# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# smtprelay.py
# Copyright (C) 2013 LEAP
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
LEAP SMTP encrypted relay.
from zope.interface import implements
from StringIO import StringIO
from OpenSSL import SSL
from twisted.mail import smtp
from twisted.internet.protocol import ServerFactory
from twisted.internet import reactor, ssl
from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.python import log
from email.Header import Header
from email.utils import parseaddr
from email.parser import Parser
from leap.common.check import leap_assert, leap_assert_type
from leap.keymanager import KeyManager
from leap.keymanager.openpgp import OpenPGPKey
from leap.keymanager.errors import KeyNotFound
# Exceptions
class MalformedConfig(Exception):
Raised when the configuration dictionary passed as parameter is malformed.
# Helper utilities
HOST_KEY = 'host'
PORT_KEY = 'port'
CERT_KEY = 'cert'
KEY_KEY = 'key'
ENCRYPTED_ONLY_KEY = 'encrypted_only'
def assert_config_structure(config):
Assert that C{config} is a dict with the following structure:
KEY_KEY: '',
@param config: The dictionary to check.
@type config: dict
# assert smtp config structure is valid
leap_assert_type(config, dict)
leap_assert(HOST_KEY in config)
leap_assert_type(config[HOST_KEY], str)
leap_assert(PORT_KEY in config)
leap_assert_type(config[PORT_KEY], int)
leap_assert(CERT_KEY in config)
leap_assert_type(config[CERT_KEY], (str, unicode))
leap_assert(KEY_KEY in config)
leap_assert_type(config[KEY_KEY], (str, unicode))
leap_assert(ENCRYPTED_ONLY_KEY in config)
leap_assert_type(config[ENCRYPTED_ONLY_KEY], bool)
# assert received params are not empty
leap_assert(config[HOST_KEY] != '')
leap_assert(config[PORT_KEY] is not 0)
leap_assert(config[CERT_KEY] != '')
leap_assert(config[KEY_KEY] != '')
def validate_address(address):
Validate C{address} as defined in RFC 2822.
@param address: The address to be validated.
@type address: str
@return: A valid address.
@rtype: str
@raise smtp.SMTPBadRcpt: Raised if C{address} is invalid.
leap_assert_type(address, str)
# in the following, the address is parsed as described in RFC 2822 and
# ('', '') is returned if the parse fails.
_, address = parseaddr(address)
if address == '':
raise smtp.SMTPBadRcpt(address)
return address
# SMTPFactory
class SMTPFactory(ServerFactory):
Factory for an SMTP server with encrypted relaying capabilities.
def __init__(self, keymanager, config):
Initialize the SMTP factory.
@param keymanager: A KeyManager for retrieving recipient's keys.
@type keymanager: leap.common.keymanager.KeyManager
@param config: A dictionary with smtp configuration. Should have
the following structure:
KEY_KEY: '',
@type config: dict
# assert params
leap_assert_type(keymanager, KeyManager)
# and store them
self._km = keymanager
self._config = config
def buildProtocol(self, addr):
Return a protocol suitable for the job.
@param addr: An address, e.g. a TCP (host, port).
@type addr: twisted.internet.interfaces.IAddress
@return: The protocol.
@rtype: SMTPDelivery
# If needed, we might use ESMTPDelivery here instead.
smtpProtocol = smtp.SMTP(SMTPDelivery(self._km, self._config))
smtpProtocol.factory = self
return smtpProtocol
# SMTPDelivery
class SMTPDelivery(object):
Validate email addresses and handle message delivery.
def __init__(self, keymanager, config):
Initialize the SMTP delivery object.
@param keymanager: A KeyManager for retrieving recipient's keys.
@type keymanager: leap.common.keymanager.KeyManager
@param config: A dictionary with smtp configuration. Should have
the following structure:
KEY_KEY: '',
@type config: dict
# assert params
leap_assert_type(keymanager, KeyManager)
# and store them
self._km = keymanager
self._config = config
self._origin = None
def receivedHeader(self, helo, origin, recipients):
Generate the 'Received:' header for a message.
@param helo: The argument to the HELO command and the client's IP
@type helo: (str, str)
@param origin: The address the message is from.
@type origin: twisted.mail.smtp.Address
@param recipients: A list of the addresses for which this message is
@type: list of twisted.mail.smtp.User
@return: The full "Received" header string.
@type: str
myHostname, clientIP = helo
headerValue = "by %s from %s with ESMTP ; %s" % (
myHostname, clientIP, smtp.rfc822date())
# email.Header.Header used for automatic wrapping of long lines
return "Received: %s" % Header(headerValue)
def validateTo(self, user):
Validate the address of C{user}, a recipient of the message.
This method is called once for each recipient and validates the
C{user}'s address against the RFC 2822 definition. If the
configuration option ENCRYPTED_ONLY_KEY is True, it also asserts the
existence of the user's key.
In the end, it returns an encrypted message object that is able to
send itself to the C{user}'s address.
@param user: The user whose address we wish to validate.
@type: twisted.mail.smtp.User
@return: A Deferred which becomes, or a callable which takes no
arguments and returns an object implementing IMessage. This will
be called and the returned object used to deliver the message when
it arrives.
@rtype: no-argument callable
@raise SMTPBadRcpt: Raised if messages to the address are not to be
# try to find recipient's public key
address = validate_address(user.dest.addrstr)
pubkey = self._km.get_key(address, OpenPGPKey)
log.msg("Accepting mail for %s..." % user.dest)
except KeyNotFound:
# if key was not found, check config to see if will send anyway.
if self._config[ENCRYPTED_ONLY_KEY]:
raise smtp.SMTPBadRcpt(user.dest.addrstr)
log.msg("Warning: will send an unencrypted message (because "
"encrypted_only' is set to False).")
return lambda: EncryptedMessage(
self._origin, user, self._km, self._config)
def validateFrom(self, helo, origin):
Validate the address from which the message originates.
