# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# server.py
# Copyright (C) 2013 LEAP
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
Soledad-backed IMAP Server.
import copy
import logging
import StringIO
import cStringIO
import os
import time
import re
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from email.parser import Parser
from functools import wraps
from zope.interface import implements
from zope.proxy import sameProxiedObjects
from twisted.mail import imap4
from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThread
from twisted.python import log
from u1db import errors as u1db_errors
from leap.common import events as leap_events
from leap.common.events.events_pb2 import IMAP_UNREAD_MAIL
from leap.common.check import leap_assert, leap_assert_type
from leap.common.mail import get_email_charset
from leap.mail.messageflow import IMessageConsumer, MessageProducer
from leap.soledad.client import Soledad
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def deferred(f):
Decorator, for deferring methods to Threads.
It will do a deferToThread of the decorated method
unless the environment variable LEAPMAIL_DEBUG is set.
It uses a descriptor to delay the definition of the
method wrapper.
class descript(object):
def __init__(self, f):
self.f = f
def __get__(self, instance, klass):
if instance is None:
# Class method was requested
return self.make_unbound(klass)
return self.make_bound(instance)
def _errback(self, failure):
err = failure.value
logger.warning('error in method: %s' % (self.f.__name__))
def make_unbound(self, klass):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
'''This documentation will vanish :)'''
raise TypeError(
'unbound method {}() must be called with {} instance '
'as first argument (got nothing instead)'.format(
return wrapper
def make_bound(self, instance):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
'''This documentation will disapear :)'''
if not os.environ.get('LEAPMAIL_DEBUG'):
d = deferToThread(self.f, instance, *args, **kwargs)
return d
return self.f(instance, *args, **kwargs)
# This instance does not need the descriptor anymore,
# let it find the wrapper directly next time:
setattr(instance, self.f.__name__, wrapper)
return wrapper
return descript(f)
class MissingIndexError(Exception):
Raises when tried to access a non existent index document.
class BadIndexError(Exception):
Raises when index is malformed or has the wrong cardinality.
class WithMsgFields(object):
Container class for class-attributes to be shared by
several message-related classes.
# Internal representation of Message
DATE_KEY = "date"
HEADERS_KEY = "headers"
FLAGS_KEY = "flags"
MBOX_KEY = "mbox"
RAW_KEY = "raw"
SUBJECT_KEY = "subject"
UID_KEY = "uid"
SIZE_KEY = "size"
# Mailbox specific keys
CLOSED_KEY = "closed"
CREATED_KEY = "created"
SUBSCRIBED_KEY = "subscribed"
RW_KEY = "rw"
LAST_UID_KEY = "lastuid"
# Document Type, for indexing
TYPE_KEY = "type"
TYPE_MBOX_VAL = "mbox"
TYPE_FLAGS_VAL = "flags"
# should add also a headers val
INBOX_VAL = "inbox"
# Flags for SoledadDocument for indexing.
SEEN_KEY = "seen"
RECENT_KEY = "recent"
# Flags in Mailbox and Message
SEEN_FLAG = "\\Seen"
RECENT_FLAG = "\\Recent"
ANSWERED_FLAG = "\\Answered"
FLAGGED_FLAG = "\\Flagged" # yo dawg
DELETED_FLAG = "\\Deleted"
DRAFT_FLAG = "\\Draft"
NOSELECT_FLAG = "\\Noselect"
LIST_FLAG = "List" # is this OK? (no \. ie, no system flag)
# Fields in mail object
fields = WithMsgFields # alias for convenience
class IndexedDB(object):
Methods dealing with the index.
This is a MixIn that needs access to the soledad instance,
and also assumes that a INDEXES attribute is accessible to the instance.
INDEXES must be a dictionary of type:
{'index-name': ['field1', 'field2']}
# TODO we might want to move this to soledad itself, check
def initialize_db(self):
Initialize the database.
"Need a soledad attribute accesible in the instance")
leap_assert_type(self.INDEXES, dict)
# Ask the database for currently existing indexes.
if not self._soledad:
db_indexes = dict()
if self._soledad is not None:
db_indexes = dict(self._soledad.list_indexes())
for name, expression in SoledadBackedAccount.INDEXES.items():
if name not in db_indexes:
# The index does not yet exist.
self._soledad.create_index(name, *expression)
if expression == db_indexes[name]:
# The index exists and is up to date.
# The index exists but the definition is not what expected, so we
# delete it and add the proper index expression.
self._soledad.create_index(name, *expression)
class MailParser(object):
Mixin with utility methods to parse raw messages.
def __init__(self):
Initializes the mail parser.
self._parser = Parser()
def _get_parsed_msg(self, raw):
Return a parsed Message.
:param raw: the raw string to parse
:type raw: basestring, or StringIO object
msg = self._get_parser_fun(raw)(raw, True)
return msg
def _get_parser_fun(self, o):
Retunn the proper parser function for an object.
:param o: object
:type o: object
:param parser: an instance of email.parser.Parser
:type parser: email.parser.Parser
if isinstance(o, (cStringIO.OutputType, StringIO.StringIO)):
return self._parser.parse
if isinstance(o, basestring):
return self._parser.parsestr
def _stringify(self, o):
Return a string object.
