# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# messages.py
# Copyright (C) 2013 LEAP
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
LeapMessage and MessageCollection.
import copy
import logging
import StringIO
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from twisted.mail import imap4
from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.python import log
from u1db import errors as u1db_errors
from zope.interface import implements
from zope.proxy import sameProxiedObjects
from leap.common.check import leap_assert, leap_assert_type
from leap.common.decorators import memoized_method
from leap.common.mail import get_email_charset
from leap.mail.utils import first
from leap.mail.decorators import deferred
from leap.mail.imap.index import IndexedDB
from leap.mail.imap.fields import fields, WithMsgFields
from leap.mail.imap.parser import MailParser, MBoxParser
from leap.mail.messageflow import IMessageConsumer, MessageProducer
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MessageBody(object):
IMessagePart implementor for the main
body of a multipart message.
Excusatio non petita: see the interface documentation.
def __init__(self, fdoc, bdoc):
self._fdoc = fdoc
self._bdoc = bdoc
def getSize(self):
return len(self._bdoc.content[fields.BODY_KEY])
def getBodyFile(self):
fd = StringIO.StringIO()
if self._bdoc:
body = self._bdoc.content[fields.BODY_KEY]
body = ""
charset = self._get_charset(body)
body = body.encode(charset)
except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError) as e:
logger.error("Unicode error {0}".format(e))
body = body.encode(charset, 'replace')
return fd
def _get_charset(self, stuff):
return get_email_charset(unicode(stuff))
def getHeaders(self, negate, *names):
return {}
def isMultipart(self):
return False
def getSubPart(self, part):
return None
class MessageAttachment(object):
def __init__(self, msg):
Initializes the messagepart with a Message instance.
:param msg: a message instance
:type msg: Message
self._msg = msg
def getSize(self):
Return the total size, in octets, of this message part.
:return: size of the message, in octets
:rtype: int
if not self._msg:
return 0
return len(self._msg.as_string())
def getBodyFile(self):
Retrieve a file object containing only the body of this message.
:return: file-like object opened for reading
:rtype: StringIO
fd = StringIO.StringIO()
if self._msg:
body = self._msg.get_payload()
logger.debug("Empty message!")
body = ""
# XXX should only do the dance if we're sure it's
# content/text-plain!!!
#charset = self._get_charset(body)
#body = body.encode(charset)
#except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError) as e:
#logger.error("Unicode error {0}".format(e))
#body = body.encode(charset, 'replace')
return fd
def _get_charset(self, stuff):
# TODO put in a common class with LeapMessage
Gets (guesses?) the charset of a payload.
:param stuff: the stuff to guess about.
:type stuff: basestring
:returns: charset
# XXX existential doubt 1. wouldn't be smarter to
# peek into the mail headers?
# XXX existential doubt 2. shouldn't we make the scope
# of the decorator somewhat more persistent?
# ah! yes! and put memory bounds.
return get_email_charset(unicode(stuff))
def getHeaders(self, negate, *names):
Retrieve a group of message headers.
:param names: The names of the headers to retrieve or omit.
:type names: tuple of str
:param negate: If True, indicates that the headers listed in names
should be omitted from the return value, rather
than included.
:type negate: bool
:return: A mapping of header field names to header field values
:rtype: dict
if not self._msg:
return {}
headers = dict(self._msg.items())
names = map(lambda s: s.upper(), names)
if negate:
cond = lambda key: key.upper() not in names
cond = lambda key: key.upper() in names
# unpack and filter original dict by negate-condition
filter_by_cond = [
map(str, (key, val)) for
key, val in headers.items()
if cond(key)]
return dict(filter_by_cond)
def isMultipart(self):
Return True if this message is multipart.
return self._msg.is_multipart()
def getSubPart(self, part):
Retrieve a MIME submessage
:type part: C{int}
:param part: The number of the part to retrieve, indexed from 0.
:raise IndexError: Raised if the specified part does not exist.
:raise TypeError: Raised if this message is not multipart.
:rtype: Any object implementing C{IMessagePart}.
:return: The specified sub-part.
return self._msg.get_payload()
class LeapMessage(fields, MailParser, MBoxParser):
def __init__(self, soledad, uid, mbox):
Initializes a LeapMessage.
