# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# mailbox_indexer.py
# Copyright (C) 2014 LEAP
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
Local tables to store the message Unique Identifiers for a given mailbox.
import re
from leap.mail.constants import METAMSGID_RE
def _maybe_first_query_item(thing):
Return the first item the returned query result, or None
if empty.
return thing[0][0]
except IndexError:
return None
class WrongMetaDocIDError(Exception):
class MailboxIndexer(object):
This class contains the commands needed to create, modify and alter the
local-only UID tables for a given mailbox.
Its purpouse is to keep a local-only index with the messages in each
mailbox, mainly to satisfy the demands of the IMAP specification, but
useful too for any effective listing of the messages in a mailbox.
Since the incoming mail can be processed at any time in any replica, it's
preferred not to attempt to maintain a global chronological global index.
These indexes are Message Attributes needed for the IMAP specification (rfc
3501), although they can be useful for other non-imap store
# The uids are expected to be 32-bits values, but the ROWIDs in sqlite
# are 64-bit values. I *don't* think it really matters for any
# practical use, but it's good to remmeber we've got that difference going
# on.
store = None
table_preffix = "leapmail_uid_"
def __init__(self, store):
self.store = store
def _query(self, *args, **kw):
assert self.store is not None
return self.store.raw_sqlcipher_query(*args, **kw)
def create_table(self, mailbox):
Create the UID table for a given mailbox.
:param mailbox: the mailbox name
:type mailbox: str
:rtype: Deferred
assert mailbox
sql = ("CREATE TABLE if not exists {preffix}{name}( "
"hash TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL)".format(
preffix=self.table_preffix, name=mailbox))
return self._query(sql)
def delete_table(self, mailbox):
Delete the UID table for a given mailbox.
:param mailbox: the mailbox name
:type mailbox: str
:rtype: Deferred
assert mailbox
sql = ("DROP TABLE if exists {preffix}{name}".format(
preffix=self.table_preffix, name=mailbox))
return self._query(sql)
def rename_table(self, oldmailbox, newmailbox):
Delete the UID table for a given mailbox.
:param oldmailbox: the old mailbox name
:type oldmailbox: str
:param newmailbox: the new mailbox name
:type newmailbox: str
:rtype: Deferred
assert oldmailbox
assert newmailbox
assert oldmailbox != newmailbox
sql = ("ALTER TABLE {preffix}{old} "
"RENAME TO {preffix}{new}".format(
old=oldmailbox, new=newmailbox))
return self._query(sql)
def insert_doc(self, mailbox, doc_id):
Insert the doc_id for a MetaMsg in the UID table for a given mailbox.
The doc_id must be in the format:
:param mailbox: the mailbox name
:type mailbox: str
:param doc_id: the doc_id for the MetaMsg
:type doc_id: str
:return: a deferred that will fire with the uid of the newly inserted
:rtype: Deferred
assert mailbox
assert doc_id
if not re.findall(METAMSGID_RE.format(mbox=mailbox), doc_id):
raise WrongMetaDocIDError("Wrong format for the MetaMsg doc_id")
def get_rowid(result):
return _maybe_first_query_item(result)
sql = ("INSERT INTO {preffix}{name} VALUES ("
"NULL, ?)".format(
preffix=self.table_preffix, name=mailbox))
values = (doc_id,)
sql_last = ("SELECT MAX(rowid) FROM {preffix}{name} "
"LIMIT 1;").format(
preffix=self.table_preffix, name=mailbox)
d = self._query(sql, values)
d.addCallback(lambda _: self._query(sql_last))
return d
def delete_doc_by_uid(self, mailbox, uid):
Delete the entry for a MetaMsg in the UID table for a given mailbox.
:param mailbox: the mailbox name
:type mailbox: str
:param uid: the UID of the message.
:type uid: int
:rtype: Deferred
assert mailbox
assert uid
sql = ("DELETE FROM {preffix}{name} "
"WHERE uid=?".format(
preffix=self.table_preffix, name=mailbox))
values = (uid,)
return self._query(sql, values)
def delete_doc_by_hash(self, mailbox, doc_id):
Delete the entry for a MetaMsg in the UID table for a given mailbox.
The doc_id must be in the format:
:param mailbox: the mailbox name
:type mailbox: str
:param doc_id: the doc_id for the MetaMsg
:type doc_id: str
:return: a deferred that will fire with the uid of the newly inserted
:rtype: Deferred
assert mailbox
assert doc_id
sql = ("DELETE FROM {preffix}{name} "
"WHERE hash=?".format(
preffix=self.table_preffix, name=mailbox))
values = (doc_id,)
return self._query(sql, values)
def get_doc_id_from_uid(self, mailbox, uid):
Get the doc_id for a MetaMsg in the UID table for a given mailbox.
:param mailbox: the mailbox name
:type mailbox: str
:param uid: the uid for the MetaMsg for this mailbox
:type uid: int
:rtype: Deferred
def get_hash(result):
return _maybe_first_query_item(result)
sql = ("SELECT hash from {preffix}{name} "
"WHERE uid=?".format(
preffix=self.table_preffix, name=mailbox))
values = (uid,)
d = self._query(sql, values)
return d
def get_doc_ids_from_uids(self, mailbox, uids):
# For IMAP relative numbering /sequences.
# XXX dereference the range (n,*)
raise NotImplementedError()
def count(self, mailbox):
Get the number of entries in the UID table for a given mailbox.
:param mailbox: the mailbox name
:type mailbox: str
:return: a deferred that will fire with an integer returning the count.
:rtype: Deferred
def get_count(result):
return _maybe_first_query_item(result)
sql = ("SELECT Count(*) FROM {preffix}{name};".format(
preffix=self.table_preffix, name=mailbox))
d = self._query(sql)
return d
def get_next_uid(self, mailbox):
Get the next integer beyond the highest UID count for a given mailbox.
This is expected by the IMAP implementation. There are no guarantees
that a document to be inserted in the future gets the returned UID: the
only thing that can be assured is that it will be equal or greater than
the value returned.
:param mailbox: the mailbox name
:type mailbox: str
:return: a deferred that will fire with an integer returning the next
:rtype: Deferred
assert mailbox
def increment(result):
uid = _maybe_first_query_item(result)
if uid is None:
return 1
return uid + 1
sql = ("SELECT MAX(rowid) FROM {preffix}{name} "
"LIMIT 1;").format(
preffix=self.table_preffix, name=mailbox)
d = self._query(sql)
return d