeyRevocation = 0x28 CertRevocation = 0x30 Timestamp = 0x40 ThirdParty_Confirmation = 0x50 class KeyServerPreferences(IntEnum): Unknown = 0x00 NoModify = 0x80 class String2KeyType(IntEnum): Simple = 0 Salted = 1 Reserved = 2 Iterated = 3 class TrustLevel(IntEnum): Unknown = 0 Expired = 1 Undefined = 2 Never = 3 Marginal = 4 Fully = 5 Ultimate = 6 class KeyFlags(FlagEnum): #: Signifies that a key may be used to certify keys and user ids. Primary keys always have this, even if it is not specified. Certify = 0x01 #: Signifies that a key may be used to sign messages and documents. Sign = 0x02 #: Signifies that a key may be used to encrypt messages. EncryptCommunications = 0x04 #: Signifies that a key may be used to encrypt storage. Currently equivalent to :py:obj:`~pgpy.constants.EncryptCommunications`. EncryptStorage = 0x08 #: Signifies that the private component of a given key may have been split by a secret-sharing mechanism. Split #: keys are not currently supported by PGPy. Split = 0x10 #: Signifies that a key may be used for authentication. Authentication = 0x20 #: Signifies that the private component of a key may be in the possession of more than one person. MultiPerson = 0x80 class Features(FlagEnum): ModificationDetection = 0x01 @classproperty def pgpy_features(cls): return Features.ModificationDetection class RevocationKeyClass(FlagEnum): Sensitive = 0x40 Normal = 0x80 class NotationDataFlags(FlagEnum): HumanReadable = 0x80 class TrustFlags(FlagEnum): Revoked = 0x20 SubRevoked = 0x40 Disabled = 0x80 PendingCheck = 0x100