:param soledad: a Soledad instance
:type soledad: Soledad
:param uid: the UID for the message.
:type uid: int or basestring
:param mbox: the mbox this message belongs to
:type mbox: basestring
self._soledad = soledad
self._uid = int(uid)
self._mbox = self._parse_mailbox_name(mbox)
self.__chash = None
self.__bdoc = None
def _fdoc(self):
An accessor to the flags document.
if all(map(bool, (self._uid, self._mbox))):
fdoc = self._get_flags_doc()
if fdoc:
self.__chash = fdoc.content.get(
fields.CONTENT_HASH_KEY, None)
return fdoc
def _chash(self):
An accessor to the content hash for this message.
if not self._fdoc:
return None
if not self.__chash and self._fdoc:
self.__chash = self._fdoc.content.get(
fields.CONTENT_HASH_KEY, None)
return self.__chash
def _hdoc(self):
An accessor to the headers document.
return self._get_headers_doc()
def _bdoc(self):
An accessor to the body document.
if not self.__bdoc:
self.__bdoc = self._get_body_doc()
return self.__bdoc
# IMessage implementation
def getUID(self):
Retrieve the unique identifier associated with this message
:return: uid for this message
:rtype: int
return self._uid
def getFlags(self):
Retrieve the flags associated with this message
:return: The flags, represented as strings
:rtype: tuple
if self._uid is None:
return []
flags = []
fdoc = self._fdoc
if fdoc:
flags = fdoc.content.get(self.FLAGS_KEY, None)
if flags:
flags = map(str, flags)
return tuple(flags)
# setFlags, addFlags, removeFlags are not in the interface spec
# but we use them with store command.
def setFlags(self, flags):
Sets the flags for this message
Returns a SoledadDocument that needs to be updated by the caller.
:param flags: the flags to update in the message.
:type flags: tuple of str
:return: a SoledadDocument instance
:rtype: SoledadDocument
leap_assert(isinstance(flags, tuple), "flags need to be a tuple")
log.msg('setting flags: %s' % (self._uid))
doc = self._fdoc
doc.content[self.FLAGS_KEY] = flags
doc.content[self.SEEN_KEY] = self.SEEN_FLAG in flags
doc.content[self.RECENT_KEY] = self.RECENT_FLAG in flags
doc.content[self.DEL_KEY] = self.DELETED_FLAG in flags
def addFlags(self, flags):
Adds flags to this message.
Returns a SoledadDocument that needs to be updated by the caller.
:param flags: the flags to add to the message.
:type flags: tuple of str
:return: a SoledadDocument instance
:rtype: SoledadDocument
leap_assert(isinstance(flags, tuple), "flags need to be a tuple")
oldflags = self.getFlags()
self.setFlags(tuple(set(flags + oldflags)))
def removeFlags(self, flags):
Remove flags from this message.
Returns a SoledadDocument that needs to be updated by the caller.
:param flags: the flags to be removed from the message.
:type flags: tuple of str
:return: a SoledadDocument instance
:rtype: SoledadDocument
leap_assert(isinstance(flags, tuple), "flags need to be a tuple")
oldflags = self.getFlags()
self.setFlags(tuple(set(oldflags) - set(flags)))
def getInternalDate(self):
Retrieve the date internally associated with this message
:rtype: C{str}
:return: An RFC822-formatted date string.
return str(self._hdoc.content.get(self.DATE_KEY, ''))
# IMessagePart
# XXX we should implement this interface too for the subparts
# so we allow nested parts...
def getBodyFile(self):
Retrieve a file object containing only the body of this message.
:return: file-like object opened for reading
:rtype: StringIO
fd = StringIO.StringIO()
bdoc = self._bdoc
if bdoc:
body = self._bdoc.content.get(self.BODY_KEY, "")
body = ""
charset = self._get_charset(body)
body = body.encode(charset)
except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError) as e:
logger.error("Unicode error {0}".format(e))
body = body.encode(charset, 'replace')
return fd
def _get_charset(self, stuff):
Gets (guesses?) the charset of a payload.
:param stuff: the stuff to guess about.
