# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # soledadstore.py # Copyright (C) 2014 LEAP # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ A MessageStore that writes to Soledad. """ import logging import threading from itertools import chain from u1db import errors as u1db_errors from twisted.python import log from zope.interface import implements from leap.common.check import leap_assert_type from leap.mail.decorators import deferred_to_thread from leap.mail.imap.messageparts import MessagePartType from leap.mail.imap.messageparts import MessageWrapper from leap.mail.imap.messageparts import RecentFlagsDoc from leap.mail.imap.fields import fields from leap.mail.imap.interfaces import IMessageStore from leap.mail.messageflow import IMessageConsumer from leap.mail.utils import first, empty, accumulator_queue logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # TODO # [ ] Delete original message from the incoming queue after all successful # writes. # [ ] Implement a retry queue. # [ ] Consider journaling of operations. class ContentDedup(object): """ Message deduplication. We do a query for the content hashes before writing to our beloved sqlcipher backend of Soledad. This means, by now, that: 1. We will not store the same body/attachment twice, only the hash of it. 2. We will not store the same message header twice, only the hash of it. The first case is useful if you are always receiving the same old memes from unwary friends that still have not discovered that 4chan is the generator of the internet. The second will save your day if you have initiated session with the same account in two different machines. I also wonder why would you do that, but let's respect each other choices, like with the religious celebrations, and assume that one day we'll be able to run Bitmask in completely free phones. Yes, I mean that, the whole GSM Stack. """ # TODO refactor using unique_query def _header_does_exist(self, doc): """ Check whether we already have a header document for this content hash in our database. :param doc: tentative header for document :type doc: dict :returns: True if it exists, False otherwise. """ if not doc: return False chash = doc[fields.CONTENT_HASH_KEY] header_docs = self._soledad.get_from_index( fields.TYPE_C_HASH_IDX, fields.TYPE_HEADERS_VAL, str(chash)) if not header_docs: return False # FIXME enable only to debug this problem. #if len(header_docs) != 1: #logger.warning("Found more than one copy of chash %s!" #% (chash,)) #logger.debug("Found header doc with that hash! Skipping save!") return True def _content_does_exist(self, doc): """ Check whether we already have a content document for a payload with this hash in our database. :param doc: tentative content for document :type doc: dict :returns: True if it exists, False otherwise. """ if not doc: return False phash = doc[fields.PAYLOAD_HASH_KEY] attach_docs = self._soledad.get_from_index( fields.TYPE_P_HASH_IDX, fields.TYPE_CONTENT_VAL, str(phash)) if not attach_docs: return False # FIXME enable only to debug this problem #if len(attach_docs) != 1: #logger.warning("Found more than one copy of phash %s!" #% (phash,)) #logger.debug("Found attachment doc with that hash! Skipping save!") return True class MsgWriteError(Exception): """ Raised if any exception is found while saving message parts. """ class SoledadStore(ContentDedup): """ This will create docs in the local Soledad database. """ _last_uid_lock = threading.Lock() _soledad_rw_lock = threading.Lock() implements(IMessageConsumer, IMessageStore) def __init__(self, soledad): """ Initialize the permanent store that writes to Soledad database. :param soledad: the soledad instance :type soledad: Soledad """ from twisted.internet import reactor self._soledad = soledad self._CREATE_DOC_FUN = self._soledad.create_doc self._PUT_DOC_FUN = self._soledad.put_doc self._GET_DOC_FUN = self._soledad.get_doc # we instantiate an accumulator to batch the notifications self.docs_notify_queue = accumulator_queue( lambda item: reactor.callFromThread(self._unset_new_dirty, item), 20) # IMessageStore # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # We are not yet using this interface, but it would make sense # to implement it. def create_message(self, mbox, uid, message): """ Create the passed message into this SoledadStore. :param mbox: the mbox this message belongs. :type mbox: str or unicode :param uid: the UID that identifies this message in