:param o: object
:type o: object
if isinstance(o, (cStringIO.OutputType, StringIO.StringIO)):
return o.getvalue()
return o
class MBoxParser(object):
Utility function to parse mailbox names.
def _parse_mailbox_name(self, name):
:param name: the name of the mailbox
:type name: unicode
:rtype: unicode
if self.INBOX_RE.match(name):
# ensure inital INBOX is uppercase
return self.INBOX_NAME + name[len(self.INBOX_NAME):]
return name
# Soledad Account
class SoledadBackedAccount(WithMsgFields, IndexedDB, MBoxParser):
An implementation of IAccount and INamespacePresenteer
that is backed by Soledad Encrypted Documents.
implements(imap4.IAccount, imap4.INamespacePresenter)
_soledad = None
selected = None
TYPE_IDX = 'by-type'
TYPE_MBOX_IDX = 'by-type-and-mbox'
TYPE_MBOX_UID_IDX = 'by-type-and-mbox-and-uid'
TYPE_SUBS_IDX = 'by-type-and-subscribed'
TYPE_MBOX_SEEN_IDX = 'by-type-and-mbox-and-seen'
TYPE_MBOX_RECT_IDX = 'by-type-and-mbox-and-recent'
# Tomas created the `recent and seen index`, but the semantic is not too
# correct since the recent flag is volatile.
TYPE_MBOX_RECT_SEEN_IDX = 'by-type-and-mbox-and-recent-and-seen'
KTYPE = WithMsgFields.TYPE_KEY
# generic
# mailboxes
TYPE_SUBS_IDX: [KTYPE, 'bool(subscribed)'],
# messages
TYPE_MBOX_RECT_IDX: [KTYPE, MBOX_VAL, 'bool(recent)'],
'bool(recent)', 'bool(seen)'],
WithMsgFields.SUBJECT_KEY: "",
WithMsgFields.FLAGS_KEY: [],
WithMsgFields.CLOSED_KEY: False,
WithMsgFields.SUBSCRIBED_KEY: False,
WithMsgFields.RW_KEY: 1,
WithMsgFields.LAST_UID_KEY: 0
def __init__(self, account_name, soledad=None):
Creates a SoledadAccountIndex that keeps track of the mailboxes
and subscriptions handled by this account.
:param acct_name: The name of the account (user id).
:type acct_name: str
:param soledad: a Soledad instance.
:param soledad: Soledad
leap_assert(soledad, "Need a soledad instance to initialize")
leap_assert_type(soledad, Soledad)
# XXX SHOULD assert too that the name matches the user/uuid with which
# soledad has been initialized.
self._account_name = self._parse_mailbox_name(account_name)
self._soledad = soledad
# every user should have the right to an inbox folder
# at least, so let's make one!
if not self.mailboxes:
def _get_empty_mailbox(self):
Returns an empty mailbox.
:rtype: dict
return copy.deepcopy(self.EMPTY_MBOX)
def _get_mailbox_by_name(self, name):
Return an mbox document by name.
:param name: the name of the mailbox
:type name: str
:rtype: SoledadDocument
doc = self._soledad.get_from_index(
return doc[0] if doc else None
def mailboxes(self):
A list of the current mailboxes for this account.
return [doc.content[self.MBOX_KEY]
for doc in self._soledad.get_from_index(
self.TYPE_IDX, self.MBOX_KEY)]
def subscriptions(self):
A list of the current subscriptions for this account.
return [doc.content[self.MBOX_KEY]
for doc in self._soledad.get_from_index(
self.TYPE_SUBS_IDX, self.MBOX_KEY, '1')]
def getMailbox(self, name):
Returns a Mailbox with that name, without selecting it.
:param name: name of the mailbox
:type name: str
:returns: a a SoledadMailbox instance
:rtype: SoledadMailbox
name = self._parse_mailbox_name(name)
if name not in self.mailboxes:
raise imap4.MailboxException("No such mailbox")
return SoledadMailbox(name, soledad=self._soledad)
## IAccount
def addMailbox(self, name, creation_ts=None):
Add a mailbox to the account.
:param name: the name of the mailbox
:type name: str
:param creation_ts: an optional creation timestamp to be used as
mailbox id. A timestamp will be used if no
one is provided.
:type creation_ts: int
:returns: True if successful
:rtype: bool
name = self._parse_mailbox_name(name)
if name in self.mailboxes:
raise imap4.MailboxCollision, name
if not creation_ts:
# by default, we pass an int value
# taken from the current time
# we make sure to take enough decimals to get a unique
# mailbox-uidvalidity.
creation_ts = int(time.time() * 10E2)
mbox = self._get_empty_mailbox()
mbox[self.MBOX_KEY] = name
mbox[self.CREATED_KEY] = creation_ts
doc = self._soledad.create_doc(mbox)
return bool(doc)
def create(self, pathspec):
Create a new mailbox from the given hierarchical name.
:param pathspec: The full hierarchical name of a new mailbox to create.
If any of the inferior hierarchical names to this one
do not exist, they are created as well.
:type pathspec: str
:return: A true value if the creation succeeds.
:rtype: bool
:raise MailboxException: Raised if this mailbox cannot be added.
# TODO raise MailboxException
paths = filter(
for accum in range(1, len(paths)):
except imap4.MailboxCollision:
except imap4.MailboxCollision:
if not pathspec.endswith('/'):
return False
return True
def select(self, name, readwrite=1):
Selects a mailbox.