:type stuff: basestring
:returns: charset
# XXX existential doubt 1. wouldn't be smarter to
# peek into the mail headers?
# XXX existential doubt 2. shouldn't we make the scope
# of the decorator somewhat more persistent?
# ah! yes! and put memory bounds.
return get_email_charset(unicode(stuff))
def getSize(self):
Return the total size, in octets, of this message.
:return: size of the message, in octets
:rtype: int
size = None
if self._fdoc:
size = self._fdoc.content.get(self.SIZE_KEY, False)
logger.warning("No FLAGS doc for %s:%s" % (self._mbox,
if not size:
# XXX fallback, should remove when all migrated.
size = self.getBodyFile().len
return size
def getHeaders(self, negate, *names):
Retrieve a group of message headers.
:param names: The names of the headers to retrieve or omit.
:type names: tuple of str
:param negate: If True, indicates that the headers listed in names
should be omitted from the return value, rather
than included.
:type negate: bool
:return: A mapping of header field names to header field values
:rtype: dict
headers = self._get_headers()
if not headers:
return {'content-type': ''}
names = map(lambda s: s.upper(), names)
if negate:
cond = lambda key: key.upper() not in names
cond = lambda key: key.upper() in names
head = copy.deepcopy(dict(headers.items()))
# twisted imap server expects headers to be lowercase
head = dict(
(str(key), map(str, value)) if key.lower() != "content-type"
else (str(key.lower(), map(str, value)))
for (key, value) in head.items())
# unpack and filter original dict by negate-condition
filter_by_cond = [(key, val) for key, val in head.items() if cond(key)]
return dict(filter_by_cond)
def _get_headers(self):
Return the headers dict for this message.
if self._hdoc is not None:
return self._hdoc.content.get(self.HEADERS_KEY, {})
"No HEADERS doc for msg %s:%s" % (
def isMultipart(self):
Return True if this message is multipart.
if self._fdoc:
return self._fdoc.content.get(self.MULTIPART_KEY, False)
"No FLAGS doc for msg %s:%s" % (
def getSubPart(self, part):
Retrieve a MIME submessage
:type part: C{int}
:param part: The number of the part to retrieve, indexed from 0.
:raise IndexError: Raised if the specified part does not exist.
:raise TypeError: Raised if this message is not multipart.
:rtype: Any object implementing C{IMessagePart}.
:return: The specified sub-part.
logger.debug("Getting subpart: %s" % part)
if not self.isMultipart():
raise TypeError
if part == 0:
# Let's get the first part, which
# is really the body.
return MessageBody(self._fdoc, self._bdoc)
attach_doc = self._get_attachment_doc(part)
if not attach_doc:
# so long and thanks for all the fish
logger.debug("...not today")
raise IndexError
msg_part = self._get_parsed_msg(attach_doc.content[self.RAW_KEY])
return MessageAttachment(msg_part)
# accessors
def _get_flags_doc(self):
Return the document that keeps the flags for this
flag_docs = self._soledad.get_from_index(
fields.TYPE_FLAGS_VAL, self._mbox, str(self._uid))
return first(flag_docs)
def _get_headers_doc(self):
Return the document that keeps the headers for this
head_docs = self._soledad.get_from_index(
fields.TYPE_HEADERS_VAL, str(self._chash))
return first(head_docs)
def _get_body_doc(self):
Return the document that keeps the body for this
body_docs = self._soledad.get_from_index(
fields.TYPE_MESSAGE_VAL, str(self._chash))
return first(body_docs)
def _get_num_parts(self):
Return the number of parts for a multipart message.
if not self.isMultipart():
raise TypeError(
"Tried to get num parts in a non-multipart message")
if not self._hdoc:
return None
return self._hdoc.content.get(fields.NUM_PARTS_KEY, 2)
def _get_attachment_doc(self, part):
Return the document that keeps the headers for this
:param part: the part number for the multipart message.
