#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # mail_receiver.py # Copyright (C) 2013, 2015 LEAP # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ MailReceiver service definition. This service monitors the incoming mail and process it. The MailReceiver service is configured to process incoming any skipped mail every half an hour, and also on service start. It can be forced to start processing by sending SIGUSR1 to the process. If there's a user facing problem when processing an email, it will be bounced back to the sender. User facing problems could be: - Unknown user (missing uuid) - Public key not found Any other problem is a bug, which will be logged. Until the bug is fixed, the email will stay in there waiting. """ import os import uuid as pyuuid import signal import json import email.utils from email import message_from_string from twisted.application.service import Service, IService from twisted.internet import inotify, defer, task, reactor from twisted.python import filepath, log from zope.interface import implements from leap.soledad.common.crypto import EncryptionSchemes from leap.soledad.common.crypto import ENC_JSON_KEY from leap.soledad.common.crypto import ENC_SCHEME_KEY from leap.soledad.common.document import ServerDocument from leap.keymanager import openpgp from leap.mx.bounce import bounce_message from leap.mx.bounce import InvalidReturnPathError class MailReceiver(Service): """ Service that monitors incoming email and processes it. """ implements(IService) INCOMING_KEY = 'incoming' ERROR_DECRYPTING_KEY = "errdecr" PROCESS_SKIPPED_INTERVAL = 60 * 30 # every half an hour """ If there's a failure when trying to watch a directory for file creation, the service will schedule a retry delayed by the following amount of time. """ RETRY_DIR_WATCH_DELAY = 60 * 5 # 5 minutes def __init__(self, users_cdb, directories, bounce_from, bounce_subject): """ Constructor :param users_cdb: CouchDB instance from where to get the uuid and pubkey for a user :type users_cdb: ConnectedCouchDB :param directories: list of directories to monitor :type directories: list of tuples (path: str, recursive: bool) :param bounce_from: Email address of the bouncer :type bounce_from: str :param bounce_subject: Subject line used in the bounced mail :type bounce_subject: str """ # IService doesn't define an __init__ self._users_cdb = users_cdb self._directories = directories self._bounce_from = bounce_from self._bounce_subject = bounce_subject self._processing_skipped = False def startService(self): """ Starts the MailReceiver service """ Service.startService(self) self.wm = inotify.INotify() self.wm.startReading() # watch mail directories for new files to trigger processing of # incoming mail for directory, recursive in self._directories: self._start_watching_dir(directory, recursive) # schedule a periodic task to process skipped mail, and also run it # immediatelly self._lcall = task.LoopingCall(self._process_skipped) self._lcall.start(interval=self.PROCESS_SKIPPED_INTERVAL, now=True) # catch SIGUSR1 to trigger processing of skipped mail signal.signal( signal.SIGUSR1, lambda *_: self._process_skipped()) def stopService(self): """ Stop the MailReceiver service """ self.wm.stopReading() self._lcall.stop() def _start_watching_dir(self, dirname, recursive): """ Start watching a directory to trigger processing of newly created files. Will also add a delayed call to retry when failed for some reason. """ directory = filepath.FilePath(dirname) try: if not directory.isdir(): raise OSError("Not a directory: '%s'" % directory.path) self.wm.watch( directory, inotify.IN_CREATE, callbacks=[self._process_incoming_email], recursive=recursive) log.msg("Watching %r --- Recursive: %r" % (directory, recursive)) except Exception as e: log.msg( "Failed adding watch to %s, will try again in %s seconds: %s" % (directory, self.RETRY_DIR_WATCH_DELAY, e)) reactor.callLater( self.RETRY_DIR_WATCH_DELAY, self._start_watching_dir, dirname, recursive) def _encrypt_message(self, pubkey, message): """ Given a public key and a message, it encrypts the message to that public key. The address is needed in order to build the OpenPGPKey object. :param pubkey: public key for the owner of the message :type pubkey: str :param message: message contents :type message: str :return: doc to sync with Soledad or None, None if something went wrong. :rtype: ServerDocument """ if pubkey is None or len(pubkey) == 0: log.msg("_encrypt_message: Something went wrong, here's all " "I know: %r" % (pubkey,)) return None doc = ServerDocument(doc_id=str(pyuuid.uuid4())) # store plain text if pubkey is not available data = {'incoming': True, 'content': message} if pubkey is None or len(pubkey) == 0: doc.content = { self.INCOMING_KEY: True, self.ERROR_DECRYPTING_KEY: False, ENC_SCHEME_KEY: EncryptionSchemes.NONE, ENC_JSON_KEY: json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False) } return doc # otherwise, encrypt with openpgp.TempGPGWrapper(gpgbinary='/usr/bin/gpg') as gpg: gpg.import_keys(pubkey) key = gpg.list_keys().pop() doc.content = { self.INCOMING_KEY: True, self.ERROR_DECRYPTING_KEY: False, ENC_SCHEME_KEY: EncryptionSchemes.PUBKEY, ENC_JSON_KEY: str(gpg.encrypt( json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False), key["fingerprint"], symmetric=False)) } return doc @defer.inlineCallbacks def _export_message(self, uuid, doc): """ Given a UUID and a ServerDocument, it saves it directly in the couchdb that serves as a backend for Soledad, in a db accessible to the recipient of the mail. :param uuid: the mail owner's uuid :type uuid: str :param doc: ServerDocument that represents the email :type doc: ServerDocument :return: A Deferred which fires if it's ok to remove the message, or fails otherwise :rtype: Deferred """ if uuid is None or doc is None: log.msg("_export_message: Something went wrong, here's all " "I know: %r | %r" % (uuid, doc)) raise Exception("No uuid or doc") log.msg("Exporting message for %s" % (uuid,)) yield self._users_cdb.put_doc(uuid, doc) log.msg("Done exporting") def _remove(self, filepath): """ Removes the message. :param filepath: path to the mail :type filepath: twisted.python.filepath.FilePath """ try: log.msg("Removing %r" % (filepath.path,)) filepath.remove() log.msg("Done removing") except Exception: log.err() def _get_owner(self, mail): """ Given an email, return the uuid of the owner. :param mail: mail to analyze :type mail: email.message.Message :returns: uuid :rtype: str or None """ # we expect the topmost "Delivered-To" header to indicate the correct # final delivery address. It should consist of @, as the # earlier alias resolver query should have translated the username to # the user id. See https://leap.se/code/issues/6858 for more info. delivereds = mail.get_all("Delivered-To") if delivereds is None: # XXX this should not happen! see the comment above return None final_address = delivereds.pop(0) _, addr = email.utils.parseaddr(final_address) uuid = addr.split("@")[0] return uuid @defer.inlineCallbacks def _bounce_message(self, orig_msg, filepath, reason): """ Bounce the message contained in orig_msg to it's sender and remove it from the queue. :param orig_msg: Message that is going to be bounced :type orig_msg: email.message.Message :param filepath: Path for that message :type filepath: twisted.python.filepath.FilePath :param reason: Brief explanation about why it's being bounced :type reason: str """ try: yield bounce_message( self._bounce_from, self._bounce_subject, orig_msg, reason) except InvalidReturnPathError: # give up bouncing this message! log.msg("Will not bounce message because of invalid return path.") yield self._remove(filepath) def sleep(self, secs): """ Async sleep for a defer. Use this when you want to wait for another (non atomic) defer to finish. :param secs: seconds to wait (not really accurate, it depends on the event queue) :type secs: int :rtype: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred """ d = defer.Deferred() reactor.callLater(secs, d.callback, None) return d @defer.inlineCallbacks def _process_skipped(self): """ Recursively or not (depending on the configuration) process all the watched directories for unprocessed mail and try to process it. """ if self._processing_skipped: defer.returnValue(None) self._processing_skipped = True try: log.msg("Starting processing skipped mail...") log.msg("-" * 50) for directory, recursive in self._directories: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): for fname in files: try: fullpath = os.path.join(root, fname) fpath = filepath.FilePath(fullpath) yield self._step_process_mail_backend(fpath) except Exception: log.msg("Error processing skipped mail: %r" % (fullpath,)) log.err() if not recursive: break except Exception: log.msg("Error processing skipped mail") log.err() finally: self._processing_skipped = False log.msg("+" * 50) log.msg("Done processing skipped mail") @defer.inlineCallbacks def _step_process_mail_backend(self, filepath): """ Processes the email pointed by filepath in an async fashion. yield this method in another inlineCallbacks method or return it for it to be run. :param filepath: Path of the file that changed :type filepath: twisted.python.filepath.FilePath """ log.msg("Processing new mail at %r" % (filepath.path,)) with filepath.open("r") as f: mail_data = f.read() msg = message_from_string(mail_data) uuid = self._get_owner(msg) if uuid is None: log.msg("Don't know how to deliver mail %r, skipping..." % (filepath.path,)) bounce_reason = "Missing UUID: There was a problem " \ "locating the user in our database." yield self._bounce_message(msg, filepath, bounce_reason) defer.returnValue(None) log.msg("Mail owner: %s" % (uuid,)) if uuid is None: log.msg("BUG: There was no uuid!") defer.returnValue(None) pubkey = yield self._users_cdb.getPubkey(uuid) if pubkey is None or len(pubkey) == 0: log.msg( "No public key for %s, stopping the processing chain." % uuid) bounce_reason = "Missing PGP public key: There was a " \ "problem locating the user's public key in " \ "our database." yield self._bounce_message(msg, filepath, bounce_reason) defer.returnValue(None) log.msg("Encrypting message to %s's pubkey" % (uuid,)) doc = yield self._encrypt_message(pubkey, mail_data) yield self._export_message(uuid, doc) yield self._remove(filepath) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _process_incoming_email(self, otherself, filepath, mask): """ Callback that processes incoming email. :param otherself: Watch object for the current callback from inotify. :type otherself: twisted.internet.inotify._Watch :param filepath: Path of the file that changed :type filepath: twisted.python.filepath.FilePath :param mask: identifier for the type of change that triggered this callback :type mask: int """ try: while self._processing_skipped: log.msg("Waiting for the process of skipped mail to be " "done...") yield self.sleep(10) # NO-OP if os.path.split(filepath.dirname())[-1] == "new": yield self._step_process_mail_backend(filepath) except Exception as e: log.msg("Something went wrong while processing {0!r}: {1!r}" .format(filepath, e))