this mailbox. :type uid: int :param message: a IMessageContainer implementor. """ raise NotImplementedError() def put_message(self, mbox, uid, message): """ Put the passed existing message into this SoledadStore. :param mbox: the mbox this message belongs. :type mbox: str or unicode :param uid: the UID that identifies this message in this mailbox. :type uid: int :param message: a IMessageContainer implementor. """ raise NotImplementedError() def remove_message(self, mbox, uid): """ Remove the given message from this SoledadStore. :param mbox: the mbox this message belongs. :type mbox: str or unicode :param uid: the UID that identifies this message in this mailbox. :type uid: int """ raise NotImplementedError() def get_message(self, mbox, uid): """ Get a IMessageContainer for the given mbox and uid combination. :param mbox: the mbox this message belongs. :type mbox: str or unicode :param uid: the UID that identifies this message in this mailbox. :type uid: int """ raise NotImplementedError() # IMessageConsumer # TODO should handle the delete case # TODO should handle errors better # TODO could generalize this method into a generic consumer # and only implement `process` here def consume(self, queue): """ Creates a new document in soledad db. :param queue: queue to get item from, with content of the document to be inserted. :type queue: Queue """ new, dirty = queue while not new.empty(): doc_wrapper = new.get() self.reactor.callInThread(self._consume_doc, doc_wrapper, self.docs_notify_queue) while not dirty.empty(): doc_wrapper = dirty.get() self.reactor.callInThread(self._consume_doc, doc_wrapper, self.docs_notify_queue) # Queue empty, flush the notifications queue. self.docs_notify_queue(None, flush=True) def _unset_new_dirty(self, doc_wrapper): """ Unset the `new` and `dirty` flags for this document wrapper in the memory store. :param doc_wrapper: a MessageWrapper instance :type doc_wrapper: MessageWrapper """ if isinstance(doc_wrapper, MessageWrapper): # XXX still needed for debug quite often #logger.info("unsetting new flag!") doc_wrapper.new = False doc_wrapper.dirty = False @deferred_to_thread def _consume_doc(self, doc_wrapper, notify_queue): """ Consume each document wrapper in a separate thread. :param doc_wrapper: a MessageWrapper or RecentFlagsDoc instance :type doc_wrapper: MessageWrapper or RecentFlagsDoc """ def queueNotifyBack(failed, doc_wrapper): if failed: log.msg("There was an error writing the mesage...") else: notify_queue(doc_wrapper) def doSoledadCalls(items): # we prime the generator, that should return the # message or flags wrapper item in the first place. doc_wrapper = items.next() failed = self._soledad_write_document_parts(items) queueNotifyBack(failed, doc_wrapper) doSoledadCalls(self._iter_wrapper_subparts(doc_wrapper)) # # SoledadStore specific methods. # def _soledad_write_document_parts(self, items): """ Write the document parts to soledad in a separate thread. :param items: the iterator through the different document wrappers payloads. :type items: iterator """ failed = False for item, call in items: if empty(item): continue try: self._try_call(call, item) except Exception as exc: logger.debug("ITEM WAS: %s" % str(item)) logger.debug("ITEM CONTENT WAS: %s" % str(item.content)) logger.exception(exc) failed = True continue return failed def _iter_wrapper_subparts(self, doc_wrapper): """ Return an iterator that will yield the doc_wrapper in the first place, followed by the subparts item and the proper call type for every item in the queue, if any. :param queue: the queue from where we'll pick item. :type queue: Queue """ if isinstance(doc_wrapper, MessageWrapper): return chain((doc_wrapper,), self._get_calls_for_msg_parts(doc_wrapper)) elif isinstance(doc_wrapper, RecentFlagsDoc): return chain((doc_wrapper,), self._get_calls_for_rflags_doc(doc_wrapper)) else: logger.warning("CANNOT PROCESS ITEM!") return (i for i in []) def _try_call(self, call, item): """ Try to invoke a given call with item as a parameter. :param call: the function to call :type call: callable :param item: the payload to pass to the call as argument :type item: object """ if call is None: return with self._soledad_rw_lock: if call == self._PUT_DOC_FUN: doc_id = item.doc_id doc = self._GET_DOC_FUN(doc_id) if doc is None: logger.warning("BUG! Dirty doc but could not " "find document %s" % (doc_id,)) return doc.content = dict(item.content) item = doc try: call(item) except