:type part: int
if not self._hdoc:
return None
phash = self._hdoc.content[self.PARTS_MAP_KEY][str(part)]
except KeyError:
# this is the remnant of a debug session until
# I found that the index is actually a string...
# It should be safe to just raise the KeyError now,
# but leaving it here while the blood is fresh...
logger.warning("We expected a phash in the "
"index %s, but noone found" % (part, ))
return None
attach_docs = self._soledad.get_from_index(
fields.TYPE_ATTACHMENT_VAL, str(phash))
# The following is true for the fist owner.
# We could use this relationship to flag the "owner"
# and orphan when we delete it.
#attach_docs = self._soledad.get_from_index(
#fields.TYPE_ATTACHMENT_VAL, str(self._chash), str(part))
return first(attach_docs)
def _get_raw_msg(self):
Return the raw msg.
:rtype: basestring
# TODO deprecate this.
return self._bdoc.content.get(self.RAW_KEY, '')
def __getitem__(self, key):
Return an item from the content of the flags document,
for convenience.
:param key: The key
:type key: str
:return: The content value indexed by C{key} or None
:rtype: str
return self._fdoc.content.get(key, None)
# setters
# XXX to be used in the messagecopier interface?!
def set_uid(self, uid):
Set new uid for this message.
:param uid: the new uid
:type uid: basestring
# XXX dangerous! lock?
self._uid = uid
d = self._fdoc
d.content[self.UID_KEY] = uid
def set_mbox(self, mbox):
Set new mbox for this message.
:param mbox: the new mbox
:type mbox: basestring
# XXX dangerous! lock?
self._mbox = mbox
d = self._fdoc
d.content[self.MBOX_KEY] = mbox
# destructor
def remove(self):
Remove all docs associated with this message.
# XXX this would ve more efficient if we can just pass
# a sequence of uids.
# XXX For the moment we are only removing the flags and headers
# docs. The rest we leave there polluting your hard disk,
# until we think about a good way of deorphaning.
# Maybe a crawler of unreferenced docs.
uid = self._uid
print "removing...", uid
fd = self._get_flags_doc()
hd = self._get_headers_doc()
#bd = self._get_body_doc()
#docs = [fd, hd, bd]
docs = [fd, hd]
#for pn in range(self._get_num_parts()[1:]):
#ad = self._get_attachment_doc(pn)
for d in filter(None, docs):
except Exception as exc:
return uid
def does_exist(self):
Return True if there is actually a flags message for this
UID and mbox.
return self._fdoc is not None
SoledadWriterPayload = namedtuple(
'SoledadWriterPayload', ['mode', 'payload'])
# TODO we could consider using enum here:
# https://pypi.python.org/pypi/enum
SoledadWriterPayload.CREATE = 1
SoledadWriterPayload.PUT = 2
SoledadWriterPayload.BODY_CREATE = 3
SoledadWriterPayload.ATTACHMENT_CREATE = 4
class SoledadDocWriter(object):
This writer will create docs serially in the local soledad database.
def __init__(self, soledad):
Initialize the writer.
:param soledad: the soledad instance
:type soledad: Soledad
self._soledad = soledad
def consume(self, queue):
Creates a new document in soledad db.
:param queue: queue to get item from, with content of the document
to be inserted.
:type queue: Queue
empty = queue.empty()
while not empty:
item = queue.get()
call = None
payload = item.payload
if item.mode == SoledadWriterPayload.CREATE:
call = self._soledad.create_doc
elif item.mode == SoledadWriterPayload.BODY_CREATE:
if not self._body_does_exist(payload):
call = self._soledad.create_doc
elif item.mode == SoledadWriterPayload.ATTACHMENT_CREATE:
if not self._attachment_does_exist(payload):
call = self._soledad.create_doc
elif item.mode == SoledadWriterPayload.PUT:
call = self._soledad.put_doc
# XXX delete?
if call:
# should handle errors
except u1db_errors.RevisionConflict as exc:
logger.error("Error: %r" % (exc,))
raise exc
empty = queue.empty()
Message deduplication.