:param name: the mailbox to select
:type name: str
:param readwrite: 1 for readwrite permissions.
:type readwrite: int
:rtype: bool
name = self._parse_mailbox_name(name)
if name not in self.mailboxes:
return None
self.selected = name
return SoledadMailbox(
name, rw=readwrite,
def delete(self, name, force=False):
Deletes a mailbox.
Right now it does not purge the messages, but just removes the mailbox
name from the mailboxes list!!!
:param name: the mailbox to be deleted
:type name: str
:param force: if True, it will not check for noselect flag or inferior
names. use with care.
:type force: bool
name = self._parse_mailbox_name(name)
if not name in self.mailboxes:
raise imap4.MailboxException("No such mailbox")
mbox = self.getMailbox(name)
if force is False:
# See if this box is flagged \Noselect
# XXX use mbox.flags instead?
if self.NOSELECT_FLAG in mbox.getFlags():
# Check for hierarchically inferior mailboxes with this one
# as part of their root.
for others in self.mailboxes:
if others != name and others.startswith(name):
raise imap4.MailboxException, (
"Hierarchically inferior mailboxes "
"exist and \\Noselect is set")
# XXX FIXME --- not honoring the inferior names...
# if there are no hierarchically inferior names, we will
# delete it from our ken.
#if self._inferiorNames(name) > 1:
# ??! -- can this be rite?
def rename(self, oldname, newname):
Renames a mailbox.
:param oldname: old name of the mailbox
:type oldname: str
:param newname: new name of the mailbox
:type newname: str
oldname = self._parse_mailbox_name(oldname)
newname = self._parse_mailbox_name(newname)
if oldname not in self.mailboxes:
raise imap4.NoSuchMailbox, oldname
inferiors = self._inferiorNames(oldname)
inferiors = [(o, o.replace(oldname, newname, 1)) for o in inferiors]
for (old, new) in inferiors:
if new in self.mailboxes:
raise imap4.MailboxCollision, new
for (old, new) in inferiors:
mbox = self._get_mailbox_by_name(old)
mbox.content[self.MBOX_KEY] = new
# XXX ---- FIXME!!!! ------------------------------------
# until here we just renamed the index...
# We have to rename also the occurrence of this
# mailbox on ALL the messages that are contained in it!!!
# ... we maybe could use a reference to the doc_id
# in each msg, instead of the "mbox" field in msgs
# -------------------------------------------------------
def _inferiorNames(self, name):
Return hierarchically inferior mailboxes.
:param name: name of the mailbox
:rtype: list
# XXX use wildcard query instead
inferiors = []
for infname in self.mailboxes:
if infname.startswith(name):
return inferiors
def isSubscribed(self, name):
Returns True if user is subscribed to this mailbox.
:param name: the mailbox to be checked.
:type name: str
:rtype: bool
mbox = self._get_mailbox_by_name(name)
return mbox.content.get('subscribed', False)
def _set_subscription(self, name, value):
Sets the subscription value for a given mailbox
:param name: the mailbox
:type name: str
:param value: the boolean value
:type value: bool
# maybe we should store subscriptions in another
# document...
if not name in self.mailboxes:
mbox = self._get_mailbox_by_name(name)
if mbox:
mbox.content[self.SUBSCRIBED_KEY] = value
def subscribe(self, name):
Subscribe to this mailbox
:param name: name of the mailbox
:type name: str
name = self._parse_mailbox_name(name)
if name not in self.subscriptions:
self._set_subscription(name, True)
def unsubscribe(self, name):
Unsubscribe from this mailbox
:param name: name of the mailbox
:type name: str
name = self._parse_mailbox_name(name)
if name not in self.subscriptions:
raise imap4.MailboxException, "Not currently subscribed to " + name
self._set_subscription(name, False)
def listMailboxes(self, ref, wildcard):
List the mailboxes.
from rfc 3501:
returns a subset of names from the complete set
of all names available to the client. Zero or more untagged LIST
replies are returned, containing the name attributes, hierarchy
delimiter, and name.
:param ref: reference name
:type ref: str
:param wildcard: mailbox name with possible wildcards
:type wildcard: str
# XXX use wildcard in index query
ref = self._inferiorNames(
wildcard = imap4.wildcardToRegexp(wildcard, '/')
return [(i, self.getMailbox(i)) for i in ref if wildcard.match(i)]
## INamespacePresenter
def getPersonalNamespaces(self):
return [["", "/"]]
def getSharedNamespaces(self):
return None
def getOtherNamespaces(self):
return None
# extra, for convenience
def deleteAllMessages(self, iknowhatiamdoing=False):
Deletes all messages from all mailboxes.
Danger! high voltage!
:param iknowhatiamdoing: confirmation parameter, needs to be True
to proceed.
if iknowhatiamdoing is True:
for mbox in self.mailboxes:
self.delete(mbox, force=True)
def __repr__(self):
Representation string for this object.
return "" % self._account_name
# LeapMessage, MessageCollection
# and Mailbox
class LeapMessage(fields, MailParser, MBoxParser):
def __init__(self, soledad, uid, mbox):
Initializes a LeapMessage.
:param soledad: a Soledad instance
:type soledad: Soledad
:param uid: the UID for the message.