u1db_errors.RevisionConflict as exc: logger.exception("Error: %r" % (exc,)) raise exc def _get_calls_for_msg_parts(self, msg_wrapper): """ Generator that return the proper call type for a given item. :param msg_wrapper: A MessageWrapper :type msg_wrapper: IMessageContainer :return: a generator of tuples with recent-flags doc payload and callable :rtype: generator """ call = None if msg_wrapper.new: call = self._CREATE_DOC_FUN # item is expected to be a MessagePartDoc for item in msg_wrapper.walk(): if item.part == MessagePartType.fdoc: yield dict(item.content), call elif item.part == MessagePartType.hdoc: if not self._header_does_exist(item.content): yield dict(item.content), call elif item.part == MessagePartType.cdoc: if not self._content_does_exist(item.content): yield dict(item.content), call # For now, the only thing that will be dirty is # the flags doc. elif msg_wrapper.dirty: call = self._PUT_DOC_FUN # item is expected to be a MessagePartDoc for item in msg_wrapper.walk(): # XXX FIXME Give error if dirty and not doc_id !!! doc_id = item.doc_id # defend! if not doc_id: continue if item.part == MessagePartType.fdoc: logger.debug("PUT dirty fdoc") yield item, call # XXX also for linkage-doc !!! else: logger.error("Cannot delete documents yet from the queue...!") def _get_calls_for_rflags_doc(self, rflags_wrapper): """ We always put these documents. :param rflags_wrapper: A wrapper around recent flags doc. :type rflags_wrapper: RecentFlagsWrapper :return: a tuple with recent-flags doc payload and callable :rtype: tuple """ call = self._CREATE_DOC_FUN payload = rflags_wrapper.content if payload: logger.debug("Saving RFLAGS to Soledad...") yield payload, call def _get_mbox_document(self, mbox): """ Return mailbox document. :param mbox: the mailbox :type mbox: str or unicode :return: A SoledadDocument containing this mailbox, or None if the query failed. :rtype: SoledadDocument or None. """ try: query = self._soledad.get_from_index( fields.TYPE_MBOX_IDX, fields.TYPE_MBOX_VAL, mbox) if query: return query.pop() except Exception as exc: logger.exception("Unhandled error %r" % exc) def get_flags_doc(self, mbox, uid): """ Return the SoledadDocument for the given mbox and uid. :param mbox: the mailbox :type mbox: str or unicode :param uid: the UID for the message :type uid: int :rtype: SoledadDocument or None """ result = None try: flag_docs = self._soledad.get_from_index( fields.TYPE_MBOX_UID_IDX, fields.TYPE_FLAGS_VAL, mbox, str(uid)) result = first(flag_docs) except Exception as exc: # ugh! Something's broken down there! logger.warning("ERROR while getting flags for UID: %s" % uid) logger.exception(exc) finally: return result def get_headers_doc(self, chash): """ Return the document that keeps the headers for a message indexed by its content-hash. :param chash: the content-hash to retrieve the document from. :type chash: str or unicode :rtype: SoledadDocument or None """ head_docs = self._soledad.get_from_index( fields.TYPE_C_HASH_IDX, fields.TYPE_HEADERS_VAL, str(chash)) return first(head_docs) def write_last_uid(self, mbox, value): """ Write the `last_uid` integer to the proper mailbox document in Soledad. This is called from the deferred triggered by memorystore.increment_last_soledad_uid, which is expected to run in a separate thread. :param mbox: the mailbox :type mbox: str or unicode :param value: the value to set :type value: int """ leap_assert_type(value, int) key = fields.LAST_UID_KEY with self._last_uid_lock: mbox_doc = self._get_mbox_document(mbox) old_val = mbox_doc.content[key] if value < old_val: logger.error("%r:%s Tried to write a UID lesser than what's " "stored!" % (mbox, value)) mbox_doc.content[key] = value self._soledad.put_doc(mbox_doc) # deleted messages def deleted_iter(self, mbox): """ Get an iterator for the SoledadDocuments for messages with \\Deleted flag for a given mailbox. :param mbox: the mailbox :type mbox: str or unicode :return: iterator through deleted message docs :rtype: iterable """ return (doc for doc in self._soledad.get_from_index( fields.TYPE_MBOX_DEL_IDX, fields.TYPE_FLAGS_VAL, mbox, '1')) # TODO can deferToThread this? def remove_all_deleted(self, mbox): """ Remove from Soledad all messages flagged as deleted for a given mailbox. :param mbox: the mailbox :type mbox: str or unicode """ deleted = [] for doc in self.deleted_iter(mbox): deleted.append(doc.content[fields.UID_KEY]) self._soledad.delete_doc(doc) return deleted