#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- ''' alias_resolver.py ================= Classes for resolving postfix aliases. @authors: Isis Agora Lovecruft @version: 0.0.1-beta @license: see included LICENSE file @copyright: copyright 2013 Isis Agora Lovecruft ''' import os import uuid try: from paisley import client except ImportError: print "This software requires paisley. Please see the README file" print "for instructions on getting required dependencies." try: from twisted.internet import address, defer, reactor from twisted.mail import maildir, alias from twisted.protocols import postfix except ImportError: print "This software requires paisley. Please see the README file" print "for instructions on getting required dependencies." from leap.mx import net, log ## xxx implement log def createID(alias): """ Creates Universal Unique ID by taking the SHA-1 HASH of an email alias: >>> uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_URL, "isis@leap.se") UUID('7194878e-4aea-563f-85a4-4f58519f3c4f') @param alias: An email address alias. @returns: A :class:`uuid.UUID` containing attributes specifying the UUID. """ return uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_URL, str(alias)) class ConnectedCouchDB(client.CouchDB): """ Connect to a CouchDB instance. ## xxx will we need to open CouchDB documents and views? ## yes, these are in a _design document ## """ def __init__(self, host, port, dbName=None, username=None, password=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Connect to a CouchDB instance. @param host: A hostname string for the CouchDB server. @param port: The port of the CouchDB server, as an integer. @param dbName: (optional) The default database to connect to. @param username: (optional) The username for authorization. @param password: (optional) The password for authorization. @returns: A :class:`twisted.internet.defer.Deferred` representing the the client connection to the CouchDB instance. """ super(client.CouchDB, self).__init__(host, port, dbName=dbName, username=username, password=password, *args, **kwargs) if dbName: self.bindToDB(dbName) else: databases = self.listDB() log.msg("Available databases: %s" % databases) def queryByEmailOrAlias(self, alias, dbDoc="User", view="by_email_or_alias"): """ Check to see if a particular email or alias exists. @param alias: A string representing the email or alias to check. @param dbDoc: The CouchDB document to open. @param view: The view of the CouchDB document to use. """ assert isinstance(alias, str), "Email or alias queries must be string" ## Prepend a forward slash, in case we forgot it: if not alias.startswith('/'): alias = '/' + alias d = self.openDoc(dbDoc) d.addCallbacks(self.openView, log.err, (view)) d.addCallbacks(self.get, log.err, (alias)) d.addCallbacks(self.parseResult, log.err) @d.addCallback def show_answer(result): log.msg("Query: %s" % alias) log.msg("Answer: %s" % alias) return d def query(self, uri): """ Query a CouchDB instance that we are connected to. """ try: self.checkURI(uri) ## xxx write checkURI() ## xxx we might be able to use self._parseURI() except SchemeNotSupported, sns: ## xxx where in paisley is this? log.exception(sns) ## xxx need log.exception() d = self.get(uri) @d.addCallback def parse_answer(answer): return answer return answer @defer.inlineCallbacks def listUsersAndEmails(self, limit=1000, reverse=False): """ List all users and email addresses, up to the given limit. """ query = "/users/_design/User/_view/by_email_or_alias/?reduce=false" answer = yield self.query(query, limit=limit, reverse=reverse) if answer: parsed = yield self.parseResult(answer) if parsed: log.msg("%s" % parsed) else: log.msg("No answer from database, perhaps there are no users.") else: log.msg("Problem querying CouchDB instance...") log.debug("Host: %s" % host) log.debug("Port: %d" % port) class PostfixAliasResolver(postfix.PostfixTCPMapServer): """ Resolve postfix aliases, similarly to using "$ postmap -q ". This class starts a simple LineReceiver server which listens for a string specifying an alias to look up, :param:`key`, and which will be used to query the local Postfix server. You can test it with: $ ./alias_resolver.py & $ /usr/bin/postmap -q tcp:localhost:4242 """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a local LineReceiver server which listens for Postfix aliases to resolve. """ super(postfix.PostfixTCPMapServer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class PostfixAliasResolverFactory(postfix.PostfixTCPMapDeferringDictServerFactory): """ A Factory for creating PostfixAliasResolver servers, which handles inputs and outputs, and keeps an in-memory mapping of Postfix aliases in the form of a dict. xxx fill me in """ protocol = PostfixAliasResolver def __init__(self, addr='', port=4242, timeout=120, data=None): """ Create a Factory which returns :class:`PostfixAliasResolver` servers. @param addr: (optional) A string giving the IP address of the Postfix server. Default: '' @param port: (optional) An integer that specifies the port number of the Postfix server. Default: 4242 @param timeout: (optional) An integer specifying the number of seconds to wait until we should time out. Default: 120 @param data: (optional) A dict to use to initialise or update the alias mapping. """ super(postfix.PostfixTCPMapDeferringDictServerFactory, self).__init__(data=data) self.timeout = timeout ## xxx get config value, should be something like verbose = no self.noisy = False try: assert isinstance(port, int), "Port number must be an integer" assert isinstance(timeout, int), "Timeout must be an integer" except AssertionError, ae: raise SystemExit(ae.message) if net.checkIPaddress(addr): self.addr = address._IPAddress('TCP', addr, int(port)) else: log.debug("Using default address for Postfix:" % port) self.addr = address._IPAddress('TCP', '', int(port)) def buildProtocol(self): """ Create an instance of the :class:`PostfixAliasResolver` server. """ proto = self.protocol() proto.timeout = self.timeout proto.factory = self return proto if __name__ == "__main__": print "To test alias_resolver.py, please use /test/test_alias_resolver.py"