:type uid: int or basestring
:param mbox: the mbox this message belongs to
:type mbox: basestring
self._soledad = soledad
self._uid = int(uid)
self._mbox = self._parse_mailbox_name(mbox)
self.__cdoc = None
def _fdoc(self):
An accessor to the flags docuemnt
return self._get_flags_doc()
def _cdoc(self):
An accessor to the content docuemnt
if not self.__cdoc:
self.__cdoc = self._get_content_doc()
return self.__cdoc
def getUID(self):
Retrieve the unique identifier associated with this message
:return: uid for this message
:rtype: int
return self._uid
def getFlags(self):
Retrieve the flags associated with this message
:return: The flags, represented as strings
:rtype: tuple
if self._uid is None:
return []
flags = []
flag_doc = self._fdoc
if flag_doc:
flags = flag_doc.content.get(self.FLAGS_KEY, None)
if flags:
flags = map(str, flags)
return tuple(flags)
# setFlags, addFlags, removeFlags are not in the interface spec
# but we use them with store command.
def setFlags(self, flags):
Sets the flags for this message
Returns a SoledadDocument that needs to be updated by the caller.
:param flags: the flags to update in the message.
:type flags: tuple of str
:return: a SoledadDocument instance
:rtype: SoledadDocument
leap_assert(isinstance(flags, tuple), "flags need to be a tuple")
log.msg('setting flags: %s' % (self._uid))
doc = self._fdoc
doc.content[self.FLAGS_KEY] = flags
doc.content[self.SEEN_KEY] = self.SEEN_FLAG in flags
doc.content[self.RECENT_KEY] = self.RECENT_FLAG in flags
def addFlags(self, flags):
Adds flags to this message.
Returns a SoledadDocument that needs to be updated by the caller.
:param flags: the flags to add to the message.
:type flags: tuple of str
:return: a SoledadDocument instance
:rtype: SoledadDocument
leap_assert(isinstance(flags, tuple), "flags need to be a tuple")
oldflags = self.getFlags()
self.setFlags(tuple(set(flags + oldflags)))
def removeFlags(self, flags):
Remove flags from this message.
Returns a SoledadDocument that needs to be updated by the caller.
:param flags: the flags to be removed from the message.
:type flags: tuple of str
:return: a SoledadDocument instance
:rtype: SoledadDocument
leap_assert(isinstance(flags, tuple), "flags need to be a tuple")
oldflags = self.getFlags()
self.setFlags(tuple(set(oldflags) - set(flags)))
def getInternalDate(self):
Retrieve the date internally associated with this message
:rtype: C{str}
:return: An RFC822-formatted date string.
return str(self._cdoc.content.get(self.DATE_KEY, ''))
# IMessagePart
# XXX we should implement this interface too for the subparts
# so we allow nested parts...
def getBodyFile(self):
Retrieve a file object containing only the body of this message.
:return: file-like object opened for reading
:rtype: StringIO
fd = StringIO.StringIO()
cdoc = self._cdoc
content = cdoc.content.get(self.RAW_KEY, '')
charset = get_email_charset(
unicode(cdoc.content.get(self.RAW_KEY, '')))
content = content.encode(charset)
except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError) as e:
logger.error("Unicode error {0}".format(e))
content = content.encode(charset, 'replace')
raw = self._get_raw_msg()
msg = self._get_parsed_msg(raw)
body = msg.get_payload()
# XXX SHOULD use a separate BODY FIELD ...
return fd
def getSize(self):
Return the total size, in octets, of this message.
:return: size of the message, in octets
:rtype: int
size = self._cdoc.content.get(self.SIZE_KEY, False)
if not size:
# XXX fallback, should remove when all migrated.
size = self.getBodyFile().len
return size
def _get_headers(self):
Return the headers dict stored in this message document.
# XXX get from the headers doc
return self._cdoc.content.get(self.HEADERS_KEY, {})
def getHeaders(self, negate, *names):
Retrieve a group of message headers.
:param names: The names of the headers to retrieve or omit.
:type names: tuple of str
:param negate: If True, indicates that the headers listed in names
should be omitted from the return value, rather
than included.
:type negate: bool
:return: A mapping of header field names to header field values
:rtype: dict
headers = self._get_headers()
names = map(lambda s: s.upper(), names)
if negate:
cond = lambda key: key.upper() not in names
cond = lambda key: key.upper() in names
# unpack and filter original dict by negate-condition
filter_by_cond = [
map(str, (key, val)) for
key, val in headers.items()
if cond(key)]
return dict(filter_by_cond)
def isMultipart(self):
Return True if this message is multipart.
if self._cdoc:
retval = self._cdoc.content.get(self.MULTIPART_KEY, False)
print "MULTIPART? ", retval
def getSubPart(self, part):
Retrieve a MIME submessage
:type part: C{int}
:param part: The number of the part to retrieve, indexed from 0.
:raise IndexError: Raised if the specified part does not exist.
:raise TypeError: Raised if this message is not multipart.
:rtype: Any object implementing C{IMessagePart}.