We do a query for the content hashes before writing to our beloved
sqlcipher backend of Soledad. This means, by now, that:
1. We will not store the same attachment twice, only the hash of it.
2. We will not store the same message body twice, only the hash of it.
The first case is useful if you are always receiving the same old memes
from unwary friends that still have not discovered that 4chan is the
generator of the internet. The second will save your day if you have
initiated session with the same account in two different machines. I also
wonder why would you do that, but let's respect each other choices, like
with the religious celebrations, and assume that one day we'll be able
to run Bitmask in completely free phones. Yes, I mean that, the whole GSM
def _body_does_exist(self, doc):
Check whether we already have a body payload with this hash in our
:param doc: tentative body document
:type doc: dict
:returns: True if that happens, False otherwise.
if not doc:
return False
chash = doc[fields.CONTENT_HASH_KEY]
body_docs = self._soledad.get_from_index(
fields.TYPE_MESSAGE_VAL, str(chash))
if not body_docs:
return False
if len(body_docs) != 1:
logger.warning("Found more than one copy of chash %s!"
% (chash,))
logger.debug("Found body doc with that hash! Skipping save!")
return True
def _attachment_does_exist(self, doc):
Check whether we already have an attachment payload with this hash
in our database.
:param doc: tentative body document
:type doc: dict
:returns: True if that happens, False otherwise.
if not doc:
return False
phash = doc[fields.PAYLOAD_HASH_KEY]
attach_docs = self._soledad.get_from_index(
fields.TYPE_ATTACHMENT_VAL, str(phash))
if not attach_docs:
return False
if len(attach_docs) != 1:
logger.warning("Found more than one copy of phash %s!"
% (phash,))
logger.debug("Found attachment doc with that hash! Skipping save!")
return True
class MessageCollection(WithMsgFields, IndexedDB, MailParser, MBoxParser):
A collection of messages, surprisingly.
It is tied to a selected mailbox name that is passed to constructor.
Implements a filter query over the messages contained in a soledad
# XXX this should be able to produce a MessageSet methinks
# could validate these kinds of objects turning them
# into a template for the class.
templates = {
fields.TYPE_KEY: fields.TYPE_FLAGS_VAL,
fields.UID_KEY: 1,
fields.MBOX_KEY: fields.INBOX_VAL,
fields.SEEN_KEY: False,
fields.RECENT_KEY: True,
fields.DEL_KEY: False,
fields.FLAGS_KEY: [],
fields.MULTIPART_KEY: False,
fields.SIZE_KEY: 0
fields.CONTENT_HASH_KEY: "",
fields.HEADERS_KEY: {},
fields.NUM_PARTS_KEY: 0,
fields.PARTS_MAP_KEY: {},
fields.DATE_KEY: "",
fields.SUBJECT_KEY: ""
fields.PART_NUMBER_KEY: 0,
fields.CONTENT_HASH_KEY: "",
fields.PAYLOAD_HASH_KEY: "",
fields.RAW_KEY: ""
fields.CONTENT_HASH_KEY: "",
fields.BODY_KEY: "",
# this should not be needed,
# but let's keep the raw msg for some time
# until we are sure we can reconstruct
# the original msg from our disection.
fields.RAW_KEY: "",
def __init__(self, mbox=None, soledad=None):
Constructor for MessageCollection.
:param mbox: the name of the mailbox. It is the name
with which we filter the query over the
messages database
:type mbox: str
:param soledad: Soledad database
:type soledad: Soledad instance
leap_assert(mbox, "Need a mailbox name to initialize")
leap_assert(mbox.strip() != "", "mbox cannot be blank space")
leap_assert(isinstance(mbox, (str, unicode)),
"mbox needs to be a string")
leap_assert(soledad, "Need a soledad instance to initialize")
# okay, all in order, keep going...
self.mbox = self._parse_mailbox_name(mbox)
self._soledad = soledad
# I think of someone like nietzsche when reading this
# this will be the producer that will enqueue the content
# to be processed serially by the consumer (the writer). We just
# need to `put` the new material on its plate.
self.soledad_writer = MessageProducer(
def _get_empty_doc(self, _type=FLAGS_DOC):
Returns an empty doc for storing different message parts.
Defaults to returning a template for a flags document.
:return: a dict with the template
:rtype: dict
if not _type in self.templates.keys():
raise TypeError("Improper type passed to _get_empty_doc")
return copy.deepcopy(self.templates[_type])
def add_msg(self, raw, subject=None, flags=None, date=None, uid=1):
Creates a new message document.
:param raw: the raw message
:type raw: str
:param subject: subject of the message.
