#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- ''' net.py ------- Utilities for networking. @authors: Isis Agora Lovecruft, 0x2cdb8b35 @license: see included LICENSE file @copyright: 2013 Isis Agora Lovecruft ''' import ipaddr import sys import socket from random import randint from leap.mx.utils import log PLATFORMS = {'LINUX': sys.platform.startswith("linux"), 'OPENBSD': sys.platform.startswith("openbsd"), 'FREEBSD': sys.platform.startswith("freebsd"), 'NETBSD': sys.platform.startswith("netbsd"), 'DARWIN': sys.platform.startswith("darwin"), 'SOLARIS': sys.platform.startswith("sunos"), 'WINDOWS': sys.platform.startswith("win32")} class UnsupportedPlatform(Exception): """Support for this platform is not currently available.""" class IfaceError(Exception): """Could not find default network interface.""" class PermissionsError(SystemExit): """This test requires admin or root privileges to run. Exiting...""" def checkIPaddress(addr): """ Check that a given string is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address. @param addr: Any string defining an IP address, i.e. '' or '::1'. @returns: True if :param:`addr` defines a valid IPAddress, else False. """ import ipaddr try: check = ipaddr.IPAddress(addr) except ValueError, ve: log.warn(ve.message) return False else: return True def getClientPlatform(platform_name=None): for name, test in PLATFORMS.items(): if not platform_name or platform_name.upper() == name: if test: return name, test def getPosixIfaces(): from twisted.internet.test import _posixifaces log.msg("Attempting to discover network interfaces...") ifaces = _posixifaces._interfaces() return ifaces def getWindowsIfaces(): from twisted.internet.test import _win32ifaces log.msg("Attempting to discover network interfaces...") ifaces = _win32ifaces._interfaces() return ifaces def getIfaces(platform_name=None): client, test = getClientPlatform(platform_name) if client: if client == ('LINUX' or 'DARWIN') or client[-3:] == 'BSD': return getPosixIfaces() elif client == 'WINDOWS': return getWindowsIfaces() ## XXX fixme figure out how to get iface for Solaris else: raise UnsupportedPlatform else: raise UnsupportedPlatform def getRandomUnusedPort(addr=None): free = False while not free: port = randint(1024, 65535) s = socket.socket() try: s.bind((addr, port)) free = True except: pass s.close() return port def getNonLoopbackIfaces(platform_name=None): try: ifaces = getIfaces(platform_name) except UnsupportedPlatform, up: log.err(up) if not ifaces: log.msg("Unable to discover network interfaces...") return None else: found = [{i[0]: i[2]} for i in ifaces if i[0] != 'lo'] log.debug("Found non-loopback interfaces: %s" % found) for iface in ifaces: try: interface = checkInterfaces(found) except IfaceError, ie: log.err(ie) return None else: return interfaces def getLocalAddress(): default_iface = getDefaultIface() return default_iface.ipaddr