:return: The specified sub-part.
if not self.isMultipart():
raise TypeError
msg = self._get_parsed_msg()
# XXX should wrap IMessagePart
return msg.get_payload()[part]
# accessors
def _get_flags_doc(self):
Return the document that keeps the flags for this
flag_docs = self._soledad.get_from_index(
fields.TYPE_FLAGS_VAL, self._mbox, str(self._uid))
flag_doc = flag_docs[0] if flag_docs else None
return flag_doc
def _get_content_doc(self):
Return the document that keeps the flags for this
cont_docs = self._soledad.get_from_index(
fields.TYPE_MESSAGE_VAL, self._mbox, str(self._uid))
cont_doc = cont_docs[0] if cont_docs else None
return cont_doc
def _get_raw_msg(self):
Return the raw msg.
:rtype: basestring
return self._cdoc.content.get(self.RAW_KEY, '')
def __getitem__(self, key):
Return the content of the message document.
:param key: The key
:type key: str
:return: The content value indexed by C{key} or None
:rtype: str
return self._cdoc.content.get(key, None)
def does_exist(self):
Return True if there is actually a message for this
UID and mbox.
return bool(self._fdoc)
SoledadWriterPayload = namedtuple(
'SoledadWriterPayload', ['mode', 'payload'])
SoledadWriterPayload.CREATE = 1
SoledadWriterPayload.PUT = 2
class SoledadDocWriter(object):
This writer will create docs serially in the local soledad database.
def __init__(self, soledad):
Initialize the writer.
:param soledad: the soledad instance
:type soledad: Soledad
self._soledad = soledad
def consume(self, queue):
Creates a new document in soledad db.
:param queue: queue to get item from, with content of the document
to be inserted.
:type queue: Queue
empty = queue.empty()
while not empty:
item = queue.get()
if item.mode == SoledadWriterPayload.CREATE:
call = self._soledad.create_doc
elif item.mode == SoledadWriterPayload.PUT:
call = self._soledad.put_doc
# should handle errors
except u1db_errors.RevisionConflict as exc:
logger.error("Error: %r" % (exc,))
raise exc
empty = queue.empty()
class MessageCollection(WithMsgFields, IndexedDB, MailParser, MBoxParser):
A collection of messages, surprisingly.
It is tied to a selected mailbox name that is passed to constructor.
Implements a filter query over the messages contained in a soledad
# XXX this should be able to produce a MessageSet methinks
fields.UID_KEY: 1,
fields.MBOX_KEY: fields.INBOX_VAL,
fields.SUBJECT_KEY: "",
fields.DATE_KEY: "",
fields.RAW_KEY: "",
# XXX should separate headers into another doc
fields.HEADERS_KEY: {},
fields.TYPE_KEY: fields.TYPE_FLAGS_VAL,
fields.UID_KEY: 1,
fields.MBOX_KEY: fields.INBOX_VAL,
fields.FLAGS_KEY: [],
fields.SEEN_KEY: False,
fields.RECENT_KEY: True,
fields.MULTIPART_KEY: False,
# get from SoledadBackedAccount the needed index-related constants
INDEXES = SoledadBackedAccount.INDEXES
TYPE_IDX = SoledadBackedAccount.TYPE_IDX
def __init__(self, mbox=None, soledad=None):
Constructor for MessageCollection.
:param mbox: the name of the mailbox. It is the name
with which we filter the query over the
messages database
:type mbox: str
:param soledad: Soledad database
:type soledad: Soledad instance
leap_assert(mbox, "Need a mailbox name to initialize")
leap_assert(mbox.strip() != "", "mbox cannot be blank space")
leap_assert(isinstance(mbox, (str, unicode)),
"mbox needs to be a string")
leap_assert(soledad, "Need a soledad instance to initialize")
# okay, all in order, keep going...
self.mbox = self._parse_mailbox_name(mbox)
self._soledad = soledad
# I think of someone like nietzsche when reading this
# this will be the producer that will enqueue the content
# to be processed serially by the consumer (the writer). We just
# need to `put` the new material on its plate.
self.soledad_writer = MessageProducer(
def _get_empty_msg(self):
Returns an empty message.
:return: a dict containing a default empty message
:rtype: dict
return copy.deepcopy(self.EMPTY_MSG)
def _get_empty_flags_doc(self):
Returns an empty doc for storing flags.
return copy.deepcopy(self.EMPTY_FLAGS)
def add_msg(self, raw, subject=None, flags=None, date=None, uid=1):
Creates a new message document.
:param raw: the raw message
:type raw: str
:param subject: subject of the message.
:type subject: str
:param flags: flags
:type flags: list
:param date: the received date for the message
:type date: str
:param uid: the message uid for this mailbox
:type uid: int
# TODO: split in smaller methods
logger.debug('adding message')
if flags is None:
flags = tuple()
leap_assert_type(flags, tuple)
content_doc = self._get_empty_msg()
flags_doc = self._get_empty_flags_doc()
content_doc[self.MBOX_KEY] = self.mbox
flags_doc[self.MBOX_KEY] = self.mbox
# ...should get a sanity check here.
content_doc[self.UID_KEY] = uid
flags_doc[self.UID_KEY] = uid
if flags:
flags_doc[self.FLAGS_KEY] = map(self._stringify, flags)
flags_doc[self.SEEN_KEY] = self.SEEN_FLAG in flags
msg = self._get_parsed_msg(raw)
headers = dict(msg)
flags_doc[self.MULTIPART_KEY] = msg.is_multipart()
