leap_mx ======= **Note:** Currently in development. Feel free to test, and please [report bugs](mailto:isis@leap.se). An asynchronous, transparently-encrypting remailer for the LEAP platform, using BigCouch/CouchDB and PGP/GnuPG, written in Twisted Python. ## [install](#install) ## {#install} ========================= **tl;dr:** To get started quickly do: # pip install -r requirements.txt Although, **it is advised** to install inside a python virtualenv. To install python, virtualenv, and get started, do: ~~~ $ sudo apt-get install python2.7 python-pip virtualenv $ pip install virtualenvwrapper $ cd $ git clone https://github.com/isislovecruft/leap_mx.git leap_mx $ export WORKON_LEAPMX=~/leap_mx $ source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh $ mkvirtualenv -a $WORKON_LEAPMX -r ${WORKON_LEAPMX}/requirements.txt \ --no-site-packages --setuptools --unzip-setuptools leap_mx ~~~ ## [running](#running) ## {#running} ========================= Hold your horses, boy. This isn't ready yet -- check back later!