:type subject: str
:param flags: flags
:type flags: list
:param date: the received date for the message
:type date: str
:param uid: the message uid for this mailbox
:type uid: int
# TODO: split in smaller methods
logger.debug('adding message')
if flags is None:
flags = tuple()
leap_assert_type(flags, tuple)
# docs for flags, headers, and body
fd, hd, bd = map(
lambda t: self._get_empty_doc(t),
(self.FLAGS_DOC, self.HEADERS_DOC, self.BODY_DOC))
msg = self._get_parsed_msg(raw)
headers = defaultdict(list)
for k, v in msg.items():
raw_str = msg.as_string()
chash = self._get_hash(msg)
multi = msg.is_multipart()
attaches = []
inner_parts = []
if multi:
# XXX should walk down recursively
# in a better way. but fixing this quick
# to have an rc.
# XXX should pick the content-type in txt
body = first(msg.get_payload()).get_payload()
if isinstance(body, list):
# allowing one nesting level for now...
body, rest = body[0].get_payload(), body[1:]
for p in rest:
body = msg.get_payload()
logger.debug("adding msg with uid %s (multipart:%s)" % (
uid, multi))
# flags doc ---------------------------------------
fd[self.MBOX_KEY] = self.mbox
fd[self.UID_KEY] = uid
fd[self.CONTENT_HASH_KEY] = chash
fd[self.MULTIPART_KEY] = multi
fd[self.SIZE_KEY] = len(raw_str)
if flags:
fd[self.FLAGS_KEY] = map(self._stringify, flags)
fd[self.SEEN_KEY] = self.SEEN_FLAG in flags
fd[self.DEL_KEY] = self.DELETED_FLAG in flags
fd[self.RECENT_KEY] = True # set always by default
# headers doc ----------------------------------------
hd[self.CONTENT_HASH_KEY] = chash
hd[self.HEADERS_KEY] = headers
print "headers"
import pprint
if not subject and self.SUBJECT_FIELD in headers:
hd[self.SUBJECT_KEY] = first(headers[self.SUBJECT_FIELD])
hd[self.SUBJECT_KEY] = subject
if not date and self.DATE_FIELD in headers:
hd[self.DATE_KEY] = first(headers[self.DATE_FIELD])
hd[self.DATE_KEY] = date
if multi:
# XXX fix for multipart nested case
hd[self.NUM_PARTS_KEY] = len(msg.get_payload())
# body doc
bd[self.CONTENT_HASH_KEY] = chash
bd[self.BODY_KEY] = body
# XXX in an ideal world, we would not need to save a copy of the
# raw message. But we'll keep it until we can be sure that
# we can rebuild the original message from the parts.
bd[self.RAW_KEY] = raw_str
docs = [fd, hd]
# attachment docs
if multi:
outer_parts = msg.get_payload()
parts = outer_parts + inner_parts
# skip first part, we already got it in body
to_attach = ((i, m) for i, m in enumerate(parts) if i > 0)
for index, part_msg in to_attach:
att_doc = self._get_empty_doc(self.ATTACHMENT_DOC)
att_doc[self.PART_NUMBER_KEY] = index
att_doc[self.CONTENT_HASH_KEY] = chash
phash = self._get_hash(part_msg)
att_doc[self.PAYLOAD_HASH_KEY] = phash
att_doc[self.RAW_KEY] = part_msg.as_string()
# keep a pointer to the payload hash in the
# headers doc, under the parts_map
hd[self.PARTS_MAP_KEY][str(index)] = phash
# Saving ... -------------------------------
# ok, there we go...
logger.debug('enqueuing message docs for write')
ptuple = SoledadWriterPayload
# first, regular docs: flags and headers
for doc in docs:
mode=ptuple.CREATE, payload=doc))
# second, try to create body doc.
mode=ptuple.BODY_CREATE, payload=bd))
# and last, but not least, try to create
# attachment docs if not already there.
for at in attaches:
mode=ptuple.ATTACHMENT_CREATE, payload=at))
def _remove_cb(self, result):
return result
def remove_all_deleted(self):
Removes all messages flagged as deleted.
delete_deferl = []
for msg in self.get_deleted():
d1 = defer.gatherResults(delete_deferl, consumeErrors=True)
return d1
def remove(self, msg):
Remove a given msg.