# XXX get lower case for keys?
# XXX get headers doc
content_doc[self.HEADERS_KEY] = headers
# set subject based on message headers and eventually replace by
# subject given as param
if self.SUBJECT_FIELD in headers:
content_doc[self.SUBJECT_KEY] = headers[self.SUBJECT_FIELD]
if subject is not None:
content_doc[self.SUBJECT_KEY] = subject
# XXX could separate body into its own doc
# but should also separate multiparts
# that should be wrapped in MessagePart
content_doc[self.RAW_KEY] = self._stringify(raw)
content_doc[self.SIZE_KEY] = len(raw)
if not date and self.DATE_FIELD in headers:
content_doc[self.DATE_KEY] = headers[self.DATE_FIELD]
content_doc[self.DATE_KEY] = date
logger.debug('enqueuing message for write')
ptuple = SoledadWriterPayload
mode=ptuple.CREATE, payload=content_doc))
mode=ptuple.CREATE, payload=flags_doc))
def remove(self, msg):
Removes a message.
:param msg: a u1db doc containing the message
:type msg: SoledadDocument
# getters
def get_msg_by_uid(self, uid):
Retrieves a LeapMessage by UID.
:param uid: the message uid to query by
:type uid: int
:return: A LeapMessage instance matching the query,
or None if not found.
:rtype: LeapMessage
msg = LeapMessage(self._soledad, uid, self.mbox)
if not msg.does_exist():
return None
return msg
def get_all(self):
Get all message documents for the selected mailbox.
If you want acess to the content, use __iter__ instead
:return: a list of u1db documents
:rtype: list of SoledadDocument
# TODO change to get_all_docs and turn this
# into returning messages
if sameProxiedObjects(self._soledad, None):
logger.warning('Tried to get messages but soledad is None!')
return []
all_docs = [doc for doc in self._soledad.get_from_index(
fields.TYPE_FLAGS_VAL, self.mbox)]
# inneficient, but first let's grok it and then
# let's worry about efficiency.
# XXX FIXINDEX -- should implement order by in soledad
return sorted(all_docs, key=lambda item: item.content['uid'])
def count(self):
Return the count of messages for this mailbox.
:rtype: int
count = self._soledad.get_count_from_index(
fields.TYPE_FLAGS_VAL, self.mbox)
return count
# unseen messages
def unseen_iter(self):
Get an iterator for the message docs with no `seen` flag
:return: iterator through unseen message doc UIDs
:rtype: iterable
return (doc.content[self.UID_KEY] for doc in
self.TYPE_FLAGS_VAL, self.mbox, '0'))
def count_unseen(self):
Count all messages with the `Unseen` flag.
:returns: count
:rtype: int
count = self._soledad.get_count_from_index(
self.TYPE_FLAGS_VAL, self.mbox, '0')
return count
def get_unseen(self):
Get all messages with the `Unseen` flag
:returns: a list of LeapMessages
:rtype: list
return [LeapMessage(self._soledad, docid, self.mbox)
for docid in self.unseen_iter()]
# recent messages
def recent_iter(self):
Get an iterator for the message docs with `recent` flag.
:return: iterator through recent message docs
:rtype: iterable
return (doc.content[self.UID_KEY] for doc in
self.TYPE_FLAGS_VAL, self.mbox, '1'))
def get_recent(self):
Get all messages with the `Recent` flag.
:returns: a list of LeapMessages
:rtype: list
return [LeapMessage(self._soledad, docid, self.mbox)
for docid in self.recent_iter()]
def count_recent(self):
Count all messages with the `Recent` flag.
:returns: count
:rtype: int
count = self._soledad.get_count_from_index(
self.TYPE_FLAGS_VAL, self.mbox, '1')
return count
def __len__(self):
Returns the number of messages on this mailbox.
:rtype: int
return self.count()
def __iter__(self):
Returns an iterator over all messages.
:returns: iterator of dicts with content for all messages.
:rtype: iterable
# XXX return LeapMessage instead?! (change accordingly)
return (m.content for m in self.get_all())
def __repr__(self):
Representation string for this object.
return u"" % (
self.mbox, self.count())
# XXX should implement __eq__ also !!! --- use a hash
# of content for that, will be used for dedup.
class SoledadMailbox(WithMsgFields, MBoxParser):
A Soledad-backed IMAP mailbox.
Implements the high-level method needed for the Mailbox interfaces.
The low-level database methods are contained in MessageCollection class,
which we instantiate and make accessible in the `messages` attribute.
implements(imap4.IMailboxInfo, imap4.IMailbox, imap4.ICloseableMailbox)
# XXX should finish the implementation of IMailboxListener
messages = None
_closed = False
WithMsgFields.DRAFT_FLAG, WithMsgFields.RECENT_FLAG,
flags = None
_listeners = defaultdict(set)
def __init__(self, mbox, soledad=None, rw=1):
SoledadMailbox constructor. Needs to get passed a name, plus a
Soledad instance.
:param mbox: the mailbox name
:type mbox: str
:param soledad: a Soledad instance.
:type soledad: Soledad
:param rw: read-and-write flags
:type rw: int
leap_assert(mbox, "Need a mailbox name to initialize")
leap_assert(soledad, "Need a soledad instance to initialize")
# XXX should move to wrapper
#leap_assert(isinstance(soledad._db, SQLCipherDatabase),
#"soledad._db must be an instance of SQLCipherDatabase")
self.mbox = self._parse_mailbox_name(mbox)
self.rw = rw
self._soledad = soledad
self.messages = MessageCollection(
mbox=mbox, soledad=self._soledad)
if not self.getFlags():
def listeners(self):
Returns listeners for this mbox.