@param helo: The argument to the HELO command and the client's IP
@type: (str, str)
@param origin: The address the message is from.
@type origin: twisted.mail.smtp.Address
@return: origin or a Deferred whose callback will be passed origin.
@rtype: Deferred or Address
@raise twisted.mail.smtp.SMTPBadSender: Raised if messages from this
address are not to be accepted.
# accept mail from anywhere. To reject an address, raise
# smtp.SMTPBadSender here.
self._origin = origin
return origin
# EncryptedMessage
class CtxFactory(ssl.ClientContextFactory):
def __init__(self, cert, key):
self.cert = cert
self.key = key
def getContext(self):
self.method = SSL.TLSv1_METHOD # SSLv23_METHOD
ctx = ssl.ClientContextFactory.getContext(self)
return ctx
class EncryptedMessage(object):
Receive plaintext from client, encrypt it and send message to a
def __init__(self, fromAddress, user, keymanager, config):
Initialize the encrypted message.
@param fromAddress: The address of the sender.
@type fromAddress: twisted.mail.smtp.Address
@param user: The recipient of this message.
@type user: twisted.mail.smtp.User
@param keymanager: A KeyManager for retrieving recipient's keys.
@type keymanager: leap.common.keymanager.KeyManager
@param config: A dictionary with smtp configuration. Should have
the following structure:
KEY_KEY: '',
@type config: dict
# assert params
leap_assert_type(user, smtp.User)
leap_assert_type(keymanager, KeyManager)
# and store them
self._fromAddress = fromAddress
self._user = user
self._km = keymanager
self._config = config
# initialize list for message's lines
self.lines = []
def lineReceived(self, line):
Handle another line.
@param line: The received line.
@type line: str
def eomReceived(self):
Handle end of message.
This method will encrypt and send the message.
log.msg("Message data complete.")
self.lines.append('') # add a trailing newline
return self.sendMessage()
except KeyNotFound:
return None
def parseMessage(self):
Separate message headers from body.
parser = Parser()
self._message = parser.parsestr('\r\n'.join(self.lines))
def connectionLost(self):
Log an error when the connection is lost.
log.msg("Connection lost unexpectedly!")
# unexpected loss of connection; don't save
self.lines = []
def sendSuccess(self, r):
Callback for a successful send.
@param r: The result from the last previous callback in the chain.
@type r: anything
def sendError(self, e):
Callback for an unsuccessfull send.
@param e: The result from the last errback.
@type e: anything
def sendMessage(self):
Send the message.
This method will prepare the message (headers and possibly encrypted
body) and send it using the ESMTPSenderFactory.
@return: A deferred with callbacks for error and success of this
message send.
@rtype: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred
msg = self._message.as_string(False)
log.msg("Connecting to SMTP server %s:%s" % (self._config[HOST_KEY],
d = defer.Deferred()
factory = smtp.ESMTPSenderFactory(
"", # username is blank because server does not use auth.
"", # password is blank because server does not use auth.
return d
def _encrypt_and_sign_payload_rec(self, message, pubkey, signkey):
Recursivelly descend in C{message}'s payload encrypting to C{pubkey}
and signing with C{signkey}.
@param message: The message whose payload we want to encrypt.
@type message: email.message.Message
@param pubkey: The public key used to encrypt the message.
@type pubkey: leap.common.keymanager.openpgp.OpenPGPKey
@param signkey: The private key used to sign the message.
@type signkey: leap.common.keymanager.openpgp.OpenPGPKey
if message.is_multipart() is False:
message.get_payload(), pubkey, sign=signkey))
for msg in message.get_payload():
self._encrypt_and_sign_payload_rec(msg, pubkey, signkey)
def _sign_payload_rec(self, message, signkey):
Recursivelly descend in C{message}'s payload signing with C{signkey}.
@param message: The message whose payload we want to encrypt.
@type message: email.message.Message
@param pubkey: The public key used to encrypt the message.
@type pubkey: leap.common.keymanager.openpgp.OpenPGPKey
@param signkey: The private key used to sign the message.
@type signkey: leap.common.keymanager.openpgp.OpenPGPKey
if message.is_multipart() is False:
message.get_payload(), signkey))
for msg in message.get_payload():
self._sign_payload_rec(msg, signkey)
def _encrypt_and_sign(self):
Encrypt the message body.
Fetch the recipient key and encrypt the content to the
recipient. If a key is not found, then the behaviour depends on the
configuration parameter ENCRYPTED_ONLY_KEY. If it is False, the message
is sent unencrypted and a warning is logged. If it is True, the
encryption fails with a KeyNotFound exception.
@raise KeyNotFound: Raised when the recipient key was not found and
the ENCRYPTED_ONLY_KEY configuration parameter is set to True.
from_address = validate_address(self._fromAddress.addrstr)
signkey = self._km.get_key(from_address, OpenPGPKey, private=True)
log.msg("Will sign the message with %s." % signkey.fingerprint)
to_address = validate_address(self._user.dest.addrstr)
# try to get the recipient pubkey
pubkey = self._km.get_key(to_address, OpenPGPKey)
log.msg("Will encrypt the message to %s." % pubkey.fingerprint)
self._encrypt_and_sign_payload_rec(self._message, pubkey, signkey)
except KeyNotFound:
# at this point we _can_ send unencrypted mail, because if the
# configuration said the opposite the address would have been
# rejected in SMTPDelivery.validateTo().
self._sign_payload_rec(self._message, signkey)
log.msg('Will send unencrypted message to %s.' % to_address)