:param msg: the message to be removed
:type msg: LeapMessage
d = msg.remove()
return d
# getters
def get_msg_by_uid(self, uid):
Retrieves a LeapMessage by UID.
:param uid: the message uid to query by
:type uid: int
:return: A LeapMessage instance matching the query,
or None if not found.
:rtype: LeapMessage
msg = LeapMessage(self._soledad, uid, self.mbox)
if not msg.does_exist():
return None
return msg
def get_all_docs(self, _type=fields.TYPE_FLAGS_VAL):
Get all documents for the selected mailbox of the
passed type. By default, it returns the flag docs.
If you want acess to the content, use __iter__ instead
:return: a list of u1db documents
:rtype: list of SoledadDocument
if _type not in fields.__dict__.values():
raise TypeError("Wrong type passed to get_all_docs")
if sameProxiedObjects(self._soledad, None):
logger.warning('Tried to get messages but soledad is None!')
return []
all_docs = [doc for doc in self._soledad.get_from_index(
_type, self.mbox)]
# inneficient, but first let's grok it and then
# let's worry about efficiency.
# XXX FIXINDEX -- should implement order by in soledad
return sorted(all_docs, key=lambda item: item.content['uid'])
def all_msg_iter(self):
Return an iterator trhough the UIDs of all messages, sorted in
ascending order.
all_uids = (doc.content[self.UID_KEY] for doc in
fields.TYPE_FLAGS_VAL, self.mbox))
return (u for u in sorted(all_uids))
def count(self):
Return the count of messages for this mailbox.
:rtype: int
count = self._soledad.get_count_from_index(
fields.TYPE_FLAGS_VAL, self.mbox)
return count
# unseen messages
def unseen_iter(self):
Get an iterator for the message UIDs with no `seen` flag
for this mailbox.
:return: iterator through unseen message doc UIDs
:rtype: iterable
return (doc.content[self.UID_KEY] for doc in
fields.TYPE_FLAGS_VAL, self.mbox, '0'))
def count_unseen(self):
Count all messages with the `Unseen` flag.
:returns: count
:rtype: int
count = self._soledad.get_count_from_index(
fields.TYPE_FLAGS_VAL, self.mbox, '0')
return count
def get_unseen(self):
Get all messages with the `Unseen` flag
:returns: a list of LeapMessages
:rtype: list
return [LeapMessage(self._soledad, docid, self.mbox)
for docid in self.unseen_iter()]
# recent messages
def recent_iter(self):
Get an iterator for the message UIDs with `recent` flag.
:return: iterator through recent message docs
:rtype: iterable
return (doc.content[self.UID_KEY] for doc in
fields.TYPE_FLAGS_VAL, self.mbox, '1'))
def get_recent(self):
Get all messages with the `Recent` flag.
:returns: a list of LeapMessages
:rtype: list
return [LeapMessage(self._soledad, docid, self.mbox)
for docid in self.recent_iter()]
def count_recent(self):
Count all messages with the `Recent` flag.
:returns: count
:rtype: int
count = self._soledad.get_count_from_index(
fields.TYPE_FLAGS_VAL, self.mbox, '1')
return count
# deleted messages
def deleted_iter(self):
Get an iterator for the message UIDs with `deleted` flag.
:return: iterator through deleted message docs
:rtype: iterable
return (doc.content[self.UID_KEY] for doc in
fields.TYPE_FLAGS_VAL, self.mbox, '1'))
def get_deleted(self):
Get all messages with the `Deleted` flag.
:returns: a generator of LeapMessages
:rtype: generator
return (LeapMessage(self._soledad, docid, self.mbox)
for docid in self.deleted_iter())
def __len__(self):
Returns the number of messages on this mailbox.
:rtype: int
return self.count()
def __iter__(self):
Returns an iterator over all messages.
:returns: iterator of dicts with content for all messages.
:rtype: iterable
return (LeapMessage(self._soledad, docuid, self.mbox)
for docuid in self.all_msg_iter())
def __repr__(self):
Representation string for this object.
return u"" % (
self.mbox, self.count())
# XXX should implement __eq__ also !!!
# --- use the content hash for that, will be used for dedup.