The server itself is a listener to the mailbox.
so we can notify it (and should!) after changes in flags
and number of messages.
:rtype: set
return self._listeners[self.mbox]
def addListener(self, listener):
Rdds a listener to the listeners queue.
:param listener: listener to add
:type listener: an object that implements IMailboxListener
logger.debug('adding mailbox listener: %s' % listener)
def removeListener(self, listener):
Removes a listener from the listeners queue.
:param listener: listener to remove
:type listener: an object that implements IMailboxListener
def _get_mbox(self):
Returns mailbox document.
:return: A SoledadDocument containing this mailbox, or None if
the query failed.
:rtype: SoledadDocument or None.
query = self._soledad.get_from_index(
self.TYPE_MBOX_VAL, self.mbox)
if query:
return query.pop()
except Exception as exc:
logger.error("Unhandled error %r" % exc)
def getFlags(self):
Returns the flags defined for this mailbox.
:returns: tuple of flags for this mailbox
:rtype: tuple of str
mbox = self._get_mbox()
if not mbox:
return None
flags = mbox.content.get(self.FLAGS_KEY, [])
return map(str, flags)
def setFlags(self, flags):
Sets flags for this mailbox.
:param flags: a tuple with the flags
:type flags: tuple of str
leap_assert(isinstance(flags, tuple),
"flags expected to be a tuple")
mbox = self._get_mbox()
if not mbox:
return None
mbox.content[self.FLAGS_KEY] = map(str, flags)
def _get_closed(self):
Return the closed attribute for this mailbox.
:return: True if the mailbox is closed
:rtype: bool
mbox = self._get_mbox()
return mbox.content.get(self.CLOSED_KEY, False)
def _set_closed(self, closed):
Set the closed attribute for this mailbox.
:param closed: the state to be set
:type closed: bool
leap_assert(isinstance(closed, bool), "closed needs to be boolean")
mbox = self._get_mbox()
mbox.content[self.CLOSED_KEY] = closed
closed = property(
_get_closed, _set_closed, doc="Closed attribute.")
def _get_last_uid(self):
Return the last uid for this mailbox.
:return: the last uid for messages in this mailbox
:rtype: bool
mbox = self._get_mbox()
return mbox.content.get(self.LAST_UID_KEY, 1)
def _set_last_uid(self, uid):
Sets the last uid for this mailbox.
:param uid: the uid to be set
:type uid: int
leap_assert(isinstance(uid, int), "uid has to be int")
mbox = self._get_mbox()
key = self.LAST_UID_KEY
count = self.getMessageCount()
# XXX safety-catch. If we do get duplicates,
# we want to avoid further duplication.
if uid >= count:
value = uid
# something is wrong,
# just set the last uid
# beyond the max msg count.
logger.debug("WRONG uid < count. Setting last uid to %s", count)
value = count
mbox.content[key] = value
last_uid = property(
_get_last_uid, _set_last_uid, doc="Last_UID attribute.")
def getUIDValidity(self):
Return the unique validity identifier for this mailbox.
:return: unique validity identifier
:rtype: int
mbox = self._get_mbox()
return mbox.content.get(self.CREATED_KEY, 1)
def getUID(self, message):
Return the UID of a message in the mailbox
.. note:: this implementation does not make much sense RIGHT NOW,
but in the future will be useful to get absolute UIDs from
message sequence numbers.
:param message: the message uid
:type message: int
:rtype: int
msg = self.messages.get_msg_by_uid(message)
return msg.getUID()
def getUIDNext(self):
Return the likely UID for the next message added to this
mailbox. Currently it returns the higher UID incremented by
We increment the next uid *each* time this function gets called.
In this way, there will be gaps if the message with the allocated
uid cannot be saved. But that is preferable to having race conditions
if we get to parallel message adding.
:rtype: int
self.last_uid += 1
return self.last_uid
def getMessageCount(self):
Returns the total count of messages in this mailbox.
:rtype: int
return self.messages.count()
def getUnseenCount(self):
Returns the number of messages with the 'Unseen' flag.
:return: count of messages flagged `unseen`
:rtype: int
return self.messages.count_unseen()
def getRecentCount(self):
Returns the number of messages with the 'Recent' flag.
:return: count of messages flagged `recent`
:rtype: int
return self.messages.count_recent()
def isWriteable(self):
Get the read/write status of the mailbox.
:return: 1 if mailbox is read-writeable, 0 otherwise.
:rtype: int
return self.rw
def getHierarchicalDelimiter(self):
Returns the character used to delimite hierarchies in mailboxes.
:rtype: str
return '/'
def requestStatus(self, names):
Handles a status request by gathering the output of the different
status commands.
:param names: a list of strings containing the status commands
:type names: iter
r = {}
if self.CMD_MSG in names:
r[self.CMD_MSG] = self.getMessageCount()
if self.CMD_RECENT in names:
r[self.CMD_RECENT] = self.getRecentCount()
if self.CMD_UIDNEXT in names:
r[self.CMD_UIDNEXT] = self.last_uid + 1
if self.CMD_UIDVALIDITY in names:
r[self.CMD_UIDVALIDITY] = self.getUID()
if self.CMD_UNSEEN in names:
r[self.CMD_UNSEEN] = self.getUnseenCount()
return defer.succeed(r)
def addMessage(self, message, flags, date=None):
Adds a message to this mailbox.
:param message: the raw message
:type message: str
:param flags: flag list
:type flags: list of str
:param date: timestamp
:type date: str
:return: a deferred that evals to None
# XXX we should treat the message as an IMessage from here
uid_next = self.getUIDNext()
logger.debug('Adding msg with UID :%s' % uid_next)
if flags is None:
flags = tuple()
flags = tuple(str(flag) for flag in flags)
d = self._do_add_messages(message, flags, date, uid_next)
def _do_add_messages(self, message, flags, date, uid_next):
Calls to the messageCollection add_msg method (deferred to thread).
Invoked from addMessage.
self.messages.add_msg(message, flags=flags, date=date,
def _notify_new(self, *args):
Notify of new messages to all the listeners.
:param args: ignored.
exists = self.getMessageCount()
recent = self.getRecentCount()
logger.debug("NOTIFY: there are %s messages, %s recent" % (
logger.debug("listeners: %s", str(self.listeners))
for l in self.listeners:
l.newMessages(exists, recent)
# commands, do not rename methods
def destroy(self):
Called before this mailbox is permanently deleted.
Should cleanup resources, and set the \\Noselect flag
on the mailbox.
# XXX removing the mailbox in situ for now,
# we should postpone the removal
def expunge(self):
Remove all messages flagged \\Deleted
if not self.isWriteable():
raise imap4.ReadOnlyMailbox
delete = []
deleted = []
for m in self.messages.get_all():
if self.DELETED_FLAG in m.content[self.FLAGS_KEY]:
for m in delete:
# XXX should return the UIDs of the deleted messages
# more generically
return [x for x in range(len(deleted))]
def fetch(self, messages, uid):
Retrieve one or more messages in this mailbox.
from rfc 3501: The data items to be fetched can be either a single atom
or a parenthesized list.
:param messages: IDs of the messages to retrieve information about
:type messages: MessageSet
:param uid: If true, the IDs are UIDs. They are message sequence IDs
:type uid: bool
:rtype: A tuple of two-tuples of message sequence numbers and
result = []
sequence = True if uid == 0 else False
if not messages.last:
except TypeError:
# looks like we cannot iterate
messages.last = self.last_uid
# for sequence numbers (uid = 0)
if sequence:
logger.debug("Getting msg by index: INEFFICIENT call!")
raise NotImplementedError
for msg_id in messages:
print "getting msg by uid", msg_id
msg = self.messages.get_msg_by_uid(msg_id)
if msg:
result.append((msg_id, msg))
print "fetch %s, no msg found!!!" % msg_id
if self.isWriteable():
# XXX workaround for hangs in thunderbird
#return tuple(result[:100]) # --- doesn't show all!!
return tuple(result)
def _unset_recent_flag(self):
Unsets `Recent` flag from a tuple of messages.
Called from fetch.
From RFC, about `Recent`:
Message is "recently" arrived in this mailbox. This session
is the first session to have been notified about this
message; if the session is read-write, subsequent sessions
will not see \Recent set for this message. This flag can not
be altered by the client.
If it is not possible to determine whether or not this
session is the first session to be notified about a message,
then that message SHOULD be considered recent.
log.msg('unsetting recent flags...')
for msg in self.messages.get_recent():
def _signal_unread_to_ui(self):
Sends unread event to ui.
unseen = self.getUnseenCount()
leap_events.signal(IMAP_UNREAD_MAIL, str(unseen))
def store(self, messages, flags, mode, uid):
Sets the flags of one or more messages.
:param messages: The identifiers of the messages to set the flags
:type messages: A MessageSet object with the list of messages requested
:param flags: The flags to set, unset, or add.
:type flags: sequence of str
:param mode: If mode is -1, these flags should be removed from the
specified messages. If mode is 1, these flags should be
added to the specified messages. If mode is 0, all
existing flags should be cleared and these flags should be
:type mode: -1, 0, or 1
:param uid: If true, the IDs specified in the query are UIDs;
otherwise they are message sequence IDs.
:type uid: bool
:return: A dict mapping message sequence numbers to sequences of
str representing the flags set on the message after this
operation has been performed.
:rtype: dict
:raise ReadOnlyMailbox: Raised if this mailbox is not open for
# XXX implement also sequence (uid = 0)
# XXX we should prevent cclient from setting Recent flag.
leap_assert(not isinstance(flags, basestring),
"flags cannot be a string")
flags = tuple(flags)
if not self.isWriteable():
log.msg('read only mailbox!')
raise imap4.ReadOnlyMailbox
if not messages.last:
messages.last = self.messages.count()
result = {}
for msg_id in messages:
log.msg("MSG ID = %s" % msg_id)
msg = self.messages.get_msg_by_uid(msg_id)
if mode == 1:
elif mode == -1:
elif mode == 0:
result[msg_id] = msg.getFlags()
return result
def close(self):
Expunge and mark as closed
self.closed = True
# convenience fun
def deleteAllDocs(self):
Deletes all docs in this mailbox
docs = self.messages.get_all()
for doc in docs:
def __repr__(self):
Representation string for this mailbox.
return u"" % (
self.mbox, self.messages.count())